diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f32a089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+root = true
+charset = utf-8
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+indent_size = 4
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
diff --git a/Changelog.md b/Changelog.md
index f2336f2..515b61f 100644
--- a/Changelog.md
+++ b/Changelog.md
@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
+## version 23.2
+### Added:
++ Support for regional holidays - thank you [koterpillar](https://github.com/koterpillar) [(#11)](https://github.com/hvianna/desktopCal.js/pull/11);
++ Holidays for Australia - thank you [koterpillar](https://github.com/koterpillar) [(#9)](https://github.com/hvianna/desktopCal.js/pull/9);
++ Regional holidays for Brazil.
+### Fixed and improved:
++ Observation of consecutive holidays in UK - thank you [koterpillar](https://github.com/koterpillar) [(#7)](https://github.com/hvianna/desktopCal.js/issues/7);
++ Add, not replace, holidays in lieu (for UK and AU) - thank you [koterpillar](https://github.com/koterpillar) [(#10)](https://github.com/hvianna/desktopCal.js/pull/10);
++ Updated US holidays: added Juneteenth and renamed Washington's Birthday to Presidents' Day.
## version 23.1
### Added:
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 38095ba..a39da6e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -32,18 +32,20 @@ You can add your own custom holidays. These will be saved in your browser's loca
+ [Saving canvas as image](https://weworkweplay.com/play/saving-html5-canvas-as-image/) and [solution to CORS issue on canvas.toDataURL()](https://stackoverflow.com/a/30517793/2370385)
+ [W3Schools Canvas Reference](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_canvas.asp)
+ [How to draw a rounded Rectangle on HTML Canvas?](https://stackoverflow.com/a/7838871/2370385)
-+ Public holidays in [Argentina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Argentina),
-Germany ([here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Germany), [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bu%C3%9F-_und_Bettag) and [here](https://www.schulferien.org/deutschland/feiertage/)),
-[United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_the_United_Kingdom),
-[United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_holidays_in_the_United_States),
+ [Paper sizes](https://papersizes.io/)
++ References for public holidays:
+ + [Argentina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Argentina)
+ + [Australia](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/employment-conditions/public-holidays)
+ + [Brazil](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feriados_no_Brasil) - [AC](https://agencia.ac.gov.br/governo-do-acre-divulga-calendario-de-feriados-e-pontos-facultativos-de-2023/), [AL](https://www.correiodosmunicipios-al.com.br/2022/01/governo-de-alagoas-divulga-calendario-de-feriados-previstos-para-2022/), [PR](https://www.legislacao.pr.gov.br/legislacao/pesquisarAto.do?action=exibir&codAto=251964&indice=1&totalRegistros=28&dt=29.0.2023.
+ + [Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Canada)
+ + [France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_France)
+ + [Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Germany), also [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bu%C3%9F-_und_Bettag) and [here](https://www.schulferien.org/deutschland/feiertage/)
+ + [Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Mexico)
+ + [Portugal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Portugal)
+ + [Spain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Spain)
+ + [United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_the_United_Kingdom)
+ + [United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_holidays_in_the_United_States)
+ + [Uruguay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Uruguay)
## License
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b48f19b
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/icons8-ru-flag.png differ
diff --git a/js/desktopCal.js b/js/desktopCal.js
index 7cb59d7..b110c5f 100644
--- a/js/desktopCal.js
+++ b/js/desktopCal.js
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
'use strict';
-var _VERSION = '23.1';
+const VERSION = '23.2';
-var cropper = [],
+let cropper = [],
function getVersion() {
- return `v${_VERSION}`;
+ return `v${VERSION}`;
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function getVersion() {
function changeLayout() {
- var layout = document.querySelector('input[name="layout"]:checked').value;
+ const layout = document.querySelector('input[name="layout"]:checked').value;
// set layout
document.getElementById('config').className = layout;
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ function changeLayout() {
// Cropper.js won't change the aspect ratio of preview elements, so we need to recreate them..
- for ( let i of [0,1] ) {
+ for ( const i of [0,1] ) {
// save loaded image
- let imgEl = document.getElementById( `image${i}` );
- let imgSrc = imgEl.src;
+ const imgEl = document.getElementById( `image${i}` ),
+ imgSrc = imgEl.src;
// destroy cropper instance
if ( cropper[ i ] )
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function changeLayout() {
imgEl.src = imgSrc;
// clear preview element style
- let pvwEl = document.getElementById( `preview${i}` );
+ const pvwEl = document.getElementById( `preview${i}` );
pvwEl.style = '';
// create new cropper instance with proper aspect ratio
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ function changeInitialWeekday() {
* Set CSS classnames for the preview to match selected calendar layout and settings
function changeStyle() {
- let layout = document.querySelector('input[name="layout"]:checked').value,
- previewEl = document.getElementById('preview');
+ const layout = document.querySelector('input[name="layout"]:checked').value,
+ previewEl = document.getElementById('preview');
previewEl.className = layout;
if ( layout != 'digital' ) {
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ function configUIElements() {
// Cropper.js action buttons
document.querySelectorAll('.cropper-action').forEach( el => {
el.addEventListener('click', e => {
- let n = e.target.dataset.obj;
- let action = e.target.dataset.action;
+ const n = e.target.dataset.obj,
+ action = e.target.dataset.action;
switch ( action ) {
case 'rotR':
cropper[ n ].rotate(90);
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ function deleteColorPreset( index ) {
function listColorPresets() {
- var html = '';
+ let html = '';
colorPresets.forEach( ( preset, index ) => {
html += '
' +
@@ -246,8 +246,7 @@ function loadColorPreset( index ) {
function loadImage( obj, n ) {
- var reader = new FileReader(),
- layout = document.getElementById('preview').className;
+ const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function() {
document.getElementById( `image${n}` ).src = reader.result;
@@ -518,11 +517,10 @@ function generateCalendar( month, year, canvas = null ) {
function updatePreview() {
- var area = [ document.getElementById('top-half'), document.getElementById('bottom-half') ],
- year = [ document.getElementById('top-year').value, document.getElementById('bottom-year').value ],
- month = [ document.getElementById('top-month').value, document.getElementById('bottom-month').value ],
- country = document.getElementById('country').value,
- layout = document.querySelector('input[name="layout"]:checked').value;
+ const area = [ document.getElementById('top-half'), document.getElementById('bottom-half') ],
+ year = [ document.getElementById('top-year').value, document.getElementById('bottom-year').value ],
+ month = [ document.getElementById('top-month').value, document.getElementById('bottom-month').value ],
+ layout = document.querySelector('input[name="layout"]:checked').value;
// set lang attribute on html element
document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].lang = `${lang}-${country.toUpperCase()}`;
@@ -532,7 +530,7 @@ function updatePreview() {
document.getElementById('v-align').disabled = document.getElementById('cal-size').value == 'col';
if ( layout != 'digital' ) {
- for ( let i of [0,1] ) {
+ for ( const i of [0,1] ) {
if ( month[ i ] > 0 && year[ i ] > 0 ) {
area[ i ].querySelector('.cal-title').innerText = msg[ lang ].monthNames[ month[ i ] ] + ' ' + year[ i ];
area[ i ].querySelector('.calendar').innerHTML = generateCalendar( month[ i ], year[ i ] );
@@ -540,12 +538,13 @@ function updatePreview() {
else {
- let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
+ const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'),
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
+ img = cropper[0].getCroppedCanvas();
canvas.width = document.getElementById('canvas-width').value;
canvas.height = document.getElementById('canvas-height').value;
- let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
- let img = cropper[0].getCroppedCanvas();
if ( img )
ctx.drawImage( img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
generateCalendar( month[ 1 ], year[ 1 ], canvas );
@@ -565,10 +564,10 @@ function renderCredits() {
function rotateCanvas() {
- var tmp = document.getElementById('canvas-width').value;
+ const canvasWidth = document.getElementById('canvas-width'),
+ canvasHeight = document.getElementById('canvas-height');
- document.getElementById('canvas-width').value = document.getElementById('canvas-height').value;
- document.getElementById('canvas-height').value = tmp;
+ [ canvasWidth.value, canvasHeight.value ] = [ canvasHeight.value, canvasWidth.value ];
@@ -578,7 +577,7 @@ function rotateCanvas() {
function downloadCalendar( obj ) {
- var format = document.querySelector('input[name="file-format"]:checked').value;
+ const format = document.querySelector('input[name="file-format"]:checked').value;
obj.download = 'desktopCal-' + document.getElementById('bottom-year').value + '-' + document.getElementById('bottom-month').value + '.' + format;
obj.href = document.getElementById('canvas').toDataURL(`image/${format}`);
@@ -609,12 +608,12 @@ CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.roundRect = function ( x, y, w, h, r ) {
async function prepareForPrinting() {
- for ( let i of [0,1] ) {
+ for ( const i of [0,1] ) {
document.getElementById( `preview${i}` ).style.display = 'none'; // hide cropper.js preview area
- let img = cropper[ i ].getCroppedCanvas();
+ const img = cropper[ i ].getCroppedCanvas();
if ( img ) {
- let blob = await new Promise( resolve => img.toBlob( resolve ) );
- let url = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
+ const blob = await new Promise( resolve => img.toBlob( resolve ) );
+ const url = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
document.getElementById( `cal-image${i}` ).style = `background-image: url(${url})`;
@@ -626,7 +625,7 @@ async function prepareForPrinting() {
* Restore preview areas and clear background images used for printing
function restoreFromPrinting() {
- for ( let i of [0,1] ) {
+ for ( const i of [0,1] ) {
document.getElementById( `preview${i}` ).style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById( `cal-image${i}` ).style = '';
@@ -642,8 +641,8 @@ function initialize() {
// try to get preferred language and country
const [ browserLang, browserCountry ] = navigator.language.split('-'),
- prefLang = localStorage.getItem('lang') || browserLang,
- prefCountry = localStorage.getItem('country') || browserCountry && browserCountry.toLowerCase();
+ prefLang = localStorage.getItem('lang') || browserLang,
+ prefCountry = localStorage.getItem('country') || browserCountry && browserCountry.toLowerCase();
if ( Object.keys( msg ).includes( prefLang ) )
lang = prefLang;
@@ -655,6 +654,11 @@ function initialize() {
country = msg[ lang ].defCountry;
+ const prefRegion = localStorage.getItem('region');
+ if ( prefRegion && Object.keys( countries[country].regions ).includes( prefRegion ) ) {
+ region = prefRegion;
+ }
// load color presets
colorPresets = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( 'color-presets' ) ) || [];
@@ -696,8 +700,8 @@ function initialize() {
// init canvas width and height fields with the display's dimensions
- let w = window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio,
- h = window.screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio;
+ const w = window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio,
+ h = window.screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio;
document.getElementById('canvas-width').value = w;
document.getElementById('canvas-height').value = h;
@@ -706,12 +710,12 @@ function initialize() {
let loaded = 0;
- for ( let i of [0,1] ) {
+ for ( const i of [0,1] ) {
fetch( `https://picsum.photos/${w}/${w*.75}/?random` )
.then( response => response.blob() )
.then( blob => {
- let url = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
- let imgEl = document.getElementById( `image${i}` );
+ const url = URL.createObjectURL( blob ),
+ imgEl = document.getElementById( `image${i}` );
imgEl.src = url;
// adjust paper layout and initialize croppable areas when both images finish loading
diff --git a/js/holidays.js b/js/holidays.js
index 1ca3e2c..68d94b4 100644
--- a/js/holidays.js
+++ b/js/holidays.js
@@ -9,53 +9,130 @@
function checkHoliday( year, month, day ) {
- let holidays = [],
- easterHolidays = [];
+ const easterSunday = computus( year ),
+ holidays = getCustomHolidays();
switch ( country ) {
case 'ar':
- holidays = [
+ holidays.push(
{ date: '1-1', name: 'Año Nuevo' },
{ date: '3-24', name: 'Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia' },
{ date: '4-2', name: 'Día del Veterano' },
{ date: '5-1', name: 'Día del Trabajador' },
{ date: '5-25', name: 'Revolución de Mayo' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 6, 17, country ), name: 'General Martín Miguel de Güemes' },
+ ...observed( year, 6, 17, country, 'General Martín Miguel de Güemes' ),
{ date: '6-20', name: 'General Manuel Belgrano' },
{ date: '7-9', name: 'Día de la Independencia' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 8, 17, country ), name: 'General José de San Martín' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 10, 12, country ), name: 'Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 11, 20, country ), name: 'Soberanía Nacional' },
+ ...observed( year, 8, 17, country, 'General José de San Martín' ),
+ ...observed( year, 10, 12, country, 'Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural' ),
+ ...observed( year, 11, 20, country, 'Soberanía Nacional' ),
{ date: '12-8', name: 'Inmaculada Concepción de María' },
- { date: '12-25', name: 'Navidad' }
- ];
- easterHolidays = [
- { days: -48, name: 'Carnaval' },
- { days: -47, name: 'Carnaval' },
- { days: -2, name: 'Viernes Santo' }
- ];
+ { date: '12-25', name: 'Navidad' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -48 ) ), name: 'Carnaval' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -47 ) ), name: 'Carnaval' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -2 ) ), name: 'Viernes Santo' }
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'au':
+ holidays.push(
+ ...observed( year, 1, 1, country, 'New Year\'s Day' ),
+ ...observed( year, 1, 26, country, 'Australia Day' ),
+ ...inRegions(['tas'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 2, 8 ), name: 'Royal Hobart Regatta' }),
+ ...inRegions(['vic', 'wa'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 3, 1 ), name: 'Labour Day' }),
+ ...inRegions(['act'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 3, 8 ), name: 'Canberra Day' }),
+ ...inRegions(['sa'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 3, 8 ), name: 'Adelaide Cup Day' }),
+ ...inRegions(['tas'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 3, 8 ), name: 'Eight Hours Day' }),
+ { date: '4-25', name: 'Anzac Day' },
+ ...inRegions(['nt'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 5, 1 ), name: 'May Day' }),
+ ...inRegions(['qld'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 5, 1 ), name: 'Labour Day' }),
+ ...inRegions(['act'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 5, 27 ), name: 'Reconciliation Day' }),
+ ...inRegions(['wa'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 6, 1 ), name: 'Western Australia Day' }),
+ ...inRegions(['vic', 'nsw', 'sa', 'tas'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 6, 8 ), name: 'King\'s Birthday' }),
+ ...inRegions(['act'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 6, 8 ), name: 'Sovereign\'s Birthday' }),
+ ...inRegions(['nt'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 6, 8 ), name: 'June public holiday' }),
+ ...inRegions(['nt'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 8, 1 ), name: 'Picnic Day' }),
+ ...inRegions(['qld'], { date: floatingDoW( 3, year, 8, 10 ), name: 'Royal Queensland Show (Brisbane)' }),
+ ...inRegions(['wa'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 9, 22 ), name: 'King\'s Birthday' }),
+ ...inRegions(['qld'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 10, 1 ), name: 'King\'s Birthday' }),
+ ...inRegions(['act', 'nsw', 'sa'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 10, 1 ), name: 'Labour Day' }),
+ ...inRegions(['vic'], { date: floatingDoW( 2, year, 11, 1 ), name: 'Melbourne Cup' }),
+ ...inRegions(['tas'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 11, 1 ), name: 'Recreation Day' }),
+ ...observed( year, 12, 25, country, 'Christmas Day', { consecutive: 2 } ),
+ ...observed( year, 12, 26, country, 'Boxing Day', { consecutive: 2 } ),
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -2 ) ), name: 'Good Friday' },
+ ...inRegions( ['act', 'nsw', 'nt', 'sa'], { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -1 ) ), name: 'Easter Saturday' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['qld'], { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -1 ) ), name: 'The day after Good Friday' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['vic'], { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -1 ) ), name: 'Saturday before Easter Sunday' } ),
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 0 ) ), name: 'Easter Sunday' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 1 ) ), name: 'Easter Monday' },
+ ...inRegions( ['tas'], { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 2 ) ), name: 'Easter Tuesday (Public Service only)' } )
+ );
case 'br':
- holidays = [
+ holidays.push(
{ date: '1-1', name: 'Confraternização Universal' },
+ ...inRegions( ['ro'], { date: '1-4', name: 'Criação do estado de Rondônia' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ac'], ...observed( year, 1, 20, 'br-ac', 'Dia do Católico' ) ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ac'], ...observed( year, 1, 23, 'br-ac', 'Dia do Evangélico' ) ),
+ ...inRegions( ['pe'], { date: '3-6', name: 'Revolução Pernambucana' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ac'], ...observed( year, 3, 8, 'br-ac', 'Dia Internacional da Mulher' ) ),
+ ...inRegions( ['to'], { date: '3-18', name: 'Criação da Comarca do Norte' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ap','ce'], { date: '3-19', name: 'São José' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ce'], { date: '3-25', name: 'Abolição da escravidão no Ceará' } ),
{ date: '4-21', name: 'Tiradentes' },
+ ...inRegions( ['df'], { date: '4-21', name: 'Fundação de Brasília' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['mg'], { date: '4-21', name: 'Data Magna do estado de Minas Gerais' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['rj'], { date: '4-23', name: 'São Jorge' } ),
{ date: '5-1', name: 'Dia do Trabalhador' },
+ ...inRegions( ['ac'], { date: '6-15', name: 'Aniversário do estado do Acre' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ro'], { date: '6-18', name: 'Dia do Evangélico' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['al','pe'], { date: '6-24', name: 'São João' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['al'], { date: '6-29', name: 'São Pedro' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ba'], { date: '7-2', name: 'Independência da Bahia' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['se'], { date: '7-8', name: 'Emancipação política de Sergipe' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['sp'], { date: '7-9', name: 'Revolução Constitucionalista' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['go'], { date: '7-26', name: 'Fundação da cidade de Goiás' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ma'], { date: '7-28', name: 'Adesão do Maranhão à independência do Brasil' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['pb'], { date: '8-5', name: 'Nossa Senhora das Neves' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['rn'], { date: '8-7', name: 'Fixação do Marco Colonial de Touros' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['sc'], ...observed( year, 8, 11, 'br-sc', 'Data Magna do estado de Santa Catarina' ) ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ce'], { date: '8-15', name: 'Nossa Senhora da Assunção' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['pa'], { date: '8-15', name: 'Adesão do Pará à independência do Brasil' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['pr'], { date: '8-29', name: 'Dia do Paraná (ponto facultativo)' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ac'], ...observed( year, 9, 5, 'br-ac', 'Dia da Amazônia' ) ),
+ ...inRegions( ['am'], { date: '9-5', name: 'Elevação do Amazonas à categoria de província' } ),
{ date: '9-7', name: 'Proclamação da Independência' },
+ ...inRegions( ['to'], { date: '9-8', name: 'Nossa Senhora da Natividade' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ap'], { date: '9-13', name: 'Data Magna do estado do Amapá' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['al'], { date: '9-16', name: 'Emancipação Política de Alagoas' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['rs'], { date: '9-20', name: 'Revolução Farroupilha' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['rn'], { date: '10-3', name: 'Mártires de Cunhaú e Uruaçu' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['rr'], { date: '10-5', name: 'Criação do estado de Roraima' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['to'], { date: '10-5', name: 'Criação do estado de Tocantins' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['ms'], { date: '10-11', name: 'Criação do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul' } ),
{ date: '10-12', name: 'Nossa Senhora Aparecida' },
+ ...inRegions( ['rj'], { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 10, 15 ), name: 'Dia do Comércio' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['pi'], { date: '10-19', name: 'Dia do Piauí' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['go'], { date: '10-24', name: 'Pedra fundamental de Goiânia' } ),
{ date: '11-2', name: 'Finados' },
{ date: '11-15', name: 'Proclamação da República' },
- { date: '12-25', name: 'Natal' }
- ];
- easterHolidays = [
- { days: -47, name: 'Carnaval' },
- { days: -2, name: 'Sexta-feira Santa' },
- { days: 60, name: 'Corpus Christi' }
- ];
+ ...inRegions( ['ac'], ...observed( year, 11, 17, 'br-ac', 'Tratado de Petrópolis' ) ),
+ ...inRegions( ['al','am','mt','rj'], { date: '11-20', name: 'Dia da Consciência Negra' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['al','df'], { date: '11-30', name: 'Dia do Evangélico' } ),
+ ...inRegions( ['am'], { date: '12-8', name: 'Nossa Senhora da Conceição' } ),
+ { date: '12-25', name: 'Natal' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -47 ) ), name: 'Carnaval' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -2 ) ), name: 'Paixão de Cristo' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 0 ) ), name: 'Páscoa' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 60 ) ), name: 'Corpus Christi' },
+ ...inRegions( ['es'], { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 8 ) ), name: 'Nossa Senhora da Penha' } )
+ );
case 'ca':
- holidays = [
+ holidays.push(
{ date: '1-1', name: 'New Year\'s Day' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 5, 18 ), name: 'Victoria Day' },
{ date: '7-1', name: 'Canada Day' },
@@ -64,16 +141,14 @@ function checkHoliday( year, month, day ) {
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 10, 8 ), name: 'Thanksgiving' },
{ date: '11-11', name: 'Remembrance Day' },
{ date: '12-25', name: 'Christmas Day' },
- { date: '12-26', name: 'Boxing Day' }
- ];
- easterHolidays = [
- { days: -2, name: 'Good Friday' },
- { days: 1, name: 'Easter Monday' }
- ];
+ { date: '12-26', name: 'Boxing Day' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -2 ) ), name: 'Good Friday' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 1 ) ), name: 'Easter Monday' }
+ );
case 'de':
- holidays = [
+ holidays.push(
{ date: '1-1', name: 'Neujahr' },
{ date: '1-6', name: 'Heilige Drei Könige' },
{ date: '3-8', name: 'Internationaler Frauentag' },
@@ -85,21 +160,19 @@ function checkHoliday( year, month, day ) {
{ date: '11-1', name: 'Allerheiligen' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 3, year, 11, 16 ), name: 'Buß- und Bettag' }, // Wednesday between November 16-22
{ date: '12-25', name: '1. Weihnachtsfeiertag' },
- { date: '12-26', name: '2. Weihnachtsfeiertag' }
- ];
- easterHolidays = [
- { days: -2, name: 'Karfreitag' },
- { days: 0, name: 'Ostersonntag' },
- { days: 1, name: 'Ostermontag' },
- { days: 39, name: 'Christi Himmelfahrt' },
- { days: 49, name: 'Pfingstsonntag' },
- { days: 50, name: 'Pfingstmontag' },
- { days: 60, name: 'Fronleichnam' },
- ];
+ { date: '12-26', name: '2. Weihnachtsfeiertag' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -2 ) ), name: 'Karfreitag' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 0 ) ), name: 'Ostersonntag' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 1 ) ), name: 'Ostermontag' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 39 ) ), name: 'Christi Himmelfahrt' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 49 ) ), name: 'Pfingstsonntag' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 50 ) ), name: 'Pfingstmontag' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 60 ) ), name: 'Fronleichnam' }
+ );
case 'es':
- holidays = [
+ holidays.push(
{ date: '1-1', name: 'Año Nuevo' },
{ date: '1-6', name: 'Día de Reyes' },
{ date: '5-1', name: 'Día del Trabajador' },
@@ -108,16 +181,14 @@ function checkHoliday( year, month, day ) {
{ date: '11-1', name: 'Día de todos los Santos' },
{ date: '12-6', name: 'Día de la Constitución' },
{ date: '12-8', name: 'Inmaculada Concepción' },
- { date: '12-25', name: 'Navidad' }
- ];
- easterHolidays = [
- { days: -3, name: 'Jueves Santo' },
- { days: -2, name: 'Viernes Santo' }
- ];
+ { date: '12-25', name: 'Navidad' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -3 ) ), name: 'Jueves Santo' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -2 ) ), name: 'Viernes Santo' }
+ );
case 'fr':
- holidays = [
+ holidays.push(
{ date: '1-1', name: 'Nouvel an' },
{ date: '5-1', name: 'Fête des Travailleurs' },
{ date: '5-8', name: 'Fête de la Victoire' },
@@ -126,30 +197,28 @@ function checkHoliday( year, month, day ) {
{ date: '11-1', name: 'Toussaint' },
{ date: '11-11', name: 'Armistice de 1918' },
{ date: '12-25', name: 'Noël' },
- { date: '12-26', name: 'Deuxième jour de Noël' }
- ];
- easterHolidays = [
- { days: -2, name: 'Vendredi saint' },
- { days: 1, name: 'Lundi de Pâques' },
- { days: 39, name: 'Ascension' },
- { days: 50, name: 'Lundi de Pentecôte' }
- ];
+ { date: '12-26', name: 'Deuxième jour de Noël' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -2 ) ), name: 'Vendredi saint' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 1 ) ), name: 'Lundi de Pâques' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 39 ) ), name: 'Ascension' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 50 ) ), name: 'Lundi de Pentecôte' }
+ );
case 'mx':
- holidays = [
- { date: calcObservation( year, 1, 1, country ), name: 'Año Nuevo' },
+ holidays.push(
+ ...observed( year, 1, 1, country, 'Año Nuevo' ),
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 2, 1 ), name: 'Día de la Constitución' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 3, 15 ), name: 'Natalicio de Benito Juárez' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 5, 1, country ), name: 'Día del Trabajo' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 9, 16, country ), name: 'Día de la Independencia' },
+ ...observed( year, 5, 1, country, 'Día del Trabajo' ),
+ ...observed( year, 9, 16, country, 'Día de la Independencia' ),
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 11, 15 ), name: 'Día de la Revolución' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 12, 25, country ), name: 'Navidad' }
- ];
+ ...observed( year, 12, 25, country, 'Navidad')
+ );
case 'pt':
- holidays = [
+ holidays.push(
{ date: '1-1', name: 'Ano Novo' },
{ date: '4-25', name: 'Dia da Liberdade' },
{ date: '5-1', name: 'Dia do Trabalhador' },
@@ -159,73 +228,59 @@ function checkHoliday( year, month, day ) {
{ date: '11-1', name: 'Dia de Todos-os-Santos' },
{ date: '12-1', name: 'Restauração da Independência' },
{ date: '12-8', name: 'Imaculada Conceição' },
- { date: '12-25', name: 'Natal' }
- ];
- easterHolidays = [
- { days: -47, name: 'Carnaval' },
- { days: -2, name: 'Sexta-feira Santa' },
- { days: 60, name: 'Corpo de Deus' }
- ];
+ { date: '12-25', name: 'Natal' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -47 ) ), name: 'Carnaval' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -2 ) ), name: 'Sexta-feira Santa' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 60 ) ), name: 'Corpo de Deus' }
+ );
case 'uk':
- holidays = [
- { date: calcObservation( year, 1, 1, country ), name: 'New Year\'s Day' },
+ holidays.push(
+ ...observed( year, 1, 1, country, 'New Year\'s Day' ),
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 5, 1 ), name: 'May Day Bank Holiday' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 5, 25 ), name: 'Spring Bank Holiday' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 8, 25 ), name: 'Late Summer Bank Holiday' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 12, 25, country ), name: 'Christmas Day' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 12, 26, country ), name: 'Boxing Day' }
- ];
- easterHolidays = [
- { days: -2, name: 'Good Friday' },
- { days: 1, name: 'Easter Monday' }
- ];
+ ...observed( year, 12, 25, country, 'Christmas Day', { consecutive: 2 } ),
+ ...observed( year, 12, 26, country, 'Boxing Day', { consecutive: 2 } ),
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, -2 ) ), name: 'Good Friday' },
+ { date: dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( easterSunday, 1 ) ), name: 'Easter Monday' }
+ );
case 'us':
- holidays = [
+ holidays.push(
{ date: '1-1', name: 'New Year\'s Day' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 1, 15 ), name: 'Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.' },
- { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 2, 15 ), name: 'Washington\'s Birthday' },
+ { date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 2, 15 ), name: 'Presidents\' Day' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 5, 25 ), name: 'Memorial Day' },
+ { date: '6-19', name: 'Juneteenth' },
{ date: '7-4', name: 'Independence Day' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 9, 1 ), name: 'Labor Day' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 1, year, 10, 8 ), name: 'Columbus Day' },
{ date: '11-11', name: 'Veterans Day' },
{ date: floatingDoW( 4, year, 11, 22 ), name: 'Thanksgiving Day' },
{ date: '12-25', name: 'Christmas Day' }
- ];
+ );
case 'uy':
- holidays = [
+ holidays.push(
{ date: '1-1', name: 'Año Nuevo' },
{ date: '1-6', name: 'Día de Reyes' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 4, 19, country ), name: 'Desembarco de los 33 Orientales' },
+ ...observed( year, 4, 19, country, 'Desembarco de los 33 Orientales' ),
{ date: '5-1', name: 'Día de los Trabajadores' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 5, 18, country ), name: 'Batalla de las Piedras' },
+ ...observed( year, 5, 18, country, 'Batalla de las Piedras' ),
{ date: '6-19', name: 'Natalicio de Artigas y Día del Nunca Más' },
{ date: '7-18', name: 'Jura de la Constitución' },
{ date: '8-25', name: 'Declaratoria de la Independencia' },
- { date: calcObservation( year, 10, 12, country ), name: 'Día de la Raza' },
+ ...observed( year, 10, 12, country, 'Día de la Raza' ),
{ date: '11-2', name: 'Día de los Difuntos' },
{ date: '12-25', name: 'Navidad' }
- ];
+ );
- // calculates floating holidays based on Easter Day
- if ( easterHolidays.length ) {
- let easter = computus( year );
- easterHolidays.forEach( d => {
- let date = dateAdd( easter, d.days );
- holidays.push( { date: `${ date.getMonth() + 1 }-${ date.getDate() }`, name: d.name } );
- });
- }
- holidays = holidays.concat( getCustomHolidays() );
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7364150/find-object-by-id-in-an-array-of-javascript-objects
return holidays.filter( i => i.date == `${month}-${day}` ).map( i => i.name );
@@ -318,50 +373,92 @@ function getMonthDays( year ) {
- * Calculates the observation date for a given holiday according to a country's rules
+ * Returns the holiday only if it's applicable in the current region
- * @param {number} year
- * @param {number} month
- * @param {number} day
- * @param {string} country
+ * @param {array} holidayRegions Regions the holiday is observed in
+ * @param {object} holiday Holiday definition
+ * @returns Array (zero or one) of holiday definitions applicable
+ */
+function inRegions ( holidayRegions, holiday ) {
+ if ( holidayRegions.includes( region ) ) {
+ return [ holiday ];
+ }
+ else {
+ return [];
+ }
+ * Returns an array of actual and/or observed holiday dates according to a country's rules
- * @returns {string} holiday date in 'month-day' format
+ * @param {number} year Holiday year
+ * @param {number} month Holiday month
+ * @param {number} day Holiday day
+ * @param {string} country Country (or Country-Region) code
+ * @param {string} name Holiday name
+ * @param {Object} options Additional options
+ * @param {number} options.consecutive How many consecutive holidays is this one a part of (to avoid shifting observed date onto them)
+ * @returns {array} array of event objects
-function calcObservation( year, month, day, country ) {
+function observed( year, month, day, country, name, options ) {
+ options = options || {};
- var diff = 0,
+ let diffs = [0],
date = new Date( year, month - 1, day ),
- dow = date.getDay();
+ dow = date.getDay(),
+ observedName = name;
switch ( country ) {
case 'mx' :
if ( dow == 0 )
- diff = 1;
+ diffs = [1];
else if ( dow == 6 )
- diff = -1;
+ diffs = [-1];
+ case 'au' :
case 'uk' :
+ // if a holiday falls on a Sunday and Monday becomes a public holiday instead, both Sunday and Monday dates will be returned
+ var consecutive = options.consecutive || 1;
if ( dow == 0 )
- diff = 1;
+ diffs.push( consecutive );
else if ( dow == 6 )
- diff = 2;
+ diffs.push( 2 );
+ observedName = `${name} (in lieu)`;
case 'ar' :
case 'uy' :
if ( dow == 2 )
- diff = -1;
+ diffs = [-1];
else if ( dow == 3 )
- diff = -2;
+ diffs = [-2];
else if ( dow == 4 )
- diff = 4;
+ diffs = [4];
else if ( dow == 5 )
- diff = 3;
+ diffs = [3];
+ break;
+ case 'br-ac' :
+ // holidays between Tuesday and Thursday are postponed to Friday
+ if ( dow >= 2 && dow <= 4 )
+ diffs = [ 5 - dow ];
+ break;
+ case 'br-sc' :
+ // holidays on working days are postponed to Sunday
+ if ( dow > 0 )
+ diffs = [ 7 - dow ];
- return dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( date, diff ) );
+ return diffs.map(diff => {
+ var newDate = dateToMonthDay( dateAdd( date, diff ) );
+ return {
+ date: newDate,
+ name: diff == 0 ? name : observedName
+ }
+ });
@@ -474,4 +571,4 @@ function deleteCustomHoliday( i ) {
localStorage.setItem( 'custom-holidays', JSON.stringify( holidays ) );
document.querySelector('#custom-holidays-table tbody').innerHTML = listCustomHolidays();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/i18n.js b/js/i18n.js
index 0c6012d..3eb6085 100644
--- a/js/i18n.js
+++ b/js/i18n.js
@@ -3,12 +3,56 @@
// current language and country
-var lang, country;
+let lang, country, region;
-// countries for holiday selection list
-var countries = {
+// countries and regions for holiday selection list
+const countries = {
ar: { name: 'Argentina' },
- br: { name: 'Brasil' },
+ au: {
+ name: 'Australia',
+ regions: {
+ act: { name: 'Australian Capital Territory' },
+ nsw: { name: 'New South Wales' },
+ nt: { name: 'Northern Territory' },
+ qld: { name: 'Queensland' },
+ sa: { name: 'South Australia' },
+ tas: { name: 'Tasmania' },
+ vic: { name: 'Victoria' },
+ wa: { name: 'Western Australia' }
+ }
+ },
+ br: {
+ name: 'Brasil',
+ regions: {
+ ac: { name: 'Acre' },
+ al: { name: 'Alagoas' },
+ ap: { name: 'Amapá' },
+ am: { name: 'Amazonas' },
+ ba: { name: 'Bahia' },
+ ce: { name: 'Ceará' },
+ df: { name: 'Distrito Federal' },
+ es: { name: 'Espírito Santo' },
+ go: { name: 'Goiás' },
+ ma: { name: 'Maranhão' },
+ mt: { name: 'Mato Grosso' },
+ ms: { name: 'Mato Grosso do Sul' },
+ mg: { name: 'Minas Gerais' },
+ pa: { name: 'Pará' },
+ pb: { name: 'Paraíba' },
+ pr: { name: 'Paraná' },
+ pe: { name: 'Pernambuco' },
+ pi: { name: 'Piauí' },
+ rj: { name: 'Rio de Janeiro' },
+ rn: { name: 'Rio Grande do Norte' },
+ rs: { name: 'Rio Grande do Sul' },
+ ro: { name: 'Rondônia' },
+ rr: { name: 'Roraima' },
+ sc: { name: 'Santa Catarina' },
+ sp: { name: 'São Paulo' },
+ se: { name: 'Sergipe' },
+ to: { name: 'Tocantins' }
+ }
+ },
ca: { name: 'Canada' },
de: { name: 'Deutschland' },
es: { name: 'España' },
@@ -21,7 +65,7 @@ var countries = {
// translations of messages
-var msg = {
+const msg = {
en: {
langName: 'English',
defCountry: 'us',
@@ -480,51 +524,151 @@ var msg = {
loadingTip: 'Se demorar muito, experimente carregar outra imagem.',
preview: 'Pré-visualização:',
fold: 'dobre nas linhas tracejadas',
+ },
+ ru: {
+ langName: 'Русский',
+ defCountry: 'us',
+ monthNames: [ 'Месяц', 'Январь', 'Февраль', 'Март', 'Апрель', 'Май', 'Июнь', 'Июль', 'Август', 'Сентябрь', 'Октябрь', 'Ноябрь', 'Декабрь' ],
+ weekDays: [ 'Вс', 'Пн', 'Вт', 'Ср', 'Чт', 'Пт', 'Сб' ],
+ weekStart: 'Неделя начинается с',
+ sunday: 'Воскресенья',
+ monday: 'Понедельника',
+ year: 'Год',
+ month: 'Месяц',
+ day: 'День',
+ credits: 'Создано с desktopCal.js',
+ creditTitle:'Уведомление',
+ creditDescr:'Вы можете изменить эту строку, чтобы включить в нее информацию, например, об авторе фотографии.',
+ front: 'Сторона 1',
+ back: 'Сторона 2',
+ design: 'Выберите макет календаря',
+ edit: 'Выберите изображение, месяц и год',
+ language: 'Язык',
+ layout: 'Макет',
+ desktopCal: 'Настольный календарь',
+ wallSingle: 'Настенный календарь',
+ digitalBg: 'Цифровые обои',
+ screenConf: 'Конфигурация экрана',
+ screenRes: 'Разрешение экрана',
+ chgOrient: 'Изменить ориентацию',
+ calStyle: 'Стиль календаря',
+ small: 'Маленький блок',
+ medium: 'Средний блок',
+ large: 'Большой блок',
+ column: 'Вертикальная полоса',
+ row: 'Горизонтальная полоса',
+ calSettings: 'Настройки календаря',
+ modern: 'Современный',
+ classic: 'Классический',
+ showHolidays: 'Показывать описание праздников',
+ yes: 'Да',
+ no: 'Нет',
+ horAlign: 'Выравнивание по горизонтали',
+ verAlign: 'Выравнивание по вертикали',
+ left: 'Влево',
+ horCenter: 'По центру',
+ right: 'Вправо',
+ top: 'По верхнему краю',
+ verCenter: 'По центру',
+ bottom: 'По нижнему краю',
+ width: 'Ширина',
+ height: 'Высота',
+ pixels: 'пикселей',
+ rotateR: 'Повернуть по часовой стрелке',
+ rotateL: 'Повернуть против часовой стрелки',
+ flipH: 'Отразить по горизонтали',
+ flipV: 'Отразить по вертикали',
+ reset: 'Сбросить',
+ colors: 'Цвета',
+ colorPresets: 'Цветовые схемы',
+ saveColors: 'Сохранить как новую цветовую схему',
+ deletePreset: 'Вы действительно хотите удалить эту цветовую схему?\nЭТО ДЕЙСТВИЕ НЕЛЬЗЯ ОТМЕНИТЬ!',
+ bgColor: 'Цвет фона',
+ bgOpacity: 'Прозрачность фона',
+ textColor: 'Цвет текста',
+ holidayColor:'Цвет праздников',
+ loadImage: 'Загрузить изображение',
+ holidays: 'Праздники',
+ countryHolidays: 'Национальные праздники',
+ customHolidays: 'Свои праздники',
+ description: 'Описание',
+ none: 'Нет',
+ add: 'Добавить',
+ delete: 'Удалить',
+ load: 'Загрузить',
+ imgNotice: 'Изображения НЕ покидают ваш компьютер. Вся обработка происходит в вашем браузере.',
+ printIt: 'Напечатать!',
+ paperSize: 'Формат бумаги / соотношение сторон',
+ paperIso: 'A3 или A4',
+ paperLegal: 'Legal',
+ paperLetter:'Letter',
+ paperTabloid:'Tabloid',
+ print: 'Сгенерировать и напечатать',
+ tipBgImg: 'Включите печать фоновых изображений в настройках принтера;',
+ tipPortrait:'Установите портретный режим печати;',
+ tipMargins: 'Задайте минимальный возможный размер полей;',
+ tipHeaders: 'Отключите верхний и нижний колонтитулы.',
+ downloadIt: 'Скачать ваши обои',
+ download: 'Скачать',
+ fileFormat: 'Формат файла',
+ loading: 'Загрузка, пожалуйста, подождите...',
+ loadingTip: 'Если это занимает слишком много времени, попробуйте загрузить другое изображение.',
+ preview: 'Предпросмотр:',
+ fold: 'сложите по пунктирным линиям',
function langOptions() {
+ const keys = Object.keys( msg );
- var html = '',
- keys = Object.keys( msg );
+ let html = '';
- for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ )
+ for ( let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ )
html += ``;
return html;
function monthOptions() {
+ let html = '';
- var html = '';
- for ( var i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
+ for ( let i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
html += ``;
return html;
function countryOptions() {
+ let html = ``;
- var html = ``,
- keys = Object.keys( countries );
- for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ )
- html += ``;
+ for ( const [ key, { name, regions } ] of Object.entries( countries ) ) {
+ if ( regions ) {
+ html += ``;
+ }
+ }
return html;
-function changeCountry( newCountry ) {
- country = newCountry;
+function changeCountry( newValue ) {
+ [ country, region ] = newValue.split('-');
localStorage.setItem( 'country', country );
+ if ( region )
+ localStorage.setItem( 'region', region );
+ else
+ localStorage.removeItem( 'region' );
function changeLang( newLang ) {
if ( ! Object.keys( msg ).includes( newLang ) ) // invalid language?
return false;
@@ -536,8 +680,7 @@ function changeLang( newLang ) {
function translatePage() {
- var values = [];
+ let values = [];
// save values from select elements
document.querySelectorAll('select').forEach( ( el, i ) => values[ i ] = el.selectedIndex );
@@ -564,5 +707,4 @@ function translatePage() {
if ( values[ i ] >= 0 )
el.selectedIndex = values[ i ]
diff --git a/styles.css b/styles.css
index ce84630..7f90bb3 100644
--- a/styles.css
+++ b/styles.css
@@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ button, .button {
min-width: 100px;
+optgroup option {
+ font-size: 90%;
.icon-button::before {
background-size: 24px;