An asynchronous multi-track audio/video recording web application.
This web application can be used to create virtual choirs. This is helpful in times where people cannot meet freely as they want, such as in CoViD-2019 times where social distancing is a thing.
A modern browser (HTML5/JavaScript/CSS) with network connectivity to the server. Tested with Firefox 75 and Chromium 81.
- The frontend, i.e. recording part, is considered more or less feature complete.
- Currently, there is no backend support. Recorded files have to be merged manually. It is planned to support automatic merging.
- Currently, there is no administration support. New projects have to be created by running an SQL query. Support for an administration interface is planned.
- German-only: In case someone wants to add support for multi-language support, pull requests will be accepted.
The backend is written in Golang, using Gin as web framework and gorm as object-relational mapper with an SQLite backend. The frontend uses Vue with Vue-Router and Vuetify. Recording support is provided by RecordRTC.
git clone && cd connectedharmony && make debug-run
This implementation is licensed under AGPLv3.
ConnectedHarmony was implemented by Christian Hoffmann in 2020.