This directory contains the dotfiles for my system
Ensure you have the following installed on your system
This will install the required gnu-stow
brew along with
all formulas and applications
brew bundle install -v
First, check out the dotfiles repo in your $HOME directory using git
git clone ~/dot-files
cd dot-files
then use GNU stow to create symlinks
stow .
Install deps and set up MacOs
cd mac
cd debian
#### Symbolic links
Add icloud to a better location
ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud\~md\~obsidian/Documents/obsidian ~/obsidian
- Clone TPM (Tmux Plugin Manager) into
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- Install plugins from tmux
<prefix> + I
<Ctr+Space> + <S-i>
Ruby environment
For the ruby LSP to work, the Mason
dependency of solargraph
is required.
For this to successfully be install a version of ruby > 2.7 is required.
Using asdf
asdf plugin add ruby
asdf install ruby 3.3.0
asdf global ruby 3.3.0
This plugin requires an API key to be read on setup.
The cli tool age
is used to descrypt a file containing the key.
The encrpytion key is required to be found on path ~/.age/secret-key.txt
Currently the key is stored in 1Password. To set up the age encryption key run the following command.
op read "op://kt76oi5s3tqjg54lvlolplvvaq/Age CLI Identity/password" > ~/.age/secret-key.txt
Maple Mono Nerd Font
Download release and install by double clicking the font file.
Add a new row with one of the following lines to the brewfile
brew <formula_name>
tap <tap_name>
cask <cask_name>
Then run the following commands
brew bundle cleanup -v
brew bundle install --cleanup -v
Note: to avoid upgrades use --no-upgrade
Age is used to encrypt and decrypt files. Encrypted files are suffixed with .age
cat <PATH_TO_FILE> | age --encrypt --identity ~/.age/secret-key.txt > <ENCRYPTED_FILE_PATH>
age --encrypt --identity ~/.age/secret-key.txt <PATH_TO_FILE> <ENCRYPTED_FILE_PATH>
age --decrypt --identity ~/.age/secret-key.txt <ENCRYPTED_FILE_PATH>
See this video on how stow