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Releases: hydecorp/hydejack


08 Feb 10:16
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  • Added tooltips to post subtitles and last-modified-at lines.
  • Added tooltips to abberavations (<abbr> tags)
  • Added tooltips to social media icons (inside main column only)
  • Fixed KaTeX font rendering
  • [PRO] Setting clap_button: false will hide the clap button preview, even in development
  • [PRO] A overscrolling ToC will scroll itself to keep the active element in view.


05 Feb 11:01
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Version 9.1 provides minor design changes, new features, and closes multiple issues:


  • Code blocks now can have headers:

    // file: 'hello-world.js'
    console.log('Hello World!');

    To add the headers, simply make the first line a comment of the form file: "dir/filename.ext".

    • Code blocks now have a copy-to-clipboard button
  • Resumes can now have download buttons.


    Add the following to the front matter. Note that the PDF needs to be pre-generated.
    See the docs for more.

    # file: ""
      print: true
      pdf: /assets/Resume.pdf
      json: /assets/resume.json
  • Added breadcrumbs above page title:


    Note that this requires a directory-like URL pattern like /blog/:categories/:year-:month-:day-:title/ (default for Hydejack).

    Disable with hydejack.no_breadcrumbs.

  • Added "Last modified at" to post layout:

    Last modified at{:.border}

    To enable this feature, the post needs to have a last_modified_at property with a valid date. You can either set it manually in the frontmatter (not recommended), or use the jekyll-last-modified-at plugin to set it for you (Not available on GitHub Pages!).

    You can remove this element by setting hide_last_modified in the front matter. You can disable it for all posts by setting hydejack.hide_last_modified in the config file. Setting hydejack.hide_dates (PRO version only) will also remove it, together with all other time-related UI elements.

    You can customize the hover text, icon, and date format in _data/strings.yml using the following keys: last_modified_at (hover text), last_modified_at_icon (icon name, default: icon-history) and date_formats.last_modified_at (date format, default: %Y-%m-%d).

  • Added option to "invert" / darken the font colors in the sidebar. This enables use of bright sidebar images.
    Set invert_sidebar: true in the font matter to enable. Use defaults in the config file to enable this for all pages.

  • Added a demo of Clap Button during development.

  • Added option to configure border radius

  • Added dingbat to page layout

  • Added plain layout that comes without a dingbat

  • Added smaller and larger CSS classes that set the font size to the respective values.

  • Added options to change the file paths to favicon and apple touch icon in the confog file. Use favicon and apple_touch_icon respectively.


  • Added border radius to many elements
  • Modernized table design
  • [PRO] Setting hydejack.advertise: false will now remove the banner from the HTML and the JavaScript console.
  • Changed the box shadow of cards (projects, posts) to reduce the amount of painting the browser has to do on when mouse hovering them.
  • The layout when using the theme without the no_break_layout setting is now


  • Allow transparent project and post images
  • Removing/leaving out the logo key in the config file will now correctly remove the logo from the sidebar
  • [PRO] Fixed a bug that caused blog posts to be included the the search even when set to sitemap: false in the front matter.


01 Oct 06:22
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  • Added GitHub Pages Starter Kit to PRO version
  • Added chapter on how to deploy PRO on GitHub Pages
  • JavaScript source files now included in PRO zip again
  • Updated default config file
  • Changed default code font
  • Improved fallback image in dark mode


15 Jul 12:51
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  • Fixed image fade in animation for images with srcset
  • Slightly increased size of post and project cards
  • Added page margin to print layout
  • Fixed KaTeX when JavaScript is disabled
  • Fixed a layout bug in the resume layout when changing the content width in variable
  • Fixed table of contents sticky breakpoint


10 Jul 12:25
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  • Updated print resume style
  • Updated docs for GitHub Pages
  • Slightly decreased size of dark mode icon
  • Fixed a bug that caused a GitHub Pages build to fail with an empty configuration file
  • Changed default icon so that it less resembles


07 Jul 05:38
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  • Fixed a bug that prevented the search from updating when offline is enabled
  • Fixed a bug that caused search terms to get lost during initialization
  • Fixed a bug that prevented from getting stored for offline during service worker installation
  • Added support to for no-cache param to service worker.

See full the Patch Notes for Hydejack 9.


06 Jul 13:01
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  • Changing app icons has been revamped. See this section in the docs.
  • Changed default icons
  • Changed default sidebar background
  • Added jekyll-compose defaults to config file
  • Slightly adjusted dark mode colors
  • Fixed resume layout breakpoint

See full the Patch Notes for Hydejack 9.

Hydejack 9

03 Jul 06:46
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  • Added Built-In Search Functionality

    Hydejack now has its own built-in search solution, that integrates well with the existing page style and the new navbar.

    The solution is entirely browser-based which means it even works while offline and doesn't depend on an 3rd party.
    This works, because Hydejack is designed for personal sites that generally have less than 1000 pages.
    In my testing, Jekyll build times have been a problem long before search query times.

    The results of the search are surprisingly good, but have only been tested in English and (somewhat) German.
    For better language support, I might build an integration with Algolia at some point, which has the best results,
    but requires stable internet connection and an API key.
    I'd be interested to hear about problems with search in other languages to determine if this is necessary.

  • Added Table of Contents that is prettier, sticky, and dynamic.

    Adding a table of contents is part of kramdown and can be done in all versions of Hydejack.
    However, v9 adds a dynamic version that will stick to the 3rd column on large screens and highlight the current section.

    Note that this will reduce the amount of space freed up by the no_break_layout: false setting (otherwise the ToC would overlap with code blocks, math blocks, etc).

  • Added a scroll-linked navbar that disappears when scrolling down and re-appears when scrolling up.

  • Math support has been revamped because the old solution stopped working with Jekyll 4. Hydejack now supports both KaTeX and MathJax.

    The MathJax implementation is more similar to the old solution. It comes with a client-side runtime (MathJax in this case)
    and works on GitHub Pages. It is the more heavy-weight of the two and doesn't work without JavaScript enabled.
    Due to the size of the complete MathJax package, it only works partially with offline support enabled.

    The KaTeX implementation has been changed to pre-render the KaTeX output during site building.
    It does not ship a client-side runtime, which is more lightweight and works without JavaScript.
    In my opinion, it is the more elegant solution, but it requires a JavaScript runtime on the machine that builds the site.
    This means that this solution doesn't work on GitHub Pages.

    You can switch between the two implementations by changing the kramdown.math_engine key to either katex or mathjax in your config file.
    The KaTeX implementation also requires the kramdown-math-katex gem in your Gemfile.

  • Drastically improved build times through the use of jekyll-include-cache.
    Most of the previous tips on improving page build speed should now be obsolete.

  • Added grid layout in PRO version that mirrors the projects layout, but for posts.
    If you've set images for your posts, it will give your blog a more modern look.


  • CSS variables are now configurable via _data/variables.yml. While there are other ways to change them, this has the broadest reach across HTML (img[sizes] attribute!), CSS and JS.
  • Many JS content features (such as # heading links) now work even when hydejack.no_push_state is enabled.
  • Linking to posts in the home and post layout now accept either paths or URLs. Read more.
  • The star icons in the resume layout can now be disabled via no_skill_icons and no_language_icons.
  • Resume layout now supports the following keys: born, citizenship, and maritalStatus.
  • PRO only: Added hide_dates option to disable showing blog post dates.
  • The blog layout now works without pagination, simply showing all posts on a single page when the jekyll-pagination plugin is not found.
  • The projects, resume, and grid layout now make better use of large screens, by letting content expand to the right of the screen. Restore the previous , set no_break_columns in front matter.
  • Removed smooth scroll polyfill for Safari/Webkit as it has caused problems with sticky content.
  • Figure captions can now be added to code blocks, math blocks, and tables in addition to just images using the .figcaption CSS class.
  • The order of the comment section relative to the about and related posts sections can now be customized via the hydejack.post_addons and hydejack.project_addons keys. See the example _config.yml for more.
  • Clicking the image in the blog layout will now navigate to the blog post. In the PRO version it will do so with the classic "move image in place" animation.
  • Grouping projects by year can now be disabled. Use no_groups: true in the front matter. This also applies to the new grid layout and the old list layout.
  • hy-img has been removed and replaced with browser's native loading=lazy attribute
  • Now serving separate JavaScript files for old and new browsers, allowing it to take advantage of many new language features.
  • JavaScript files are now chunked, so that only what is needed is loaded on demand.
  • hy-drawer and hy-push-state have been rewritten in TypeScript and LitHTML, fixing many bugs in the process.
  • Updated to Jekyll 4.1
  • Hydejack now has a dedicated offline page that will be shown when the client is offline and tries to open a page that hasn't been cached.
    The content of the page can be customized by creating file in the root with layout: offline, similar to
  • The code font can now be customized in the config file via the font_code key.


  • Many layouts (projects, resume, home) will now use more space on large screens (disable via hydejack.no_third_column)
  • Headings now appear "oversized" on larger screens and extend to the right end of the screen (disable via hydejack.no_large_headings)
  • The base font size is now smaller across screen sizes (can be configured in _sass/_variables.scss)
  • The content width is now larger across screen sizes (can be configured in _sass/_variables.scss)
  • The link style has been changed to make picking accent colors easier for dark mode. It's also possible to link images now without worrying about underlines.
  • The amount of whitespace has been reduced. Previously it had been increased but it felt too much.
  • Added a note class that succeeds the message for adding auxillary content. The message class still exists.
  • The navbar buttons made to look more like buttons
  • Dark mode colors have been toned down a bit
  • Improved dark mode text rendering on macOS
  • The permalink style has been changed to use "#" instead of an icon.
  • Definition list now have a double colon after the definition term.
  • Changed the style of footnote links on small screens to make them easier to click.


  • Horizontal scrolling on a code block, math black, or table can no longer accidentally open the drawer.
  • The client-side scripts are now more robust to missing HTML elements. This should ease theme customization.
  • Setting sitemap: false will now also add a noindex meta tag to prevent accidental search engine indexation.
  • Fixed back button not showing when opening in standalone mode for the first time.
  • The menu icon is now hidden when the drawer is disabled.
  • Using no_drawer: true is now working properly on cover pages when no_push_state: false is set.
  • Reduced the amount of pixels cached by the will-change optimization and fixed the corresponding warning in Firefox.


31 Aug 11:45
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  • Fixed breaking builds due to name collision when upgrading to 8.5
    This is caused when using both _plugins/jekyll-replace-imgs and the new jekyll-replace-img ruby gem.
    I recommend deleting _plugins/jekyll-replace-imgs when using the jekyll-replace-img gem.
    Note that this is an optional plugin.
  • Fixed nomodule script loading for Safari 10.1
  • Fixed #176


01 Aug 16:44
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  • [PRO] The theme now matches the operating system's dark mode.
  • Scrolling down on a page with an open drawer will now close the drawer
  • Reloading a cover page after the drawer has been closed will now open the page with the drawer closed
  • Removed JavaScript-based web font swapping in favor of using font-display: swap
  • Darkened font color in dark mode to reduce contrast
  • Updated KaTeX to the latest version
  • Increased the durations of various animations slightly
  • Now using jekyll-replace-img instead of custom code in _plugins folder
  • Added a separate, smaller JavaScript bundle for modern browsers


  • Added support for figure captions on code blocks
  • Added keybase to social media icons
  • [PRO] There's now a forward button when using the theme as a PWA


  • Fixed print layout when dark mode is enabled
  • Using CSSTransformValue correctly
  • Fixed a minor style bug for dates
  • Fixed a bug where light mode would flash when loading a page in dark mode
  • Minimal support for IE11