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React Ghost Auth

React Ghost Auth is an easy to use multi-provider authentication and authorisation library. The library uses the OpenID Connect Flow. You simply set your configurations options for all providers to be used, and use them. It's that simple.


👤 Nicola Vurchio Github: @nicolavurchio-iad2


npm i @iad-os/react-ghost-auth


See how the library is used here Github: Ghost Auth Playground


1. Create an authConfig file and setup each provider's configuration options.

You can get the provider options from your chosen provider i.e Google, Keycloak, Microsoft etc. NOTE: AuthenticationConfig is solely for type checking

import { AuthenticationConfig } from '@iad-os/react-ghost-auth';

export const authConfig: AuthenticationConfig = {
  providers: {
    //Options example
    google: {
      name: 'google',
      authorization_endpoint: '',
      token_endpoint: '',
      client_id: '',
      requested_scopes: 'profile email openid',
      redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:3000/redirect',
      end_session_endpoint: '',
      redirect_logout_uri: 'http://localhost:3000',
      access_type: 'offline',
      client_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

    keycloak: {
      //Put options here

    microsoft: {
      //Put options here


2. Import the AuthenticationProvider and wrap your App Component


import AuthenticationProvider from '@iad-os/react-ghost-auth';


    </App> // Your app



3. Setup login on the UI by importing the useAuthentication hook

This exposes api's that can be found below i.e Public Api's

import { useAuthentication } from '@iad-os/react-ghost-auth';

const Login: React.FC = () => {
  const { login } = useAuthentication();

  function handleGoogle() {

  function handleKeyCloak() {

  return (
      <Button onClick={handleGoogle}>
        Login with Google

      <Button onClick={handleKeyCloak}>
        Login with Keycloak


Public APIs

The public api's below are returned from the useAuthentication hook

API Purpose
login(providerName: string) A function that initaites the login flow by redirecting the user to the chosen provider
logout() A function that clears the userInfo and tokenInfo and logs the user out of the app
userInfo() A function that returns the user information provided by the chosen provider
tokenInfo() A function that returns the access and refresh tokens
isAuthenticated() A method that returns true if user is authenticated and false otherwise
status: EStatus A variable that returns the login state which can be 'INIT', 'LOGIN', 'LOGGING' or 'LOGGED'
changeStatus(status: EStatus) A function that sets the login state i.e status
providerInfo() A function that returns the selected provider and default provider if one is provided


The components below can be used as wrappers to trigger preffered behaviour

Component Purpose
RequireAuth A wrapper component that requires user to be authenticated before it's content is exposed
Logging A wrapper component that exposes its content while the log in process is running
Logged A wrapper component that exposes its content after the log in process is successful
AutoLogin A wrapper or standalone component that initiates the login process automatically on page/site reload