This script is used to :
- deploy all pre-requisite of Maximo Appication Suite
- deploy Maximo Appication Suite
- deploy Maximo Manage
- deploy Maximo Scheduler Optimization
- You first need to have an openshift cluster, in version 4.6 or superior (4.7 and 4.8 are not tested but should work)
- You may need a domain name, to shorten url. Be careful : There are some limitation in software (eg: MAS Mobile) which will add a constraint on url length : url length must be less than 100 characters. having a domain name will be then useful to shorten the default url.
- You may need to manually create a webhook / alter the script to add extra step to manage SSL certificates according to your domain name. Today cert-manager have built-in domain name support, such as cloudfare, google, azuredns, etc. (see This script does not manually generate ClusterIssuer, which should be on your behalf to create SSL certificate automatically.
- ensure you are logged in before running the scripts :
oc whoami
If you are not logged in, please log in with the command :
oc login --token=sha256~LTMSoYifev9r8K-...TLXOEF7AyXnzzEFqc --server=
In order to install automatically the software you have to :
- modify file, in order to match your settings
- modify file if you want to deploy MAS Manage
- modify file if you want to deploy MAS Maximo Scheduler Optimization
- install the pre-requisites
- install MAS Core
- install MAS Manage
- install MAS MSO
ER_KEY is the entitlement key obtained through the container library software panel on website. This value is mandatory and will be repeated in all properties file.
domain is the domain name that should be used to register all apps. If unset, the ingress subdomain will be resolved. If you purchased a domain, you should add a CNAME record to your DNS zone pointing to the ingress subdomain domain.
To install the pre-requisite, simply use :
This will install :
- Service Bindings Operator, version 0.8.0 (a new version is available but incompatible with MAS for now)
- MongoDB Community Edition, and create ssl self signed certificates
- BAS (Behavior Analytics Services) operator and an analytic proxy deployment (behind the scene it generate a Kafka Cluster, dedicated for BAS)
- Enable IBM Operator Catalog
- Install IBM Common Services operator, Operand Lifecycle Manager
- Cert-manager (without ClusterIssuer : you will have to create your own before continuing if you want to have valid certificates)
- IBM Suite License Service (AppPoints Server)
- Kafka (using Strimzi operator) : it is not a prerequisite for MAS Core but necessary for IOT and MAS Manage (to enable MIF services using messaging queues)
MAS Core needs some software to be completely setup. When installing MAS Core, you can interact / setup the integration in 2 ways. First way is through a graphical dashboard, available on url https://admin.domain/intialsetup and the script will output the credentials on the console or available in a secret :
# instanceid is the value setup in the file
echo -n "Username: "
oc get secret ${instanceid}-credentials-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' -n ${namespace} | base64 --decode && echo ""
echo -n "Password: "
oc get secret ${instanceid}-credentials-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' -n ${namespace} | base64 --decode && echo ""
Second way is to create all CustomResource directly within openshift. The operator will take care of them and create all bindings / configuration associated to them. These scripts use this way to configure everything. To install MAS Core, simply use
MAS Manage is not fully automated for now (not sure it will be) : the declaration of bundles is more complex / obscur and easy / quick to perform manually. You can put all certificates you want to import in the folder managecerts. The file must be *.crt file, containing certificate (the same text you would copy/paste in the UI dashboad).
This script will create :
- the database configuration
- persistent volume storage (used for doclinks)
- the selected components (base, transportation, etc.)
- the selected languages This script will not create:
- the pod / bundles : you have to manually create them in the MAS dashboard. Once setup, just click on activate and your MAS Manage will be built and deployed
- a kafka user and some topics to enable MIF services
Once deployed / activated, you will need to change settings in MAS Manage:
- Create a new Property
- Name: mxe.kafka.enablesslverification
- Description: "Enable SSL Verification for kafka brokers"
- Global value: false
(Do not forget to perform a live refresh)
- Create a new Message Provider
- Name: KAFKA
- Provider : KAFKA
- BOOTSTRAPSERVERS: maskafka-kafka-bootstrap.mas-kafka.svc:9092
- USERNAME: mas-manage (or user defined in the file
- Create new queues
- manage-cqin
- provider: KAFKA
- sequential : false
- inbound: true
- manage-cqinerr
- provider: KAFKA
- sequential : false
- inbound: true
- manage-notf
- provider: KAFKA
- sequential : false
- inbound: false
- manage-notferr
- provider: KAFKA
- sequential : false
- inbound: false
- manage-weather
- provider: KAFKA
- sequential : false
- inbound: true
- manage-sqin
- provider: KAFKA
- sequential : true
- inbound: true
- manage-sqout
- provider: KAFKA
- sequential : true
- inbound: false
- manage-cqin
Once deployed / activated, you will need to grant a user in MAS dashboard to MSO, in order to connect to MSO dashboard at https://instanceid.mso.domain/ Then navigate in the "Projects" section and copy the api key In maximo system properties, you must now modify the values :
- optimization.mofapi.apikey : the apikey you just get from MSO dashboard
- optimization.mofapi.baseurl : https://instanceid.api.mso.domain
- optimization.mofui.url : https://instanceid.mso.domain
Save and refresh : you can now run optimization scenario within Scheduler.