- Add dotted keys.
- Add hex, octal, and binary integer formats.
- Add special float values (inf, nan)
- Rename Datetime to Offset Date-Time.
- Add Local Date-Time.
- Add Local Date.
- Add Local Time.
- Add ABNF specification.
- Allow space (instead of T) to separate date and time in Date-Time.
- Allow accidental whitespace between backslash and newline in the line continuation operator in multi-line basic strings.
- Specify that the standard file extension is
. - Specify that MIME type is
- Clarify that U+007F is an escape character.
- Clarify that keys are always strings.
- Clarify that you cannot use array-of-table to append to a static array.
- Clarify that a TOML file must be a valid UTF-8 document.
- Clarify valid Array values.
- Clarify that literal strings can be table keys.
- Clarify that at least millisecond precision expected for Date-Time and Time.
- Clarify that comments are OK in multiline arrays.
- Clarify that +0, -0, +0.0, and -0.0 are valid and what they mean.
- TOML has a logo!
- Add Inline Table syntax.
- Allow underscores in numbers.
- Remove forward slash as an escapable character.
- Unicode escapes must be scalar values.
- Newline is now defined as LF or CRLF.
- Fix incorrect datetime examples.
- Add scientific notation for floats.
- Allow optional + prefix on integers.
- Switch to RFC 3339 for datetimes (allowing offsets and fractional seconds).
- Add multiline and literal strings.
- Clarify what characters valid keys can contain.
- Use "table" instead of "key group" terminology.
- Add the ability to define nestable arrays of tables.
- From Twitter rage to reality; TOML is now a thing.
- First proper release.
- TOML adheres to the SemVer standard for version numbers.