This is a reverse engineered implementation of the protocol used to communicate with the 2 channel digital storage oscilloscope IDSO1070 from Hantek. It's possible to communicate with the device over WiFi (TCP) as well as USB.
USB ID: 0483:5740 [STMicroelectronics STM32F407]
Attention: This is not a production ready version, there's still a lot of stuff to do. If you're interested to support this library, just contact me.
- Connection to device with WiFi (TCP) or USB
- Send command packets (Packet Format)
- Receive and parse command response and sample data packets (Packet Format)
- Handling for interrupted connections
- Better overall exception handling
- Implement sample streaming and visualization
- Add controls for device settings
- Add controls to display device infos
- CMake: >= 3.5
- Boost: >= 1.58.0
- gtkmm: >= 3.18.0
- liquid-dsp: >= 1.3.0
On Ubuntu/Mint you can run apt install libboost-all-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev cmake gcc
to install the dependencies.
You have to compile and install liquid-dsp manually, for instructions follow the link above.
Just run the
or execute following commands in your shell:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
To run the GUI without installing, you can execute the
There is also a pre configured task for building (CTRL-SHIFT-B) in vscode and a launch.json to debug(F5).
- gui: Simple Gtk GUI
- lib: Implementation of the protocol itself
- include: Library headers
- cmake: Helper scripts for cmake