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This workshop is an introduction to using high-performance computing systems effectively. We can't cover every case or give an exhaustive course on parallel programming in just two days' teaching time. Instead, this workshop is intended to give students a good introduction and overview of the tools available and how to use them effectively.
Command line experience is necessary for this lesson. We recommend the participants to go through shell-novice, if new to the command line (also known as terminal or shell). {: .prereq}
By the end of this workshop, students will know how to:
- Identify problems a cluster can help solve
- Use the UNIX shell (also known as terminal or command line) to operate a computer, connect to a cluster, and write simple shell scripts.
- Submit and manage jobs on a cluster using a scheduler, transfer files, and use software through environment modules.
To get started, follow the directions in the "[Setup]( {{ page.root }}/setup.html)" tab to download data to your computer and follow any installation instructions. {: .callout}
Note that this is the draft HPC Carpentry release. Comments and feedback are welcome.
If you are teaching this lesson in a workshop, please see the Instructor notes. {: .callout}
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