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LiveSQL Literals

Literal scalars are values that are not parameterized, but are added as inline literals in the SQL statement.

Literal Scalars are available since LiveSQL 4.2.

For example, the following SQL statement (in PostgreSQL) has eight literals in it:

  'Hello', -- a character literal
  14, -- an numeric integer literal
  10680.52, -- a numeric decimal literal
  DATE '2023-12-25', -- a date literal
  TIMESTAMP '2018-03-22 08:30:58.123456', -- a timestamp literal
  TIME '17:05:48.624', -- a time literal
  TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2018-03-22 08:30:58.123456+08:15', -- a timestamp with time offset literal
  TIME WITH TIME ZONE '17:05:48.624-03:30' -- a time with time offset literal

LiveSQL implements literals for Strings, numeric values, and date/time values.


Literal values can be created using the sql.literal() method. This method has the following variations:

Method Description
sql.literal(String value) creates a literal String enclosed in single quotes. For example, sql.literal("Hello") will be shown as 'Hello' in the query
sql.literal(long value) creates a numeric integer literal. For example, sql.literal(1050) can be used to add the 1050 value to a query. This method also accepts int, short and byte values. Notice it accepts only primitive types (so no nulls are allowed); numeric objects need to be first unboxed to be used in this method
sql.literal(double value, int precision) creates a numeric integer literal. For example, sql.literal(3.1415926536, 5) can be used to add the 3.14159 value to a query. This method also accepts float values. Notice it accepts only primitive types (so no nulls are allowed); numeric objects need to be first unboxed to be used in this method
sql.literal(LocalDate value) creates a date without a time component or time offset. The date is included in the query according to the specific database dialect. For example, sql.literal(LocalDate.of(2023, 12, 25)) is rendered as DATE '2023-12-25' in PostgreSQL, but as CAST('2023-12-25' as DATE) in SQL Server
sql.literal(LocalTime value, int precision) creates a time without a date component or time offset. The time is included in the query according to the specific database dialect, and displays the specific number of decimal places according to the precision parameter. For example, sql.literal(LocalTime.of(17, 9, 31, 72000000), 3) is rendered as TIME '17:09:31.072' in PostgreSQL, but as `CAST('17:09:31.072' as TIME) in SQL Server
sql.literal(LocalDateTime value, int precision) creates a timestamp without time offset. The timestamp takes the formatting according to the specific database dialect, and displays the specific number of decimal places according to the precision parameter. For example, sql.literal(LocalDateTime.of(2023, 12, 25, 17, 9, 31, 72000000), 3) is rendered as TIME '2023-12-15 17:09:31.072' in PostgreSQL, but as CAST('2023-12-15 17:09:31.072' as DATETIME2) in SQL Server
sql.literal(OffsetTime value, int precision) creates a time with time offset. The time is included in the query according to the specific database dialect, and displays the specific number of decimal places according to the precision parameter. For example, sql.literal(OffsetTime.of(17, 9, 31, 72000000, ZoneOffset.ofHours(-4)), 3) is rendered as TIME '17:09:31.072-04:00' in PostgreSQL
sql.literal(OffsetDateTime value, int precision) creates a timestamp with time offset. The timestamp takes the formatting according to the specific database dialect, and display the specific number of decimal places according to the precision parameter. For example, sql.literal(OffsetDateTime.of(2023, 12, 25, 17, 9, 31, 72000000, ZoneOffset.ofHours(-4)), 3) is rendered as TIME '2023-12-15 17:09:31.072-04:00' in PostgreSQL, but as CAST('2023-12-15 17:09:31.072 -04:00' as DATETIMEOFFSET) in SQL Server

What if I prefer to parameterize a scalar? Well, in that case, use sql.val(value) instead. sql.val(value) always parameterizes values.

Built-In Literals

LiveSQL includes the following built-in literals:

Literal Description
sql.NULL Produces a NULL literal (untyped)
sql.ZERO Produces the numeric literal value zero (0)
sql.ONE Produces the numeric literal value one (1)
sql.FALSE Produces the boolean value FALSE. Depending on the database (and its version) this can be generated differently, for example as false or as 1 = 0
sql.TRUE Produces the boolean value TRUE. Depending on the database (and its version) this can be generated differently, for example as true or as 1 = 1

While ZERO, ONE, or NULL can be included in any place in the query, FALSE and TRUE are most likely to be used to assemble dynamic predicates. Nevertheless, some databases accept booleans in the select list or to update values, particularly those that implement the boolean data type or similar.

For example, boolean literals can be used in reduce operations as shown below:

  // Get a list of search predicates according to the user's input (should use dynamic logic)
  List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
  predicates.add(, 7, 10));

  // Assemble the filter using AND operators
  Predicate filter =, (p, q) -> p.and(q));

  // Use the filter in the query
  List<Toy> rows =;

To produce a query in Oracle like:

FROM toy
WHERE 1 = 1 AND store_id = 101 AND type_id in (4, 7, 10) AND status <> 'RECALLED'

Or in PostgreSQL as:

FROM toy
WHERE true AND store_id = 101 AND type_id in (4, 7, 10) AND status <> 'RECALLED'


The query shown above for PostgreSQL:

  'Hello', -- a character literal
  14, -- an numeric integer literal
  10680.52, -- a numeric decimal literal
  DATE '2023-12-25', -- a date literal
  TIMESTAMP '2018-03-22 08:30:58.123456', -- a timestamp literal
  TIME '17:05:48.624', -- a time literal
  TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2018-03-22 08:30:58.123456+08:15', -- a timestamp with time offset literal
  TIME WITH TIME ZONE '17:05:48.624-03:30' -- a time with time offset literal

Can be written in LiveSQL as:

    List<Row> rows =
        sql.literal(10680.52, 2),
        sql.literal(LocalDate.of(2023, 12, 25)),
        sql.literal(LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 22, 8, 30, 58, 123456000), 6),
        sql.literal(LocalTime.of(17, 5, 48, 624000000), 3),
        sql.literal(OffsetDateTime.of(2018, 3, 22, 8, 30, 58, 123456000, ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(-8, 15)), 6),
        sql.literal(OffsetTime.of(17, 5, 48, 624000000, ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(-3, 30)), 3)

SQL Injection Safety

LiveSQL literals as fuly safe from SQL Injection.

No SQL Injection attacks can be carried out using literal, even if they come from non-validated external sources. If a non-ASCII string is used when creating a String literal, LiveSQL throws an InvalidLiteralException and the literal value is not created.

Numeric and date/time literals are safe by definition, since they cannot inject arbitraty text values into the query.

ASCII strings literals are included in the queries enclosed in single quotes. LiveSQL takes the safe approach and limits the string characters to ASCII only, between space and tilde (~) characters. Single quote characters, if present, are escaped appropriately. Control characters or other non-ASCII characters are not allowed.

String with non-ASCII characters can still be used in LiveSQL queries, but as parameteried values instead of literals. They can be added to the query using sql.val(String) method that applies them as a parameterized values.

Query Performance Side Effects

When using scalar values a JDBC query can take two forms, depending if the scalar is typed directly in the SQL statement or parameterized instead.

The following query uses a literal value in the WHERE clause:

select * from client where name = 'Anne Smith';

The same query can be written using JDBC parameters as:

select * from client where name = ?;

Later on — but before the query is actually executed — and as a separate phase for the second query the parameter is bound by applying the value Anne Smith to the query.

The key point here is that the query optimization happens when the query is submitted to the database engine. In the first, case the optimizer knows exactly what the column name is compared against. In the second case it doesn't, because the actual parameter value will be applied later, when the optimization and execution plan selection already took place.

When the optimizer doesn't know the exact parameter value, then there's no much optimization that can be done in this respect. On the flip side, when the exact parameter values are known at optimization time, there's a variety of options available: histograms can be inspected to obtain more precise selectivities for predicates, partial indexes become available to use by the execution plan, table partitions and tablespaces can be fixed immediately, etc. Providing specific values to the optimizer is particularly useful in access and filtering predicates, such as the ones included in the WHERE clause.

So, you would ask, should we use literals in all the queries all the time? Not so fast.

Using literal values all the time has the down side of tricking the database into considering virtually identical queries as totally different ones. For example, the followiing queries are considered different by the optimizers:

select * from client where name = 'Anne Smith';
select * from client where name = 'Steve McQuinn';

When the first query is executed, the optimizer goes through the process of finding the best execution plan of it and caches it. Later on, when the second query is run, the optimizer looks for the query in the cache and does not find it; since it defeats the cache, the optimizer needs to optimize the second query from scratch. And that will happen over and over again, if you run the same query thousands of times with different values. This will also fill the database optimizer cache with a myriad of cached plans, and may even keep some really important plans out of it.

If the value were parameterized, as in:

select * from client where name = ?;
select * from client where name = ?;

Then both queries would look identical to the optimizer and the effort of optimization would need to be performed only once. Once the plan is in the cache, then there's going to be no effort in the optimization phase for the second, third execution, and so forth. Plus, it won't fill out the optimizer cache, leaving plenty of room for other queries.

So, which one is it?

When it comes to literal in the filtering predicates (typically in the WHERE or HAVING clauses), the rule of thumb seems to be to use literal scalars when the range of possible values is very, very limited. For example, when querying against a status column that has few possible values. Boolean ones are great candidates since they can have two values (or three if we include null). When the literals show up in the select list or other part of the query then it doesn't make too much of a difference to the optimizer.

Partial indexes are a great example of how a literal can make all the difference compared to a parameterized scalar. For example, consider the following indexes:

create index ix1 on purchases (client, status);
create index ix2 on purchases (client) where status = 'OPEN';

Now, if the following queries are executed:

select * from purchases where client_id = 1780035 and status = ?;
select * from purchases where client_id = 1780035 and status = 'OPEN';

For the first query — that is parameterized — the optimizer will only be able to use index ix1. For the second one — that has a literal in it — the optimizer will be able to use any of those two indexes, and will probably choose the second one, that fares much better if the table is big and has few open purchases.

DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP Compatibility

Since different databases support different data types, LiveSQL prevents some literals to be created if a type is not available for a specific database.

The precision of TIME and TIMESTAMP literals data types also varies between different databases. If an invalid precision is specified LiveSQL also prevents the literal to be created.

The following table shows which types of literals are valid for each database, including their maximum precision in parenthesis:

Oracle Yes1 Yes (9) -- Yes (9) --
DB2 LUW Yes Yes (9) Yes (9) -- --
PostgreSQL Yes Yes (9) Yes (9) Yes (9) Yes (9)
SQL Server Yes Yes (7) Yes (7) Yes (7) --
MySQL Yes Yes (6) Yes (6) -- --
MariaDB Yes Yes (6) Yes (6) -- --
Sybase ASE Yes Yes (6) Yes (3) -- --
H2 Yes Yes (9) Yes (9) Yes (9) Yes (9)
HyperSQL Yes Yes (9) Yes (9) Yes (9) Yes (9)
Derby Yes Yes (9) Yes (9) -- --


  1. SQL DATEs are modelled in Oracle using the Oracle DATE data type. Though an Oracle DATE has a time component, this is one is ignored for this specific purpose.