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File metadata and controls

136 lines (103 loc) · 10.1 KB
# Datasets and adapters # * [Automatically-configured datasets]( * [FileDataset](#dataset.FileDataset) * [CSVDataset](#dataset.CSVDataset) * [ImageClassificationDataset](#dataset.ImageClassificationDataset) * [ImageSegmentationDataset](#dataset.ImageSegmentationDataset) * [Dataset adapters](#dataset.adapters) * [RangeAdapter](#dataset.RangeAdapter) * [RandomFlipAdapter](#dataset.RandomFlipAdapter) * [RandomRotationAdapter](#dataset.RandomRotationAdapter) * [RandomCropAdapter](#dataset.RandomCropAdapter) * [FrameAdapter](#dataset.FrameAdapter) * [AutoencoderAdapter](#dataset.AutoencoderAdapter) * [LabelAdapter](#dataset.LabelAdapter) * [MaskToClassAdapter](#dataset.MaskToClassAdapter) * [BinarizeAdapter](#dataset.BinarizeAdapter) ## Automatically-configured datasets ## DIANNE will automatically track a folder (`tools/datasets` by default) for dataset directories and bring a corresponding `Dataset` service online to be used e.g. for training. A number of well-known datasets are supported out-of-the-box. They are listed on the DIANNE [datasets page]( and can be downloaded using Gradle by executing:
./gradlew dataset -Pwhich=<name>

However, you can also add your own dataset without the need of writing a custom Dataset service if your files adhere to certain rules. In order to do so, you need to create a directory for the dataset and add one or more JSON descriptors to it that tell DIANNE how it should interpret the data. For every descriptor, a service will be created. Each descriptor should contain at least the following items:

  • name : The name of the dataset.
  • type : One of the types listed below.
  • inputDims : Dimensions of the inputs as an integer array, e.g. [3,32,32] for CIFAR-10.
  • noSamples : Number of samples in the dataset.

There are also a number of items that are only required for supervised learning:

  • targetDims : Dimensions of the targets as an integer array, e.g. [10] for CIFAR-10.
  • labelsFile : Labels for the different target dimensions, if applicable (as for example with classification). This is optional.

Currently we support the following automatic configurations.

### FileDataset ### Reads a number of files as raw blob of unsigned bytes for classification. Input data is automatically rescaled from [0,255] to [0,1]. Targets are interpreted as class indices (so a maximum of 256 labels is supported), and are converted to a one-hot encoding. Following options need to be set:
  • inputFiles : A string array with the input data files. Multiple samples can be in the same file.
  • targetFiles : A string array with the target data files. Each input file needs to have a matching target file. Each byte in the target file is read as a separate class index, labeling the corresponding input bytes in the matching input data file.
  • files : Can be used instead of inputFiles and targetFiles when the inputs and labels are in the same file. It is assumed that the class index comes first, and is followed by the input bytes.
  • prefetch : Whether to prefetch the data. This can speedup the start of the learning, but increases memory usage.
### CSVDataset ### Reads a single ASCII file for supervised learning. Each line is interpreted as a separate sample, containing both the input and the target data as delimited floating point or integer numbers. Following options need to be set:
  • file : The ASCII file to be read.
  • separator : The character used to separate the different values. By default this is ",", hence the name.
  • inputOffset : The column at which to start reading the input, counting from the start of the line.
  • targetOffset : The column at which to start reading the target, counting from the end of the input (so use 0 if consecutive).
  • classification : Boolean value indicating if this dataset is used for classification. If true, a single integer target value is read and interpreted as the class index. This is then converted into a one-hot encoding.

Note: You can optionally omit the noSamples options, as this can be determined automatically by counting the number of lines in the file.

### ImageClassificationDataset ### Reads a number of JPEG images for image classification. The input images need to be put in a subdirectory called `images`, and have a name `.jpg`, with `` being the index in the set. Following options need to be set:
  • targetsFile : File containing the class indices on separate lines. These indices are then converted to one-hot encoding.
### ImageSegmentationDataset ### Reads a number of JPEG images for image segmentations. The input images need to be put in a subdirectory called `images`, and have a name `.jpg`, with `` being the index in the set. Similarly, the masks need to be punt in a subdirectory called `masks`, and have a name `.jpg`, with `` being the index in the set. No further options need to be set. ## Dataset adapters ## Dataset adapters are a mechanism in DIANNE for changing an existing dataset on-the-fly, for example for data augmentation. These adapters are true `Dataset` services and can thus be used wherever a regular dataset can be used, such as in learning jobs. There are two ways of activating these adapters: * Either create a JSON descriptor file, which needs following entries (besides the ones required for the adapter itself): * `name` : The name of the adapter dataset. * `adapter` : One of the types of adapters listed below. * `dataset` : The name of the dataset that needs to be adapted. *Note*: this can itself be an adapter! * Specify adapter options listed below marked with an (*) in the job options when submitting a job to the `DianneCoordinator`. This will automatically activate the required adapters, in the order as mentioned in this list. ### RangeAdapter ### Can be used to create a subset of the dataset samples. The can be used to e.g. separate training, validation and testing sets. Required options are:
  • range(*) : Integer array specifying the samples that are allowed. Can be specified as either [max] for indices in [0,max], [min,max] or by specifying only valid indices [i,j,...]. max and min,max (without brackets) are also possible.
### RandomFlipAdapter ### Will perform a random horizontal and or vertical flip on the underlying image dataset. Inputs are assumed to be 2D or 3D tensors. Required options are:
  • vlip(*) : Probability of performing a vertical flip (default is 0).
  • hflip(*) : Probability of performing a horizontal flip (default is 0).
### RandomRotationAdapter ### Performs random rotation on the underlying image dataset. Inputs are assumed to be 2D or 3D tensors. Required options are:
  • rotationTheta(*) : Either a single real value theta resulting in uniform random rotation in [-theta, theta] or an integer array [min_theta,max_theta] resulting in rotations in [-min_theta, max_theta]. Defaults to [-pi, pi].
  • center : Point of rotation specified as integer array [x,y]. By default, the point of rotation is randomly selected.
  • middle : Boolean value for using the center of the image as the point of rotation (default is false). This is overwritten by center.
### RandomCropAdapter ### Performs a random crop on the underlying image dataset. Inputs are assumed to be 2D or 3D tensors. Required options are:
  • cropWidth(*) : Either a single integer value resulting in crops with fixed width or an integer array [min,max] resulting in crops with uniform random width in [min,max].
  • cropHeight(*) : Either a single integer value resulting in crops with fixed height or an integer array [min,max] resulting in crops with uniform random height in [min,max].
  • cropPadding : Integer value for optional zero-padding on the sides (default is 0).
### FrameAdapter ### This adapters allows you to frame an image dataset to fixed dimensions. Images are first scaled while preserving aspect-ratio and then cropped to fit within the dimensions. Required options are:
  • frame(*) : Integer array of size 2 or 3 with the desired image dimensions.
### AutoencoderAdapter ### This adapter sets the target of the dataset the same as the input (dropping any labels). This can be used to train auto-encoders, for example. No further options are required. This adapter can be activated using the `autoencode=true` option. ### LabelAdapter ### This adapter allows you to wrap a dataset in a new dataset with only a subset of the labels available. The other labels can be either ignored or be aggregated into one "other" class. Required options are:
  • labels : Integer array of the class indices that need to be preserved.
  • other : Boolean value indicating whether the remaining class indices need to be aggregated into an "other" label or not (default is false).
### MaskToClassAdapter ### Changes a dataset aimed at segmentation (using masks) to binary classification, based on a threshold on the values of the mask. Required options are:
  • center : Boolean value indicating if we only need to look at the center pixel of the mask or look at the sum over all pixels (default is false).
  • threshold : Real value indicating the threshold above which the class is 1 instead of 0 (default is 0.5).
### BinarizeAdapter ### Changes the real-valued samples of a dataset to binary values, given a threshold on said values. This can be used to create black & white images from gray-scale images for example. Required options are:
  • binarize(*) : Real value indicating the threshold above which values will be set to 1, or 0 otherwise (default is 0.5).