- Front-end [MAIN CHANGES]
- finish/improve msg
- when game end, block buttons but dont clear board
- ...
- Clean code
- Fixed page when have 1 or dont have game yet.
- libs, page and components.
- Create a button component structure
- Improve page structure
- "Login" modal, change backgrond or dont relaod page unitl login.
- Styles
- Define gloabl color, size and font (inside 1 file like theme)
- Styling player component.
- Define a font.
- Style a title.
- Define a message and other text.
- Board.
- Buttons styles wiht X and O.
- Board Background.
- Styling modal.
- Box.
- Input and button.
- Create a struture, global and clean CSS
- Finish page structure without beutifull CSS [Desktop first].
- Create css to componentes like board buttons.
- BUGFIX, when player 2 win, on next game style with same 0 on hover
- Back-end
- - Create structure db with prisma.
- - Create simple api structure with middlewares.
- - Create first connection to DB.
- - Set a limit time to play of 25s per player.
- Global
- Setup a deploy/dev structure with docker
- Front-end container
- Back-end container
- [X]Use ENV by docker/docker-compose instead .env file
- Create a CI/CD with test
- Improve a db postgres container
- Migrate db with prisma on deploy (at this moment needed run command on docker cli)
- Use volumes and data perseve correctly.
- (Not important improvements)
- Front-end
- Login input check if is valid.
- P1 - Save wins, losses and name on cookies with jwt.
- P1 - Change player info to be possible have this information.
- P2 - Create a login.
- P2 - In case the user not exist able new input to repeat pwd.
- Back-end
- P1 - Create a end point to validate this token.
- P1 - Use the validate fuction like middlewere on socket connection to validate.
- P2 - Create a end point to validate login.
- P2 - Create a end point to register[if exist token transfere wins and losses].
- Global
- P2 - Create a docker with db.
- P2 - Create a DB structure only with user information.
- Front-end
- Phase 2 [ROOMS]