- https://react.dev/learn/you-might-not-need-an-effect
- https://zh-hans.react.dev/learn/you-might-not-need-an-effect#initializing-the-application
- app 级别的初始化代码,不应该写到 effect 中,甚至 effect once 中
- https://react.dev/learn/keeping-components-pure
- https://blog.logrocket.com/what-are-react-pure-functional-components/
- Its return value is only determined by its input values.
- Its return value is always the same for the same input values.
- 没有副作用,render 过程中不改变外界变量
Stateless functional components are used when a component doesn’t need to maintain its own state or lifecycle methods. Typically, these components have consistent output based on their inputs because they have no state or side effects. If you give a stateless function component a set of props, it will always render the same JSX.
While functional components don’t have direct lifecycle methods, they still go through the same three phases as class components:
- Mounting:
useEffect(() => {}, [])
: The function inside useEffect runs after the component is first rendered. - Updating:
useEffect(() => {})
: If you omit the dependency array ([]
will run after every render. - Unmounting:
useEffect(() => { return () => {} })
: The function returned insideuseEffect
(the cleanup function) is used to clean up resources when the component unmounts or before it re-renders.
// stateless functional component
function _MyPureComponent({ ... }: ComponentProps): {
return ..
// memo the pure function component
const _MyPureComponentWithMemo = React.memo(_MyPureComponent)
// fetch states as props of pure function component
const _MyComponentWithContext = () => {
const props = { ... } //
return <_MyPureComponentWithMemo {...props} />
// export the component
export const MyComponent = _MyComponentWithContext
- https://react.dev/reference/react/StrictMode
- It now unmounts and remounts the component, not just rendering it twice.
- Your components will re-run an extra time to find bugs caused by impure rendering.
- 组件会被渲染两遍,effect 的 setup 和 cleanup 都会执行两遍,有利于发现 function component 有副作用的问题
- 仅在 dev 模式下生效,prod 环境不受影响,所以可以植入源码
- https://www.reddit.com/r/reactjs/comments/193hdu9/explain_strictmode_to_me/
- https://react.dev/learn/state-as-a-snapshot
- https://react.dev/learn/queueing-a-series-of-state-updates
- render 过程中的 state 不变,是一份 snapshot
- https://react.dev/learn/synchronizing-with-effects
- https://react.dev/learn/you-might-not-need-an-effect#subscribing-to-an-external-store
- https://react.dev/reference/react/useSyncExternalStore
- 封装一个外部订阅( WebSocket、Browser API 等 )
- https://react.dev/learn/you-might-not-need-an-effect#fetching-data
- 保证有序的数据请求
- https://react.dev/learn/removing-effect-dependencies#does-some-reactive-value-change-unintentionally
- 精确的依赖声明,避免依赖变更被无意义或不可控地触发
- effect 中的代码必须是响应式的,把它们放到 effect 内部或 react 外部,都能解决 deps 的问题,但问题性质不同
- https://react.dev/learn/removing-effect-dependencies#is-your-effect-doing-several-unrelated-things
- 分离几件事,不要掺杂在一起做,容易导致一致性问题
- https://react.dev/reference/react/useImperativeHandle#exposing-your-own-imperative-methods
- 组件里的代码都是响应式的 —— 除了顶层的 jsx 逻辑,hook 中都应该是响应式的。需要鉴别清楚什么对于组件来说是响应式代码。
- 所有 hook 的 deps 依赖都是精确的。存在即需要响应,不应该用 lint ignore 逃逸检查,出现意味着 hook 中有非响应式逻辑,应该提出去。
- 如果无法摆脱复杂应用中非响应式的组件视图逻辑,或无法清楚区分响应式与非响应式代码,那建议 React 做的事情尽可能少,只把 React 当做渲染器做最纯粹的 JSX 翻译工具。