Releases: huridocs/uwazi
Releases · huridocs/uwazi
What's changed
- Languages that are not fully supported by Elastic Search, was incorrectly being auto-detected as "other" (#7513)
Full Changelog: 1.193.0-rc3...1.193.0-rc4
What's changed
- Created script to re-save all entities. (#7510)
Full Changelog: 1.193.0-rc2...1.193.0-rc3
What's changed
- Add Ukrainian language support to the OCR (Service responsible for generate text from images)(#7465)
Full Changelog: 1.193.0-rc1...1.193.0-rc2
What's changed
- Bump the dnd-kit group with 3 updates (#7502)
- Bump the dev-minor-dependencies group with 2 updates (#7503)
- 7058 - Metadata form status failed submit handling (#7474)
- Bump the dev-minor-dependencies group across 1 directory with 5 updates (#7500)
- Backend code checking for subgroups (#7501)
- excludes outdated entries from count assert (#7498)
- Bump the dev-minor-dependencies group across 1 directory with 22 updates (#7478)
- v2 NeedAuthorization (#7451)
- Bump @babel/parser from 7.26.1 to 7.26.2 in the babel group (#7469)
- Bump the eslint group with 3 updates (#7471)
- Bump the storybook group with 8 updates (#7470)
- Update of dependabot configuration (#7468)
- updated agregations after entity save (#7464)
- mimic blank-state's behavior (#7447)
- cross-spawn security fix (#7448)
- update @huridocs/react-text-selection-handler package to v0.3.1 to fix new line characters being removed on click to fill issue (#7444)
- added filename to snippets link (#7441)
- handling invalid urls (#7440)
Full Changelog: 1.192.0-rc11...1.193.0-rc1
What's changed
- set zindex of map controls to be less than the sidepanel (#7438)
- Sub group of major dependencies (#7427)
- Bump the eslint group across 1 directory with 8 updates (#7420)
- Bump the express group with 2 updates (#7424)
- Bump the storybook group with 8 updates (#7390)
- Bump the babel group with 4 updates (#7412)
- Dependabot smaller dev update (#7422)
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.7 to 6.6.0 (#7419)
- smaller group of dependencies (#7416)
Full Changelog: 1.191.11...1.192.0
What's changed
- Missing In DB files now also report lastUpdated date [Files health check] (#7507)
Full Changelog: 1.192.0-rc10...1.192.0-rc11