This repo contains codes for the following paper:
Mukund Rungta, Janvijay Singh, Saif M. Mohammad, Diyi Yang: Geographic Citation Gaps in NLP Research, EMNLP 2022 If you would like to refer to it, please cite the paper mentioned above.
These instructions will get you running the codes to generate data for each analysis.
python code/ --download_pdfs
python code/ --dump_bib_details
python code/ --fetch_paper_details --clean_paper_details
python code/ --create_cite_net
Following parameters needs to be set inorder to generate the corresponding data for visualization. True
can be changed to False
if the particular data does not needs to be generated.
'dump_country_paper_count': True, # count number of papers from each country
'dump_year_and_avg_citation_of_country': True, # average citation recieved by the country across years
'dump_year_and_avg_citation_of_region': True, # average citation recieved by regions across years
'dump_paper_age_to_citations_of_country': True, # average citation recieved by the country varied across age of paper
'dump_paper_age_to_citations_of_region': True, # average citation recieved by the region varied across age of paper
'dump_regression_features': True, # features of papers to model regression analysis
'dump_top_10_publishing_country_heat_map': True, # heat map depicting inter-country citation pattern for top-10 countries
'dump_regions_heat_map': True, # heat map to capture the collaboration between different regions
'dump_gini_coeff_over_years': True, # Gini-coefficient to capture dispersion of citation fractions among top-10 publishing countries.
'dump_gini_coeff_over_years_regions': True, # Gini-coefficient to capture collaboration among different region
'dump_area_of_research_countries': True, # Statistics of citation of papers published by different countries across different areas of NLP
'dump_venue_of_publication_countries': True # Statistics of citation of papers published by different countries in different venues
All the data required for visualizing analysis of each question can be found it download
We use Tableau to plot the results for efficient and interactive visualization. All the plots presented in this work can be accessed from
following Tableau Public profiles: