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90 lines (83 loc) · 3.43 KB

File metadata and controls

90 lines (83 loc) · 3.43 KB


$ python --masterbias=masterbias_-20.0.fits --masterdark=masterdark_300.0_-20.0.fits --masterflat=masterflat_L_-20.0.fits --light=light.list



  • --bias
    • List of bias files.
    • The list contains name of each bias files to be combined, one by one in each line.
  • --masterbias
    • Name of master bias file.
    • Cannot be used together with --bias option.
  • --bias_method
    • Combining option for bias frames. average, and median supported.
    • Default value is average
  • --bias_sigmaclip
    • Pass 1 to enable 10 pass 3-sigma clipping when combining bias frames, or pass 0 to disable sigma clipping.
    • Default value is 1.


  • --dark
    • List of dark files.
    • The list contains name of each dark files to be combined, one by one in each line.
  • --masterdark
    • Name of master dark file.
    • Cannot be used together with --dark option.
  • --dark_method
    • Combining option for dark frames. average, and median supported.
    • Default value is average
  • --dark_exptime
    • Exposure time for master dark frame to be created, in seconds, when creating new master dark frame.
    • Will be ignored if --masterdark option is enabled.
    • Default value is 300.
  • --dark_sigmaclip
    • Pass 1 to enable 10 pass 3-sigma clipping when combining dark frames, or pass 0 to disable sigma clipping.
    • Default value is 1.


  • --flat
    • List of flat files.
    • The list contains name of each flat files to be combined, one by one in each line.
  • --masterflat
    • Name of master flat file.
    • Cannot be used together with --flat option.
  • --flat_method
    • Combining option for flat frames. average, and median supported.
    • Default value is average
  • --flat_sigmaclip
    • Pass 1 to enable 10 pass 3-sigma clipping when combining flat frames, or pass 0 to disable sigma clipping.
    • Default value is 1.


  • --light
    • List of light files.
    • The list contains name of each light files to be combined, one by one in each line.
  • --light_method
    • Combining option for light frames. average, and median supported.
    • Default value is average
  • --light_sigmaclip
    • Pass 1 to enable 10 pass 3-sigma clipping when combining light frames, or pass 0 to disable sigma clipping.
    • Default value is 1.
  • --output
    • Output file name for final light frame combined and calibrated.
    • Will be automatically generated if not given.

FITS headers

  • --fits_header_exptime
    • Name of FITS header contains exposure time.
    • Default value is EXPTIME
  • --fits_header_ccdtemp
    • Name of FITS header contains temperature of CCD sensor.
    • Default value is CCD-TEMP
  • --fits_header_filter
    • Name of FITS header contains information of filter.
    • Default value is FILTER

Image offset

  • --offset
    • Accepts offset file output from
    • Automatically shifts each image before combining to make sure comet is aligned in final image.


  • --header_from

    • Select an image to provide the header for the final image.
    • By default, 1st light image is selected.
  • --pedestal

    • Add constant to each calibrated image.
    • Default value is 1024.