- fix package exports
- fix package exports
- fix: separate cjs and mjs typings
- introduce refreshExpirationTime
- introduce reloadInterval
- introduce cacheHitMode
- Export the backend options type
- extend to accept also backends with promise / async-await signature
- typescript: static type prop
- typescript fix for i18next v22
- pass down options to create function
- build to trigger Deno
- backendOptions can be optional
- by default handle empty resources like failed backend reads
- Type PluginOptions properly 18
- fixes attempt to save data on invalid response
- removes deprecated jsnext:main from package.json
- Bundle all entry points with rollup 8
- note: dist/es -> dist/esm, dist/commonjs -> dist/cjs (individual files -> one bundled file)
- typescript: fix types 6
- typescript: add types 5
- fixes upper bound for backend accessing in load
- fixes init call with no options (i18next construct class)
- initial version