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Cannot install Panel for development as it cannot resolve dependencies #945

MarcSkovMadsen opened this issue Jan 14, 2020 · 9 comments · Fixed by #952

Cannot install Panel for development as it cannot resolve dependencies #945

MarcSkovMadsen opened this issue Jan 14, 2020 · 9 comments · Fixed by #952


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I would like to start to contribute to Panel and thus I am following the Developer Guide at to get up and running. And as the there are some issues regarding the developer guide I'm also mixin in details from #866.

I'm developing on Windows 8.1. Hopefully I will soon be on Windows 10.

I'm running doit env_create -c pyviz/label/dev -c conda-forge -c bokeh --name=panel_dev --python=3.6 but now it's just been running for 2.5 hours trying to resolve dependencies and it seems dead. I tried yesterday with python=3.7 and that was the same experience.


As I'm not normally using conda I don't know how to solve this problem.

Please help.


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ceball commented Jan 14, 2020

This comment has no answers in it, so please feel free to skip if you just want an answer!

(Minor note: you say "I'm running doit env_create -c pyviz/label/dev -c conda-forge -c bokeh --name=panel_dev --python=3.6 but now it's just been running for 2.5 hours trying to resolve dependencies and it seems dead" - but from your screenshot (and based on what I would expect), I think it's actually the develop_install command that is taking a long time.)

Back in mid-November, I tried to set up a panel development environment on a new machine running ubuntu. I was using conda 4.7.12 and wanted a python 3.7 environment (I was not using doit, although that shouldn't make a difference). I had the same kind of problem as you - seemingly endless conda solving (session notes below, at the end). I unfortunately did not have time to investigate, so I set up my development environment without using conda. If I had time, I would probably try: reducing number of channels; pinning some package versions; setting channel priority to strict; installing part of the environment first and then adding to it. Hopefully someone will have a better suggestion.

You can see that on travis-ci (ubuntu) with python 3.6, the develop install step is currently taking around 4 minutes: I believe the main developers all use mac, so it's presumably working fine there. I think windows testing of panel was unfortunately dropped some time ago. (At the end of last year, I did try to set up appveyor/windows again, but I was not able to log in as there is some email account problem. We would probably like to set up github actions (holoviz-dev/pyctdev#65), but need to find time to do it.)

From mid-November 2019...

If I try to install panel's "recommended", "tests", and "build" dependencies with conda 4.7.12 in a clean python 3.7 environment, my ubuntu machine's fans all come on and I eventually kill it...

Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...working... done
Solving environment: ...working... failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: ...working... failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): ...working... done
Solving environment: ...working... failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Examining wheel:  24%|██▍       | 87/362 [00:00<00:00, 27560.76it/s]  
Comparing specs that have this dependency:   0%|          | 0/29 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Finding conflict paths:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Finding shortest conflict path for wheel:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Comparing specs that have this dependency:  48%|████▊     | 14/29 [03:42<03:58, 15.87s/it]
Solving environment: ...working...
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes.  Press CTRL-C to abort.

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This is quite worrying, I wonder why Travis is managing to solve the env okay but your local machines aren't.

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ceball commented Jan 14, 2020

Note that I was talking about a python 3.7 environment. A python 3.6 environment worked for me (as it does on travis), but I needed python 3.7. In both cases I was using ubuntu.

@MarcSkovMadsen has the problem with both python 3.6 and 3.7. He's using windows.

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ceball commented Jan 14, 2020

Just checked and the situation appears to be the same for me still:

(base)$ conda create -n p1 -c pyviz/label/dev -c bokeh -c conda-forge python=3.7
(base)$ conda activate p1
# install required, recommended, tests, and build dependencies
(p1)$ conda install -c pyviz/label/dev -c bokeh -c conda-forge 'bokeh >=1.4.0' 'param >=1.9.0' 'pyviz_comms >=0.7.2' 'markdown' 'pyct >=0.4.4' 'notebook >=5.4' 'holoviews >=1.12.0' 'matplotlib' 'matplotlib' 'plotly' 'pyct >=0.4.4' 'setuptools >=30.3.0' 'nodejs >=9.11.1' 'flake8' 'parameterized' 'pytest' 'scipy' 'nbsmoke >=0.2.0' 'pytest-cov ==2.5.1' 'codecov' 'hvplot' 'plotly' 'altair' 'streamz' 'vega_datasets' 'vtk ==8.1.1' 'scikit-learn' 'datashader' 'jupyter_bokeh'
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: | 
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes.  Press CTRL-C to abort.
Examining pip:  52%|█████████████▉             | 191/369 [00:00<00:00, 11085.29it/s]
# all the fans come on full blast; I kill it after 5 mins

(p1)$ conda info

     active environment : p1
    active env location : /home/sefkw/mc3/envs/p1
            shell level : 2
       user config file : /home/sefkw/.condarc
 populated config files : 
          conda version : 4.8.1
    conda-build version : 3.18.11
         python version :
       virtual packages : __glibc=2.30
       base environment : /home/sefkw/mc3  (writable)
           channel URLs :
          package cache : /home/sefkw/mc3/pkgs
       envs directories : /home/sefkw/mc3/envs
               platform : linux-64
             user-agent : conda/4.8.1 requests/2.22.0 CPython/3.7.4 Linux/5.3.0-7625-generic ubuntu/19.10 glibc/2.30
                UID:GID : 1000:1000
             netrc file : None
           offline mode : False

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ceball commented Jan 14, 2020

Don't know how useful this is, but removing both the vtk and pytest-cov pins allowed conda to solve the environment (python 3.7, linux). Removing only one of them (either of them) didn't help.

(p1)$ conda install -c pyviz/label/dev -c bokeh -c conda-forge 'bokeh >=1.4.0' 'param >=1.9.0' 'pyviz_comms >=0.7.2' 'markdown' 'pyct >=0.4.4' 'notebook >=5.4' 'holoviews >=1.12.0' 'matplotlib' 'matplotlib' 'plotly' 'pyct >=0.4.4' 'setuptools >=30.3.0' 'nodejs >=9.11.1' 'flake8' 'parameterized' 'pytest' 'scipy' 'nbsmoke >=0.2.0' 'pytest-cov' 'codecov' 'hvplot' 'plotly' 'altair' 'streamz' 'vega_datasets' 'vtk' 'scikit-learn' 'datashader' 'jupyter_bokeh'
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: /home/sefkw/mc3/envs/p1

  added / updated specs:
    - altair
    - bokeh[version='>=1.4.0']
    - codecov
    - datashader
    - flake8
    - holoviews[version='>=1.12.0']
    - hvplot
    - jupyter_bokeh
    - markdown
    - matplotlib
    - nbsmoke[version='>=0.2.0']
    - nodejs[version='>=9.11.1']
    - notebook[version='>=5.4']
    - param[version='>=1.9.0']
    - parameterized
    - plotly
    - pyct[version='>=0.4.4,>=0.4.4']
    - pytest
    - pytest-cov
    - pyviz_comms[version='>=0.7.2']
    - scikit-learn
    - scipy
    - setuptools[version='>=30.3.0']
    - streamz
    - vega_datasets
    - vtk

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    attrs-19.3.0               |             py_0          35 KB  conda-forge
    beautifulsoup4-4.8.2       |           py37_0         157 KB  conda-forge
    chardet-3.0.4              |        py37_1003         167 KB  conda-forge
    coverage-5.0.3             |   py37h516909a_0         249 KB  conda-forge
    dask-2.9.1                 |             py_0           4 KB  conda-forge
    dask-core-2.9.1            |             py_0         583 KB  conda-forge
    datashader-0.10.0a2        |             py_0        14.0 MB  pyviz/label/dev
    decorator-4.4.1            |             py_0          11 KB  conda-forge
    defusedxml-0.6.0           |             py_0          22 KB  conda-forge
    distributed-2.9.1          |             py_0         394 KB  conda-forge
    holoviews-1.13.0a21        |             py_0         3.2 MB  pyviz/label/dev
    importlib_metadata-1.4.0   |           py37_0          41 KB  conda-forge
    ipywidgets-7.5.1           |             py_0         101 KB  conda-forge
    jedi-0.15.2                |           py37_0         756 KB  conda-forge
    jinja2-2.10.3              |             py_0          91 KB  conda-forge
    jsoncpp-1.8.4              |    hc9558a2_1002         162 KB  conda-forge
    jsonschema-3.2.0           |           py37_0          89 KB  conda-forge
    jupyter_client-5.3.4       |           py37_1         131 KB  conda-forge
    jupyter_core-4.6.1         |           py37_0          70 KB  conda-forge
    krb5-1.16.4                |       h2fd8d38_0         1.4 MB  conda-forge
    libclang-9.0.1             |default_hde54327_0        22.3 MB  conda-forge
    libgfortran-ng-7.3.0       |       hdf63c60_4         1.7 MB  conda-forge
    libllvm9-9.0.1             |       hc9558a2_0        25.1 MB  conda-forge
    libnetcdf-4.7.3            |nompi_h94020b1_100         1.3 MB  conda-forge
    libtiff-4.1.0              |       hc3755c2_3         568 KB  conda-forge
    libuv-1.34.0               |       h516909a_0         922 KB  conda-forge
    llvmlite-0.31.0            |   py37h8b12597_0         325 KB  conda-forge
    more-itertools-8.1.0       |             py_0          34 KB  conda-forge
    nbconvert-5.6.1            |           py37_0         487 KB  conda-forge
    nbsmoke-0.4.1              |             py_0          23 KB  pyviz/label/dev
    nodejs-13.6.0              |       h10a4023_0        13.6 MB  conda-forge
    numba-0.47.0               |   py37hb3f55d8_0         3.4 MB  conda-forge
    packaging-20.0             |             py_0          31 KB  conda-forge
    panel-0.7.1a2              |             py_0         729 KB  pyviz/label/dev
    param-1.9.2                |             py_0          77 KB  pyviz/label/dev
    parso-0.5.2                |             py_0          66 KB  conda-forge
    partd-1.1.0                |             py_0          17 KB  conda-forge
    pexpect-4.7.0              |           py37_0          78 KB  conda-forge
    prometheus_client-0.7.1    |             py_0          38 KB  conda-forge
    prompt_toolkit-3.0.2       |             py_0         226 KB  conda-forge
    py-1.8.1                   |             py_0          66 KB  conda-forge
    pygments-2.5.2             |             py_0         669 KB  conda-forge
    pyopenssl-19.1.0           |           py37_0          83 KB  conda-forge
    pyparsing-2.4.6            |             py_0          59 KB  conda-forge
    pysocks-1.7.1              |           py37_0          27 KB  conda-forge
    pytest-5.3.2               |           py37_0         364 KB  conda-forge
    pytest-cov-2.8.1           |             py_0          19 KB  conda-forge
    python-dateutil-2.8.1      |             py_0         220 KB  conda-forge
    pytz-2019.3                |             py_0         237 KB  conda-forge
    pyviz_comms-0.7.2          |             py_0          10 KB  pyviz/label/dev
    requests-2.22.0            |           py37_1          84 KB  conda-forge
    scikit-learn-0.22.1        |   py37hcdab131_1         7.1 MB  conda-forge
    scipy-1.4.1                |   py37h921218d_0        18.8 MB  conda-forge
    six-1.13.0                 |           py37_0          22 KB  conda-forge
    tbb-2019.9                 |       hc9558a2_1         1.4 MB  conda-forge
    tblib-1.6.0                |             py_0          14 KB  conda-forge
    terminado-0.8.3            |           py37_0          23 KB  conda-forge
    testpath-0.4.4             |             py_0          85 KB  conda-forge
    traitlets-4.3.3            |           py37_0         133 KB  conda-forge
    urllib3-1.25.7             |           py37_0         159 KB  conda-forge
    vtk-8.2.0                  | py37h9286700_207        39.4 MB  conda-forge
    xorg-libxt-1.2.0           |       h516909a_0         374 KB  conda-forge
    zipp-1.0.0                 |             py_0           7 KB  conda-forge
                                           Total:       161.8 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

  altair             conda-forge/noarch::altair-4.0.0-py_0
  attrs              conda-forge/noarch::attrs-19.3.0-py_0
  backcall           conda-forge/noarch::backcall-0.1.0-py_0
  beautifulsoup4     conda-forge/linux-64::beautifulsoup4-4.8.2-py37_0
  bleach             conda-forge/noarch::bleach-3.1.0-py_0
  bokeh              bokeh/noarch::bokeh-1.4.0-py_0
  bzip2              conda-forge/linux-64::bzip2-1.0.8-h516909a_2
  cffi               conda-forge/linux-64::cffi-1.13.2-py37h8022711_0
  chardet            conda-forge/linux-64::chardet-3.0.4-py37_1003
  click              conda-forge/noarch::click-7.0-py_0
  cloudpickle        conda-forge/noarch::cloudpickle-1.2.2-py_1
  codecov            conda-forge/noarch::codecov-2.0.15-py_1
  colorcet           pyviz/label/dev/noarch::colorcet-2.0.2-py_0
  coverage           conda-forge/linux-64::coverage-5.0.3-py37h516909a_0
  cryptography       conda-forge/linux-64::cryptography-2.8-py37h72c5cf5_1
  curl               conda-forge/linux-64::curl-7.65.3-hf8cf82a_0
  cycler             conda-forge/noarch::cycler-0.10.0-py_2
  cytoolz            conda-forge/linux-64::cytoolz-0.10.1-py37h516909a_0
  dask               conda-forge/noarch::dask-2.9.1-py_0
  dask-core          conda-forge/noarch::dask-core-2.9.1-py_0
  datashader         pyviz/label/dev/noarch::datashader-0.10.0a2-py_0
  datashape          conda-forge/noarch::datashape-0.5.4-py_1
  dbus               conda-forge/linux-64::dbus-1.13.6-he372182_0
  decorator          conda-forge/noarch::decorator-4.4.1-py_0
  defusedxml         conda-forge/noarch::defusedxml-0.6.0-py_0
  distributed        conda-forge/noarch::distributed-2.9.1-py_0
  entrypoints        conda-forge/linux-64::entrypoints-0.3-py37_1000
  expat              conda-forge/linux-64::expat-2.2.5-he1b5a44_1004
  flake8             conda-forge/linux-64::flake8-3.7.9-py37_0
  fontconfig         conda-forge/linux-64::fontconfig-2.13.1-h86ecdb6_1001
  freetype           conda-forge/linux-64::freetype-2.10.0-he983fc9_1
  fsspec             conda-forge/noarch::fsspec-0.6.2-py_0
  future             conda-forge/linux-64::future-0.18.2-py37_0
  futures-compat     conda-forge/noarch::futures-compat-1.0-py3_0
  gettext            conda-forge/linux-64::gettext-
  glib               conda-forge/linux-64::glib-2.58.3-py37h6f030ca_1002
  gst-plugins-base   conda-forge/linux-64::gst-plugins-base-1.14.5-h0935bb2_0
  gstreamer          conda-forge/linux-64::gstreamer-1.14.5-h36ae1b5_0
  hdf4               conda-forge/linux-64::hdf4-4.2.13-hf30be14_1003
  hdf5               conda-forge/linux-64::hdf5-1.10.5-nompi_h3c11f04_1104
  heapdict           conda-forge/noarch::heapdict-1.0.1-py_0
  holoviews          pyviz/label/dev/noarch::holoviews-1.13.0a21-py_0
  hvplot             pyviz/label/dev/noarch::hvplot-0.5.2-py_0
  icu                conda-forge/linux-64::icu-64.2-he1b5a44_1
  idna               conda-forge/linux-64::idna-2.8-py37_1000
  imageio            conda-forge/linux-64::imageio-2.6.1-py37_0
  importlib_metadata conda-forge/linux-64::importlib_metadata-1.4.0-py37_0
  ipykernel          conda-forge/linux-64::ipykernel-5.1.3-py37h5ca1d4c_0
  ipython            conda-forge/linux-64::ipython-7.11.1-py37h5ca1d4c_0
  ipython_genutils   conda-forge/noarch::ipython_genutils-0.2.0-py_1
  ipywidgets         conda-forge/noarch::ipywidgets-7.5.1-py_0
  jedi               conda-forge/linux-64::jedi-0.15.2-py37_0
  jinja2             conda-forge/noarch::jinja2-2.10.3-py_0
  joblib             conda-forge/noarch::joblib-0.14.1-py_0
  jpeg               conda-forge/linux-64::jpeg-9c-h14c3975_1001
  jsoncpp            conda-forge/linux-64::jsoncpp-1.8.4-hc9558a2_1002
  jsonschema         conda-forge/linux-64::jsonschema-3.2.0-py37_0
  jupyter_bokeh      bokeh/noarch::jupyter_bokeh-1.1.1-py_0
  jupyter_client     conda-forge/linux-64::jupyter_client-5.3.4-py37_1
  jupyter_core       conda-forge/linux-64::jupyter_core-4.6.1-py37_0
  kiwisolver         conda-forge/linux-64::kiwisolver-1.1.0-py37hc9558a2_0
  krb5               conda-forge/linux-64::krb5-1.16.4-h2fd8d38_0
  libblas            conda-forge/linux-64::libblas-3.8.0-14_openblas
  libcblas           conda-forge/linux-64::libcblas-3.8.0-14_openblas
  libclang           conda-forge/linux-64::libclang-9.0.1-default_hde54327_0
  libcurl            conda-forge/linux-64::libcurl-7.65.3-hda55be3_0
  libedit            conda-forge/linux-64::libedit-3.1.20170329-hf8c457e_1001
  libgfortran-ng     conda-forge/linux-64::libgfortran-ng-7.3.0-hdf63c60_4
  libiconv           conda-forge/linux-64::libiconv-1.15-h516909a_1005
  liblapack          conda-forge/linux-64::liblapack-3.8.0-14_openblas
  libllvm8           conda-forge/linux-64::libllvm8-8.0.1-hc9558a2_0
  libllvm9           conda-forge/linux-64::libllvm9-9.0.1-hc9558a2_0
  libnetcdf          conda-forge/linux-64::libnetcdf-4.7.3-nompi_h94020b1_100
  libopenblas        conda-forge/linux-64::libopenblas-0.3.7-h5ec1e0e_6
  libpng             conda-forge/linux-64::libpng-1.6.37-hed695b0_0
  libsodium          conda-forge/linux-64::libsodium-1.0.17-h516909a_0
  libssh2            conda-forge/linux-64::libssh2-1.8.2-h22169c7_2
  libtiff            conda-forge/linux-64::libtiff-4.1.0-hc3755c2_3
  libuuid            conda-forge/linux-64::libuuid-2.32.1-h14c3975_1000
  libuv              conda-forge/linux-64::libuv-1.34.0-h516909a_0
  libxcb             conda-forge/linux-64::libxcb-1.13-h14c3975_1002
  libxkbcommon       conda-forge/linux-64::libxkbcommon-0.9.1-hebb1f50_0
  libxml2            conda-forge/linux-64::libxml2-2.9.10-hee79883_0
  llvmlite           conda-forge/linux-64::llvmlite-0.31.0-py37h8b12597_0
  locket             conda-forge/noarch::locket-0.2.0-py_2
  lz4-c              conda-forge/linux-64::lz4-c-1.8.3-he1b5a44_1001
  markdown           conda-forge/noarch::markdown-3.1.1-py_0
  markupsafe         conda-forge/linux-64::markupsafe-1.1.1-py37h516909a_0
  matplotlib         conda-forge/linux-64::matplotlib-3.1.2-py37_1
  matplotlib-base    conda-forge/linux-64::matplotlib-base-3.1.2-py37h250f245_1
  mccabe             conda-forge/noarch::mccabe-0.6.1-py_1
  mistune            conda-forge/linux-64::mistune-0.8.4-py37h516909a_1000
  more-itertools     conda-forge/noarch::more-itertools-8.1.0-py_0
  msgpack-python     conda-forge/linux-64::msgpack-python-0.6.2-py37hc9558a2_0
  multipledispatch   conda-forge/noarch::multipledispatch-0.6.0-py_0
  nbconvert          conda-forge/linux-64::nbconvert-5.6.1-py37_0
  nbformat           conda-forge/noarch::nbformat-5.0.3-py_0
  nbsmoke            pyviz/label/dev/noarch::nbsmoke-0.4.1-py_0
  networkx           conda-forge/noarch::networkx-2.4-py_0
  nodejs             conda-forge/linux-64::nodejs-13.6.0-h10a4023_0
  notebook           conda-forge/linux-64::notebook-6.0.1-py37_0
  nspr               conda-forge/linux-64::nspr-4.24-he1b5a44_0
  nss                conda-forge/linux-64::nss-3.47-he751ad9_0
  numba              conda-forge/linux-64::numba-0.47.0-py37hb3f55d8_0
  numpy              conda-forge/linux-64::numpy-1.17.3-py37h95a1406_0
  olefile            conda-forge/noarch::olefile-0.46-py_0
  packaging          conda-forge/noarch::packaging-20.0-py_0
  pandas             conda-forge/linux-64::pandas-0.25.3-py37hb3f55d8_0
  pandoc             conda-forge/linux-64::pandoc-
  pandocfilters      conda-forge/noarch::pandocfilters-1.4.2-py_1
  panel              pyviz/label/dev/noarch::panel-0.7.1a2-py_0
  param              pyviz/label/dev/noarch::param-1.9.2-py_0
  parameterized      conda-forge/noarch::parameterized-0.7.1-py_0
  parso              conda-forge/noarch::parso-0.5.2-py_0
  partd              conda-forge/noarch::partd-1.1.0-py_0
  pcre               conda-forge/linux-64::pcre-8.43-he1b5a44_0
  pexpect            conda-forge/linux-64::pexpect-4.7.0-py37_0
  pickleshare        conda-forge/linux-64::pickleshare-0.7.5-py37_1000
  pillow             conda-forge/linux-64::pillow-7.0.0-py37hefe7db6_0
  plotly             conda-forge/noarch::plotly-4.4.1-py_0
  pluggy             conda-forge/noarch::pluggy-0.12.0-py_0
  prometheus_client  conda-forge/noarch::prometheus_client-0.7.1-py_0
  prompt_toolkit     conda-forge/noarch::prompt_toolkit-3.0.2-py_0
  psutil             conda-forge/linux-64::psutil-5.6.7-py37h516909a_0
  pthread-stubs      conda-forge/linux-64::pthread-stubs-0.4-h14c3975_1001
  ptyprocess         conda-forge/noarch::ptyprocess-0.6.0-py_1001
  py                 conda-forge/noarch::py-1.8.1-py_0
  pycodestyle        conda-forge/noarch::pycodestyle-2.5.0-py_0
  pycparser          conda-forge/linux-64::pycparser-2.19-py37_1
  pyct               pyviz/label/dev/noarch::pyct-0.4.6-py_0
  pyct-core          pyviz/label/dev/noarch::pyct-core-0.4.6-py_0
  pyflakes           conda-forge/noarch::pyflakes-2.1.1-py_0
  pygments           conda-forge/noarch::pygments-2.5.2-py_0
  pyopenssl          conda-forge/linux-64::pyopenssl-19.1.0-py37_0
  pyparsing          conda-forge/noarch::pyparsing-2.4.6-py_0
  pyqt               conda-forge/linux-64::pyqt-5.12.3-py37hcca6a23_1
  pyrsistent         conda-forge/linux-64::pyrsistent-0.15.7-py37h516909a_0
  pysocks            conda-forge/linux-64::pysocks-1.7.1-py37_0
  pytest             conda-forge/linux-64::pytest-5.3.2-py37_0
  pytest-cov         conda-forge/noarch::pytest-cov-2.8.1-py_0
  python-dateutil    conda-forge/noarch::python-dateutil-2.8.1-py_0
  pytz               conda-forge/noarch::pytz-2019.3-py_0
  pyviz_comms        pyviz/label/dev/noarch::pyviz_comms-0.7.2-py_0
  pywavelets         conda-forge/linux-64::pywavelets-1.1.1-py37hc1659b7_0
  pyyaml             conda-forge/linux-64::pyyaml-5.1.2-py37h516909a_0
  pyzmq              conda-forge/linux-64::pyzmq-18.1.1-py37h1768529_0
  qt                 conda-forge/linux-64::qt-5.12.5-hd8c4c69_1
  requests           conda-forge/linux-64::requests-2.22.0-py37_1
  retrying           conda-forge/noarch::retrying-1.3.3-py_2
  scikit-image       conda-forge/linux-64::scikit-image-0.16.2-py37hb3f55d8_0
  scikit-learn       conda-forge/linux-64::scikit-learn-0.22.1-py37hcdab131_1
  scipy              conda-forge/linux-64::scipy-1.4.1-py37h921218d_0
  send2trash         conda-forge/noarch::send2trash-1.5.0-py_0
  six                conda-forge/linux-64::six-1.13.0-py37_0
  sortedcontainers   conda-forge/noarch::sortedcontainers-2.1.0-py_0
  soupsieve          conda-forge/linux-64::soupsieve-1.9.4-py37_0
  streamz            conda-forge/noarch::streamz-0.5.2-py_0
  tbb                conda-forge/linux-64::tbb-2019.9-hc9558a2_1
  tblib              conda-forge/noarch::tblib-1.6.0-py_0
  terminado          conda-forge/linux-64::terminado-0.8.3-py37_0
  testpath           conda-forge/noarch::testpath-0.4.4-py_0
  toolz              conda-forge/noarch::toolz-0.10.0-py_0
  tornado            conda-forge/linux-64::tornado-6.0.3-py37h516909a_0
  traitlets          conda-forge/linux-64::traitlets-4.3.3-py37_0
  urllib3            conda-forge/linux-64::urllib3-1.25.7-py37_0
  vega_datasets      conda-forge/noarch::vega_datasets-0.8.0-py_0
  vtk                conda-forge/linux-64::vtk-8.2.0-py37h9286700_207
  wcwidth            conda-forge/noarch::wcwidth-0.1.8-py_0
  webencodings       conda-forge/noarch::webencodings-0.5.1-py_1
  widgetsnbextension conda-forge/linux-64::widgetsnbextension-3.5.1-py37_0
  xarray             conda-forge/noarch::xarray-0.14.1-py_1
  xorg-kbproto       conda-forge/linux-64::xorg-kbproto-1.0.7-h14c3975_1002
  xorg-libice        conda-forge/linux-64::xorg-libice-1.0.10-h516909a_0
  xorg-libsm         conda-forge/linux-64::xorg-libsm-1.2.3-h84519dc_1000
  xorg-libx11        conda-forge/linux-64::xorg-libx11-1.6.9-h516909a_0
  xorg-libxau        conda-forge/linux-64::xorg-libxau-1.0.9-h14c3975_0
  xorg-libxdmcp      conda-forge/linux-64::xorg-libxdmcp-1.1.3-h516909a_0
  xorg-libxt         conda-forge/linux-64::xorg-libxt-1.2.0-h516909a_0
  xorg-xproto        conda-forge/linux-64::xorg-xproto-7.0.31-h14c3975_1007
  yaml               conda-forge/linux-64::yaml-0.1.7-h14c3975_1001
  zeromq             conda-forge/linux-64::zeromq-4.3.2-he1b5a44_2
  zict               conda-forge/noarch::zict-1.0.0-py_0
  zipp               conda-forge/noarch::zipp-1.0.0-py_0
  zstd               conda-forge/linux-64::zstd-1.4.4-h3b9ef0a_1

Proceed ([y]/n)? 

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Interesting, I'll try to open a PR which unpins these and see if I can get tests passing without the pins.

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ceball commented Jan 17, 2020

@MarcSkovMadsen: If you get time, would you be able to re-try on Windows? While @philippjfr's changes updates will likely have fixed linux/3.7, it's not obvious to me how we know the development environment can be set up on windows. Thanks!

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Collaborator Author

FYI @ceball and others

The installation can now run without errors for me on Windows 8.1 and with python 3.7.

FYI. I get the below warning from doit develop_install -c pyviz/label/dev -c conda-forge -c bokeh -o tests -o recommended

Preparing transaction: ...working... done
Verifying transaction: ...working... done
Executing transaction: ...working... b'Enabling notebook extension jupyter-js-widgets/extension...\n      - Validating: ok\n'

Obtaining file:///C:/repos/private/panel
  Installing build dependencies: started
  Installing build dependencies: still running...
  Installing build dependencies: finished with status 'done'
  WARNING: Missing build requirements in pyproject.toml for file:///C:/repos/private/panel.
  WARNING: The project does not specify a build backend, and pip cannot fall back to setuptools without 'wheel'.
  Getting requirements to build wheel: started
  Getting requirements to build wheel: finished with status 'done'
  Installing backend dependencies: started
  Installing backend dependencies: finished with status 'done'
    Preparing wheel metadata: started
    Preparing wheel metadata: finished with status 'done'
Installing collected packages: panel
  Found existing installation: panel 0.7.1a2
    Uninstalling panel-0.7.1a2:
      Successfully uninstalled panel-0.7.1a2
  Running develop for panel
Successfully installed panel

I finally ran pip install -e . as suggested by @jbednar

(panel_dev) C:\repos\private\panel>pip install -e .
Obtaining file:///C:/repos/private/panel
  Installing build dependencies ... done
  WARNING: Missing build requirements in pyproject.toml for file:///C:/repos/private/panel.
  WARNING: The project does not specify a build backend, and pip cannot fall back to setuptools without 'wheel'.
  Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
  Installing backend dependencies ... done
    Preparing wheel metadata ... done
Requirement already satisfied: pyviz-comms>=0.7.2 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site
-packages (from panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (0.7.2)
Requirement already satisfied: bokeh>=1.4.0 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-packa
ges (from panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (1.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyct>=0.4.4 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-packag
es (from panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: param>=1.9.0 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-packa
ges (from panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (1.9.2)
Requirement already satisfied: markdown in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-packages
(from panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (3.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.1 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\si
te-packages (from bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tornado>=4.3 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-packa
ges (from bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (6.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=3.10 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-packa
ges (from bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5.2 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-package
s (from bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (1.13.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.7.1 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-packa
ges (from bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (1.17.5)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=16.8 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-pa
ckages (from bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (20.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=4.0 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-packag
es (from bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (5.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2>=2.7 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-packag
es (from bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (2.10.3)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=36 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-pac
kages (from markdown->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (45.1.0.post20200119)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.0.2 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-p
ackages (from packaging>=16.8->bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (2.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in c:\users\masma\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\panel_dev\lib\site-p
ackages (from Jinja2>=2.7->bokeh>=1.4.0->panel==0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46) (1.1.1)
Installing collected packages: panel
  Found existing installation: panel 0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46
    Uninstalling panel-0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46:
      Successfully uninstalled panel-0.7.1a2.post35+gcae7f46
  Running develop for panel
Successfully installed panel

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ceball commented Jan 20, 2020

The installation can now run without errors for me on Windows 8.1 and with python 3.7.

That's good; thanks for taking the time to check and report back @MarcSkovMadsen

FYI. I get the below warning from doit develop_install -c pyviz/label/dev -c conda-forge -c bokeh -o tests -o recommended

I assume you are talking about this:

  WARNING: Missing build requirements in pyproject.toml for file:///C:/repos/private/panel.
  WARNING: The project does not specify a build backend, and pip cannot fall back to setuptools without 'wheel'.

Thanks for reporting it. It's ok to ignore for now. @a-recknagel has previously reported it, and even made a fix (which is to declare that the build backend is setuptools), but we just needed to figure out the consequences/extra requirements. Probably it's just requiring a newer version of setuptools than we state at present, but we need to check and test that ("we" being anyone who gets the time...).

I finally ran pip install -e . as suggested by @jbednar

That command was actually already run as the last step of your "doit develop_install" command, so the final pip install command is redundant at that stage. I believe we noted this in a panel issue, but I don't seem to see that issue any more.

Personally, if I were using conda to install all the dependencies, and pip to do the editable install of Panel itself, then I would use pip install -e . --no-deps (i.e. explicitly tell pip not to install any of the dependencies). However, there is a long and slightly painful tradition in python of accidentally using the wrong tool to install (some) dependencies. For instance, it was common for people primarily using pip - or intending to use pip - to run "python develop" on projects, and find that any dependencies they did not already have were then installed by easy_install. Similarly, people meaning to use conda who do "python develop" would have the same problem. Or people meaning to use conda who run "pip install -e ." would find any dependencies not already installed being installed by pip. (Mixing pip and conda might actually be fine these days, but previously it was a bit tricky.)

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