Plug-in for Chef's knife to print a chart of all cookbooks and the version constraints contained in each environment. Any obsolete version constraints (i.e. constraints for cookbooks which do not exist on the server) are also listed.
gem install knife-verschart
Place the Verschart.rb file in your knife plugins directory.
ex. cp lib/chef/knife/Verschart.rb ~/.chef/plugins/knife/Verschart.rb
One or more 'primary' environments can be set either on the command line or in knife.rb. Versions which are NOT frozen, will be highlighted in these environments. The list of environments is pulled from the Chef server (_default is ignored). A prefered display order can be specified either on the command line or in knife.rb.
knife verschart [--primary environment[,environment,...]][-o | --env_order environment[,environment,...]][--html][--cbselect cookbook[,cookbook,...]]
--primary environment[,environment,...] A comma-separated list of environments to be considered primary. Versions which are NOT frozen willl be highlighted red.
-o, --env_order env[,env,....] A comma-separated list of environments to establish an display order. Any existing environments not included in this list will be added at the end
--cbselect cookbook[,cookbook,....] A comma-separated list of cookbooks to list. Each entry in the list is treated as a regex when comparing the cookbook name.
--html Output formatted as an html table.
knife[:primary] = "PRODUCTION" ## Sets the primary environment(s)
knife[:envorder] = "Sandbox,Dev,IT,Staging,PRODUCTION" ## Sets the environment display order.
knife[:html] = true ## Output will be formatted for html
Output will look something like this (only with color):
Showing Versions for
Version numbers in the Latest column in teal are frozen
Version numbers in the PRODUCTION Environment(s) which are NOT frozen will be red.
Version numbers which do not exist on the server will be in yellow.
Version numbers which are different from the Latest (but do exist), will be in blue.
Requested Environment order is ["Sandbox", "Dev", "Dev2", "IT", "Staging", "PRODUCTION"]
Cookbooks Latest Sandbox Dev IT Staging PRODUCTION
cron 1.2.8 <= 1.2.8 <= 1.2.8 <= 1.2.8 <= 1.2.8 <= 1.2.8
hostsfile 2.4.4 <= 2.4.4 <= 2.4.4 <= 2.4.4 <= 2.4.4 <= 2.4.4
line 0.5.1 <= 0.5.1 <= 0.5.1 <= 0.5.1 <= 0.5.1 <= 0.5.1
log_rotations 0.0.1 <= 0.0.1 <= 0.0.1 X X X
logrotate 1.4.0 <= 1.4.0 <= 1.4.0 <= 1.4.0 <= 1.4.0 <= 1.4.0
netgroup 0.1.0 <= 0.1.0 <= 0.1.0 <= 0.1.0 <= 0.1.0 <= 0.1.0
ohai 1.1.12 <= 1.1.12 <= 1.1.12 <= 1.1.12 <= 1.1.12 <= 1.1.12
ssh 0.6.5 <= 0.6.5 <= 0.6.5 <= 0.6.5 <= 0.6.5 <= 0.6.5
ssh-keys 1.0.0 <= 1.0.0 <= 1.0.0 <= 1.0.0 <= 1.0.0 <= 1.0.0
yum 3.1.4 <= 3.1.4 <= 3.1.4 <= 3.1.4 <= 3.1.4 <= 3.1.4
Obsolete Version constraints are listed below
-- apache <= 3.2.1