A 5 day weather forecast built in React and Redux. http://weather-app-edinburgh.pubstorm.site/
The home page contains a weather widget that reads the weather for the next 5 days. It then allows the user to slide through the data and renders the main interest points.
npm start
- starts the development server in watch mode. This will compile, test and lint on any file changes.npm run build
- builds the distribution output to the./dist/
directory and starts a server.npm run deploy
- deploys to a pubstorm account. You will need to be signed in to perform this deployment. Sign in withstorm login
. Login details in Keepass.
- Add HTTP mocking library to test async thunk actions.
- Add loading state to the "Refresh" button.
- Make the site responsive.
- Improve accessibility.
- Add a Details view that displays all the weather data.
- Fix the jumpy behaviour in the data table when the content doesn't have the same width.
- Customize Bootstrap using a bespoke SCSS/LESS build.
- Add some logic to handle invalid or missing data from the API.
- Add more unit tests.
- Ability to choose a different city from a list.
- Improve UI/UX with some icons/imagery.
- Hook in test coverage from Travis/Appveyo