A Windows Forms library that provides native controls with many of the advanced features.
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- AeroForm: Base form class that automatically sets its font according to the Windows UX guidelines and supports some Aero properties.
- AdvButton: Advanced Button class, supports icons and admin shields
- AdvComboBox: Advanced ComboBox class, supports cue banner
- AdvListView: Advanced ListView class, supports explorer-like style and grouping
- AdvProgressBar: Advanced ProgressBar class, supports 3 color states and marquee mode
- AdvTabControl: Advanced TabControl class, supports rendering correctly when using bottom alignment with a visual
- AdvTextBox: Advanced TextBox class, supports cue banner
- AdvTreeView: Advanced TreeView class, supports explorer-like styles, customizing HScrollBar
- CommandLink: Native CommandLink class, with a clean, lightweight appearance that allows for descriptive labels, and are displayed with either a standard arrow or custom icon, and an optional supplemental explanation.
- DragDropSign: A simple control with the visual style of DragDropSign
- HorizontalPanel: A horizontal panel which resembles what is used for information and navigation in the Control Panel of Windows 7 and Vista.
- LabeledDivider: The labeled divider provides a Aero styled divider with an optional caption, similiar to what is seen in the Control Panel dialogs of Windows 7 and Vista.
- NavigationButton: A simple Back/Forward Button drawn by Windows via Visual Styles if available.
- RadioButtonGroup: A list of radio buttons based on a collection of objects for easy creation of radio button groups.
- SearchTextBox: A standard WinForms text box presenting the common Vista "search" interface.
- Separator: The line is drawn with Visual Styles (TaskDialog > FootnoteSeperator). If running on XP or another OS, the line is drawn manually.
- SplitButton: A button with a split dropdown menu
- StylePanel: An enhanced panel which provides customizable visual style background
- TabStrip: A strip bar with TabCOntrol header-like items
- VerticalPanel: A vertical panel which resembles what is used for information and navigation in the Control Panel of Windows 7 and Vista.
- VisibleSplitContainer: A SplitContainer with a visible grip in the separator
- RebarWrapper: Container for native Rebar Control
- ThemeLabel: A Label containing some text that will be drawn with glowing border on top of the Glass Sheet effect.
- ProgressDialog: Represents a dialog that can be used to report progress to the user.
- TaskDialog: The task dialog contains an application-defined message text and title, icons, and any combination of predefined push buttons.
- AdvOpenFileDialog: Prompts the user to open a file.
- AdvSaveFileDialog: Prompts the user to select a location for saving a file.
- CredentialDialog: Represents a dialog box that allows the user to enter generic credentials.
- ShellAboutDialog: Shows a dialog with windows system detials
- VistaFolderBrowserDialog: Prompts the user to select a folder.