Nano version for slice of string and array, just like Python.
npm install slice.js
var slice = require('slice.js');
import slice from 'slice.js';
There is only one API named slice
// for array
const arr = slice([1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '0']);
arr[-2]; // 9
arr['2:5']; // [3, '4', 5]
arr[':-2']; // [1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8']
arr['-2:']; // [9, '0']
arr['1:5:2']; // ['2', '4']
arr['5:1:-2']; // ['6', '4']
// for string
const str = slice('1234567890');
str[-2]; // '9'
str['2:5']; // '345'
str[':-2']; // '12345678'
str['-2:']; // '90'
str['1:5:2']; // '24'
str['5:1:-2']; // '64'
npm install
npm run test