Overall sources and examples :
1.Spring web socket module docs:
- Chat exampes using spring web socket module:
- chat exaples using Java-Web-Socket library:
4.Other availabe java web socket libraries
5.How spring map user names with web-socket sessions and internal working of sending messages:
6.Flutter SockJS client link:
Firebase push notifications using spring boot as server
Local setup of this demo example project:
1.Download firebase admiinsdk json file(Download from any one of your project in firebase)
2.Clone the project and place the adminsdk file in resources folder.
3.Run the project and test end points using curl or postman
FCM VS APNS (for IOS push notification)
Both APN and FCM work same for IOS.
If we use APN we need apple account and other related certificates etc(https://medium.com/@victorleungtw/apple-push-notification-with-java-spring-framework-b6ddada216cf).
Firebase providing APN interface for sending push notifications to IOS.(https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/ios/receive).
Based on my analysis we can go with FCM itself and no need to maintain extra configurations and setup for APN.
All the configurations related Andriod,IOS,and chrome web also(FCM support for it) we can maintain it single place(Fire base).
Info from other sources like if you are only developing ios app then APN is better option and if your app is cross platform then FCM is good option.
Other sources: