Releases: hyperion-ml/hyperion
Releases · hyperion-ml/hyperion
v0.3.2 Clotho Fix 2
- Fix bug in model loader for older x-vector models
v0.3.1 Clotho Fix 1
- Fix bug in model loader for older x-vector models
- Fix bug in visual recipes
- Adds some docs
v0.3.0 Clotho
- Breaking Changes:
- s parameter in x-vector AAM/AM softmax loss is renamed as cos_scale to avoid conflict with other arguments that start with s. Models trained with older versions still should work.
- Launcher for multigpu has been changed to the newer torchrun, it implies the multigpu won't work on PyTorch <1.9.
- Hyperion updated to work with PyTorch >=1.9, PyTorch 1.10 recommended.
- Documentation automatically uploaded to
- This release, should upload automatically to pypi
- All Code formatted with Black
- Added GitHub Action to check for black formatting
- Changes in requirements, current version only works with
- Pytorch >=1.6 <= 1.8.0
- Fairscale = 0.3.8
v0.2.0 Tyche
- New Recipes:
- SRE21-AV Audio: 16k and 8k versions
- SRE21-AV Visual: face recognition recipes using Pre-trained MX-Net and Pytorch ArcFace embeddings
- SRE21-AV: fusion of audio and visual modalities at score levels
v0.1.0 Lachesis
- Make Hyperion pip installable
- Adds installation instructions
- Configuration files and command-line arguments are handled using jsonarparse, not argparse anymore. This allows us to use yaml files and overrides the values in the yaml file from the command line.
- First version using nn.DistributedDataParallel instead of nn.DataParallel
- Supports FairScale Sharded DataParallel, we didn't observe significant memory gains in our models using this so far
- Added SpineNet, Spine2Net and TSE-Spine2Net x-vector architectures from our IS21 paper
- Added SpeAugment PyTorch Layer
- Added numpy speed augment class
- Fixed, all speakers extracted from the same video were getting the same spkid, the script did not take into account that more than one speaker could be extracted from each video
- New recipes:
- Recipe for classifying adversarial attacks algorithms and threat models from our IS21 paper (voxceleb/adv.v2)
- Recipe for adv attacks aginst spk verif renamed as voxceleb/adv.v1 and adv.v1.1, these recipes have been updated and cleaned up
- Recipe for SRE19-AV Audio part with AHC diarization (sre19-av-a/v2.1)
- Recipe for Chime5 speaker verification setup chime5/v1
- Recipes for SRE19-AV Face Recognition using pretrained RetinaFace face detector and ArcFace embeddings from InsightFace MX-Net repository (sre19-av-v/v0.1) and Insightface-Pytorch (sre19-av-v/v0.2)
- Added VOiCES challenge recipe
- Adds SRE20-CTS recipe v1
- Added Spine2Net results in voxceleb/v1.1 recipe
- Added Spec and speed augment
- Make Hyperion pip installable
- Adds installation instructions