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A Soroban Decentralized App to connect companies looking for funds with investors


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This is a Crowdfactoring decentralized application built using Soroban Smart-Contracts as a web3 technology and PHP, Symfony and React as a web2 technology. This Dapp uses a web2 approach to manage users' authentication and authorization and to register contracts and transactions in a PostgreSQL database once they have been successfully sent to Stellar. The web3 part works differently depending on the user role:

  • Companies: Companies deploy and initialize contracts. Each contract represents a project in which a user can invest. The contract code manages users' balances, allows sending deposits and claiming withdrawals, and calculates the interest the user will earn. In this case, the communication between the web2 part and the stellar blockchain is made in a custodial way. The platform keeps a Stellar keyPair which is used to deploy, install and initialize contracts. Then, each contract address is linked to a company using a PostgreSQL table.
  • Users: Users can send deposits to the available contracts so that they can invest in company projects and make their capital profitable. This part works in a non-custodial way, that is, users must use their wallets (for instance, freighter) to approve and sign the transactions. This gives users more control and removes the need to use intermediaries.

Installation instructions


This installation instructions have been tested from a Ubuntu 22.04 system. Besides, this project uses a docker-compose yaml file to load the database so having docker-compose is required.

Install PHP

This project requires PHP >= 8.2 to work. Run the following command to install php 8.2 and the required modules:

apt-get install php8.2 php8.2-fpm php8.2-intl php8.2-pgsql php8.2-xml php8.2-mbstring php8.2-pdo php8.2-gd php8.2-zip php8.2-curl php8.2-gmp php8.2-bcmatch

Install Node

Node >= 18 and Npm are required to run this project (since it uses React as a frontend). A recommended way to install node is using Node Version Manager (nvm):

curl -o- | bash
nvm install 22

Setup the application


Execute the bash script to install the rest of the elements required. Execute it from the project root folder.


This script will perform the following tasks:

  • If composer is not installed, It will install it.
  • If symfony-cli is not installed, It will install it.
  • Install PHP / Symfony components using "composer install"
  • Install node dependencies using "npm install"
  • Install webpack encore assets using "npm run dev"
  • Load PostgreSQL database by:
    • Starting PostgreSQL container using "docker-compose up -d"
    • Creating database schema using "doctrine:schema:update --force -q"
    • Populating database with basic fixtures using "doctrine:fixtures:load -q"
  • Install Symfony SSL certificate using "symfony server:ca:install"
  • Start local web server using: "symfony server:start"

Once finishes, a local web server keeps listening on port 8000. You can now access the application using the link:


  • If don't have composer installed in your computer, install it following the instructions here
  • If don't have symfony-cli installed in your computer, install it following the instructions here
  • Go to the project root folder
  • Execute "composer install"
  • Execute "npm install"
  • Execute "npm run dev"
  • Execute "docker-compose up -d"
  • Execute "doctrine:schema:update --force"
  • Execute "doctrine:fixtures:load"
  • Execute "symfony server:ca:install"
  • Execute "symfony server:start"

Then, open the url

Folder structure

As this dApp has been developed using the Symfony framework, it follows the framework folder organization. Let's enumerate and explain the most important folders step by step:

The assets folder

It contains all the frontend resources (react components, typescript files, css files etc). The react/controllers subfolder contains all the react components used by the application. The services subfolder contains other folders of which the following are the most relevant:


Contains two files: web2.ts and contract.ts

  • web2.ts: This file connects to the dApp API
  • contract.ts: This file connects to Soroban using the JS Stellar SDK and the Stellar Wallets Kit.


Contains a file named wallet.ts which holds a React hook to load a Stellar Wallet using the Stellar Wallets Kit.


Contains two files: auth.ts and token.ts.

  • auth.ts: Holds the necessary code to sign auth entries. (This is not necessary since the assembleTransaction method of the SorobanRpc.Api module does the work).
  • token.ts: Normalizes an amount depending on the number of token decimals.

The public folder

Contains the compiled assets and all frontend elements. They are compiled using the Symfony Webpack Encore bundle.

The src folder

Here is where all the backend code lives, including the code that communicates to Soroban using the Soneso Stellar SDK. Let's see the most important subfolders

The Api subfolder

Contains the services related to the API calls. Services for registering users, creating contracts, getting contracts etc

The Controller subfolder

Contains the controllers:

  • PagesController: Loads the dApp pages (rendering twig templates). These twig templates load the react components inside them thanks to the Symfony React component.
  • ApiController: Contains all the API calls. They are called from the React components and return the responses as JSON.

Both PagesController and ApiController are protected by the same firewall which configuration remains in the config/security.yaml file.

  • LoginController: Contains the necessary calls to log-in, logout and register a user. These calls are outside of the firewall.

The Dto folder

Contains some Data Transfer Objects to manage API inputs and outputs


Contains all the entities (managed by doctrine) used by the dApp.


Contains the repository classes associated with each entity.


Contains an event subscriber that listens to data validation exceptions to format the errors before returning the response to the client.


Contains the services that connect to Soroban. Let's see it:

  • DeployManager: Located in the Stellar/Soroban/Contract folder, it is in charge of deploying a contract using the wasm file contents.
  • InstallManager: Located in the Stellar/Soroban/Contract folder, it is in charge of installing a contract given a wasm ID.
  • InteractManager: Located in the Stellar/Soroban/Contract folder, it is in charge of:
    • Initializing a contract
    • Stopping contract deposits
    • Getting contract balance
  • WasmManager: Located in the Stellar/Soroban/Contract folder, it is in charge of reading wasm file.
  • SorobanTransactionManager: Located in the Stellar/Soroban/Transaction folder, it is in charge of simulating a transaction, adding auth entries and waiting until success or failure.
  • ServerManager: Located in the Stellar/Soroban folder, it is in charge of loading the server object and throwing an exception if the server is not healthy.
  • AccountManager: Located in the Stellar folder, it is in charge of getting and saving the system KeyPair to sign custodial transactions.
  • Networks: A PHP enum with the stellar test networks (Testnet and Futurenet).

The templates folder

Contains the twig templates which are rendered by the Pages Controller routes.

The wasm folder

Contains the smart contract wasm file


A Soroban Decentralized App to connect companies looking for funds with investors







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