diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-algorand.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-algorand.md index a10fdd622d..8b4160f469 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-algorand.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-algorand.md @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Algorand is an open-source, proof of stake blockchain and smart contract computi

+ ## Official Resources > Official resources for Algorand. @@ -47,15 +48,15 @@ Algorand is an open-source, proof of stake blockchain and smart contract computi - [Exodus](https://www.exodus.com/) - Exodus is a multi-cryptocurrency wallet that supports Algorand. - [A-Wallet](https://a-wallet.net/) - AWallet is an open source, HTML only, corporate friendly, and secure Algorand wallet. -### Protocols +### Protocols -- [Liquid Auth](https://github.com/algorandfoundation/liquid-auth) - Liquid Auth is a self-hosted authentication service that provides a simple way to associate Passkeys to KeyPair(s) commonly found in cryptocurrencies. In addition to authentication, Liquid Auth provides a Peer to Peer signaling service. Not only can you authenticate users, but you can also establish secure connections between them. +- [Liquid Auth](https://github.com/algorandfoundation/liquid-auth) - Liquid Auth is a self-hosted authentication service that provides a simple way to associate Passkeys to KeyPair(s) commonly found in cryptocurrencies. In addition to authentication, Liquid Auth provides a Peer to Peer signaling service. Not only can you authenticate users, but you can also establish secure connections between them. ## Blockchain Explorers > List of blockchain explorers for Algorand. Used to view transactions, accounts, assets, etc. -- [Allo](https://allo.info) - Allo is a blockchain explorer for all of Algorand created by Nodely. +- [Allo](https://allo.info) - Allo is a blockchain explorer for all of Algorand created by Nodely. - [NFTExplorer](https://www.nftexplorer.app/) - Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) explorer built by [@TomassoAE](https://twitter.com/TommasoAE) and [JoshLmao](https://twitter.com/JoshLmao). - [Pera Explorer](https://explorer.perawallet.app/) - Algorand Accounts, Standard Asset (ASA) explorer built by [Pera Wallet](https://perawallet.app/) - [Algorand Ballet](https://akaalias.github.io/algorand-ballet/) - Algorand accounts' 2D graphs. @@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ Algorand is an open-source, proof of stake blockchain and smart contract computi - [MultiSig with Algorand for Co-operative Groups](https://developer.algorand.org/tutorials/decentralised-co-operative-unions-algorand-multisignature-account/) - Decentralised co-operative unions with Algorand Multisignature Account. - [Adding Notes to Transactions](https://developer.algorand.org/tutorials/v2-read-and-write-transaction-note-field-python/) - Read and Write to the Transaction Note Field with Python. - [Create Assets with a Stateful Smart Contract](https://developer.algorand.org/solutions/using-stateful-smart-contract-to-create-algorand-standard-asset/) - Using Stateful Smart Contract To Create Algorand Standard Asset. +- [Artificial Intelligence on Algorand](https://developer.algorand.org/solutions/artificial-intelligence-on-algorand/) - Tutorial on using machine learning to predict the transaction volume of the USDC stablecoin on the Algorand blockchain. ## Development Tools @@ -360,6 +362,9 @@ Algorand is an open-source, proof of stake blockchain and smart contract computi - [algodaddy](https://www.algodaddy.org) - A blog website for Algorand community. - [directorydotalgo](https://directorydotalgo.xyz/) - Algorand's unofficial ecosystem directory of projects. - [staketaxcsv](https://github.com/hodgerpodger/staketaxcsv) - Python backend for [stake.tax](https://stake.tax) that generates taxable transactions CSVs for Algorand and other blockchains. +- [Automated Prediction Market Maker on Algorand](https://github.com/dspytdao/Algo_AMM) - backend repository with project hosted at [algoAMM.com](https://algoamm.com). +- [AlgoDepo](https://github.com/dspytdao/AlgoDepo) - Single Deposit App Algorand. +- [AlgoDeposit](https://github.com/dspytdao/AlgoDeposit) - AMM Pool App Algorand. ## Algorand Request for Comments @@ -405,7 +410,6 @@ Algorand is an open-source, proof of stake blockchain and smart contract computi - [ASA cafe](https://asa.cafe/) - Algorand Standard Asset platform and decentralized marketplace built by [@CryptoRUSHGav](https://github.com/CryptoRUSHGav). ASA cafe lets users mint and trade freely using the most modern standards, such as ARC-19, in Algo, USDC, or one of ASA cafe's expanding list of curated non-network tokens. - [Grid](https://grid.zestbloom.com/) - The Grid is a lightweight, static site that executes in the clients frontend to retrieve an arbitrary list of live contracts for users to browse and interact with. The Grid is highly configurable allowing for any of the ZestBloom supported contracts and sale types to be displayed, but through means of a simple configuration file, what gets displayed may easily be constrained to only a specific collection or curated list of sales. - ## Contributing Contributions welcome! Read the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/aorumbayev/Awesome-Algorand/blob/main/contributing.md) first. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md index fae5655474..3f7fbdf0d0 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md @@ -593,6 +593,7 @@ become an Angular expert. * [ngx-merge-json-translations](https://github.com/jonnomk/ngx-merge-json-translations) - This builder helps merge the `messages.json` file, after running extract-i18n, into target files using specified locales taking care to delete removed keys and add new ones. * [ngx-i18n-extract-regex-cli](https://github.com/Celtian/ngx-i18n-extract-regex-cli) - Tool for extracting translations from Angular app using regex. * [ngx-translate-version](https://github.com/Celtian/ngx-translate-version) - Angular module that provides version to your language files. +* [ngx-signal-translate](https://github.com/adamcsk1/ngx-signal-translate) - A signal-driven translation service. #### Monorepos @@ -975,6 +976,7 @@ become an Angular expert. * [angular-drag-drop-layout](https://github.com/skutam/angular-drag-drop-layout) - A lightweight, dependency-free Angular library for creating highly customizable, responsive grid layouts with drag-and-drop functionality. * [ngx-swapy](https://github.com/omnedia/ngx-swapy) - A simple component library to get a drag and drop DOM through the help of [Swapy](https://github.com/TahaSh/swapy). * [ngx-draggable-dom](https://github.com/bmartinson/ngx-draggable-dom) - Angular attribute directive that causes any element to become a draggable element. +* [ngx-drag-resize](https://github.com/dmytro-parfenov/ngx-drag-resize) - This Angular library provides directives that add drag and resize functionality to HTML elements. #### Editor Components @@ -1251,6 +1253,7 @@ to simplify usage and allow quick customization. * [ngx-tools](https://github.com/studiohyperdrive/ngx-tools) - A mono-repo providing several of the Angular based packages created and maintained by the [Studio Hyperdrive](https://studiohyperdrive.be/) team. * [ngx-utility](https://github.com/OPI-PIB/ngx-utility) - Various helpers for forms, zones, DOM manipulation, HTTP requests, and more. * [ssv.ngx](https://github.com/sketch7/ssv.ngx) - Mono-repo of libraries from [sketch7](https://github.com/sketch7). [ngx.command](https://github.com/sketch7/ssv.ngx/tree/master/libs/ngx.command#readme) is a command pattern implementation for Angular. [ngx.ux](https://github.com/sketch7/ssv.ngx/blob/master/libs/ngx.ux/README.md) provides UX essentials and utilities for building apps. +* [ng-kit](https://github.com/js-smart/ng-kit) - Reusable Angular components built with Angular Material and Bootstrap 5.x, Utility classes/functions for Date, Form and String operations. #### Modals @@ -1259,6 +1262,7 @@ to simplify usage and allow quick customization. * [ngx-modal-ease](https://github.com/GreenFlag31/modal-library) - `ngx-modal-ease` is a versatile Angular library providing a lightweight, simple, and performant modal. * [ngx-smart-modal](https://github.com/maximelafarie/ngx-smart-modal) - Modal/Dialog component crafted for Angular (Ivy-compatible). * [up-window-angular](https://github.com/criar-art/up-window-angular) - An Angular library designed to create dynamic, customizable modals and window-based components for web applications. +* [ngx-concern](https://github.com/HeyItsBATMAN/ngx-concern) - Angular library for creating simple, unstyled dialogs/modals and action-sheets/bottom-sheets. #### Notifications diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-annual-security-reports.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-annual-security-reports.md index 712496878b..ddaf5ecde2 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-annual-security-reports.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-annual-security-reports.md @@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ Reports will be classified by a header that describes their primary content or e - [Cisco](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/trust-center/data-privacy-benchmark-study.html) - [Data Privacy Benchmark Study](https://github.com/jacobdjwilson/awesome-annual-security-reports/blob/master/Annual%20Security%20Reports/2024/Cisco-Privacy-Benchmark-Study-2024.pdf) (2024) - Provides insights into data privacy trends, challenges, and breaches across various industries. - [Immuta](https://www.immuta.com/resources/2024-trendbook/) - [State of Data Security Report](https://github.com/jacobdjwilson/awesome-annual-security-reports/blob/master/Annual%20Security%20Reports/2024/Immuta-State-of-Data-Security-Report-2024.pdf) (2024) - Examines the current state of data security, including challenges, trends, and best practices across various industries. - [Proofpoint](https://www.proofpoint.com/us/resources/threat-reports/data-loss-landscape) - [Data Loss Landscape](https://github.com/jacobdjwilson/awesome-annual-security-reports/blob/master/Annual%20Security%20Reports/2024/Proofpoint-Data-Loss-Landscape-2024.pdf) (2024) - Provides an overview of the data loss landscape, including trends and challenges faced by organizations across various industries. +- [Proofpoint](https://go.proofpoint.com/2024-Frost-Radar-for-Email-Security.html) - [Global Email Security Market Report](https://github.com/jacobdjwilson/awesome-annual-security-reports/blob/master/Annual%20Security%20Reports/2024/Proofpoint-Global-Email-Security-Market-Report-2024.pdf) (2024) - Benchmarks 21 top email security vendors, highlighting growth opportunities and market trends. ## AI and Emerging Technologies - [HiddenLayer](https://hiddenlayer.com/threatreport2024/) - [AI Threat Report](https://github.com/jacobdjwilson/awesome-annual-security-reports/blob/master/Annual%20Security%20Reports/2024/HiddenLayer-AI-Threat-Landscape-Report-2024.pdf) (2024) - Provides insights into the AI threat landscape across various industries. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-datascience.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-datascience.md index 9c67aa642d..95beee57e4 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-datascience.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-datascience.md @@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ How do you learn data science? By doing data science, of course! Okay, okay - th - [12 free Data Science projects to practice Python and Pandas](https://www.datawars.io/articles/12-free-data-science-projects-to-practice-python-and-pandas) - [Best CV/Resume for Data Science Freshers](https://enhancv.com/resume-examples/data-scientist/) - [Understand Data Science Course in Java](https://www.alter-solutions.com/articles/java-data-science) +- [Data Analytics Interview Questions (Beginner to Advanced)](https://www.appliedaicourse.com/blog/data-analytics-interview-questions/) +- [Top 100+ Data Science Interview Questions and Answers](https://www.appliedaicourse.com/blog/data-science-interview-questions/) ### Free Courses **[`^ back to top ^`](#awesome-data-science)** diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-dotnet.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-dotnet.md index a1b0f8fbed..b6dcebca0e 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-dotnet.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-dotnet.md @@ -261,6 +261,9 @@ To the extent possible under law, [Vitali Fokin](https://github.com/quozd) has w * [Snappy for Windows](https://snappy.machinezoo.com/) - Snappy compression library for .NET baked on P/Invoke * [Snappy.Sharp](https://github.com/jeffesp/Snappy.Sharp) - An implementation of Google's Snappy compression algorithm in C#. +## Configuration +* [AgileConfig](https://github.com/dotnetcore/AgileConfig) - AgileConfig is a lightweight configuration center that helps you manage all your application's configurations through website. + ## Continuous Integration * [TeamCity](https://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/) - Ready to work, extensible and developer-friendly build serverโ€‰โ€”โ€‰out of the box **[$]** * [MyGet](https://www.myget.org/) - Continuous Integration and Deployment, Hosted Package Repository for NuGet, NPM, Bower and VSIX **[$]** @@ -1168,6 +1171,7 @@ metadata in media files, including video, audio, and photo formats ## Web Servers * [EmbedIO](https://github.com/unosquare/embedio) - Web server built on Mono and cross-platform +* [GenHTTP](https://github.com/Kaliumhexacyanoferrat/GenHTTP) - A lightweight, embeddable web server for quickly creating REST APIs * [SimpleW](https://github.com/stratdev3/SimpleW) - Simple Web Server, build your RestAPI, fast, lightweight and cross-platform. * [XSP](https://github.com/mono/xsp) - Mono's ASP.NET hosting server. This module includes an Apache Module, a FastCGI module that can be hooked to other web servers as well as a standalone server used for testing (similar to Microsoft's Cassini) diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-for-beginners.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-for-beginners.md index e2c55b0db6..7021a1e2b4 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-for-beginners.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-for-beginners.md @@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ If you are not a programmer but would like to contribute, check out the [Awesome - [Video Hub App](https://github.com/whyboris/Video-Hub-App) _(label: good first issue)_
Angular & Electron app for browsing and searching videos on your PC. - [Video.js](https://github.com/videojs/video.js) _(label: good first issue)_
The player framework - [Vite](https://github.com/vitejs/vite) _(label: good first issue)_
Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast! Alternative to Create React App -- [Vue CLI](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli) _(label: good first issue)_
Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development - [Vue Router](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router) _(label: good first issue)_
The official router for Vue.js. - [Vue.js](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) _(label: good first issue)_
The Progressive JavaScript Framework. - [VuePress](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress) _(label: good first issue)_
Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator @@ -205,10 +204,6 @@ If you are not a programmer but would like to contribute, check out the [Awesome - [Non-Blocking SirixDB HTTP(S)-Server](https://github.com/sirixdb/sirix) _(label: good first issue)_
A non-blocking HTTP(S)-Server for SirixDB, a temporal, evolutionary NoSQL document store for XML and JSON. - [OpenCalc](https://github.com/Darkempire78/OpenCalc) _(label: good first issue)_
A simple and beautiful calculator for Android. -## LaTeX - -- [Algorithmic Pseudocode](https://github.com/just-a-visitor/algorithmic-pseudocode) _(label: good first issue)_
A collection of language independent pseudocodes (pdf) for interview preparation and competitive programming. - ## Markdown - [tldr-pages](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr) _(label: help-wanted)_
Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-frontend-gis.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-frontend-gis.md index b52ecd2230..6e0a8ef78e 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-frontend-gis.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-frontend-gis.md @@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ Data available for download: - [European population grids - GISCO](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/grids) - Population figures in grid cells. - [European Postcodes Point Data](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/administrative-units/postal-codes) - Location of postal codes across Europe. - [Geoboundaries](https://www.geoboundaries.org/) - The world's largest open, free political boundaries database. -- [Geodata.gov.gr](https://geodata.gov.gr/en/dataset) - Open geospatial data for Greece. - [Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)](https://www.gbif.org/) - Open access to biodiversity data. - [Global Climate Monitor](https://www.globalclimatemonitor.org/) - Global open climate data. - [Global power plant database](https://datasets.wri.org/dataset/globalpowerplantdatabase) - Open source database of power plants. @@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ Data available for download: - [HydroSHEDS](https://www.hydrosheds.org/) - Consistent hydrographic data for global applications. - [NASA Earth Data](https://search.earthdata.nasa.gov/search) - Search, discover, visualize, refine, and access NASA Earth Observation data in your browser with Earthdata Search. - [NASA Earth Observations](https://neo.gsfc.nasa.gov/) - Browse and download satellite data imagery. -- [NASA SEDAC](https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/data/set/urbanspatial-guppd-v1) - Global Urban Polygons and Points Dataset. +- [NASA SEDAC](https://earthdata.nasa.gov/data/catalog/sedac-ciesin-sedac-uspat-guppd-v1-1.00) - Global Urban Polygons and Points Dataset. - [Natural Earth](https://www.naturalearthdata.com/) - Free vector and raster map data. - [OpenAerialMap](https://openaerialmap.org/) - Open service for accessing licensed imagery. - [OpenMapTiles](https://openmaptiles.org/) - Free OpenStreetMap Vector Tiles. @@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ Restful APIs for consuming geospatial data on the fly: - [GraphHopper Route Optimization API](https://www.graphhopper.com/route-optimization/) - Solves various vehicle routing problems. - [movebank-api](https://github.com/movebank/movebank-api-doc) - Platform for animal tracking data. - [OpenAQ](https://openaq.org/) - Largest open-source air quality data platform. -- [Open Charge Map API](https://openchargemap.org/site/develop#api) - Public registry of electric vehicle charging locations. +- [Open Charge Map API](https://openchargemap.org) - Public registry of electric vehicle charging locations. - [OpenCage](https://opencagedata.com/api) - Forward and reverse geocoding API using open data. - [Open-Meteo](https://open-meteo.com/) - Global weather forecast API. - [Open Notify](http://open-notify.org/Open-Notify-API/) - ISS location and number of people in space. @@ -169,7 +168,7 @@ Restful APIs for consuming geospatial data on the fly: - [Overpass API](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API) - Retrieve OpenStreetMap data. - [RainViewer](https://www.rainviewer.com/api.html) - Free weather radar and satellite data API. - [REST countries](https://restcountries.com/) - Get country information via a RESTful API. -- [Sunrise and sunset](https://sunrise-sunset.org/api) - Provides sunset and sunrise times for locations. +- [Sunrise and sunset](https://sunrise-sunset.org) - Provides sunset and sunrise times for locations. - [TomTom](https://developer.tomtom.com/api-explorer-index/documentation/product-information/introduction) - Geocoding, routing, traffic, and more. - [USGS earthquake data](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/) - Search earthquake data by various parameters. - [what3words](https://developer.what3words.com/public-api) - Converts 3-word addresses to coordinates. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md index d032f0959e..7ef27bc880 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md @@ -1635,6 +1635,7 @@ _Libraries for working with strings._ - [caps](https://github.com/chanced/caps) - A case conversion library. - [go-formatter](https://gitlab.com/tymonx/go-formatter) - Implements **replacement fields** surrounded by curly braces `{}` format strings. - [gobeam/Stringy](https://github.com/gobeam/Stringy) - String manipulation library to convert string to camel case, snake case, kebab case / slugify etc. +- [strcase](https://github.com/charlievieth/strcase) - Case-insensitive implementation of the standard library's strings/bytes packages. - [strutil](https://github.com/ozgio/strutil) - String utilities. - [sttr](https://github.com/abhimanyu003/sttr) - cross-platform, cli app to perform various operations on string. - [xstrings](https://github.com/huandu/xstrings) - Collection of useful string functions ported from other languages. @@ -2789,69 +2790,38 @@ _Libraries for manipulating video._ _Full stack web frameworks._ -- [aah](https://aahframework.org) - Scalable, performant, rapid development Web framework for Go. -- [Aero](https://github.com/aerogo/aero) - High-performance web framework for Go, reaches top scores in Lighthouse. -- [Air](https://github.com/aofei/air) - An ideally refined web framework for Go. -- [anoweb](https://github.com/go-the-way/anoweb) - The lightweight and powerful web framework using the new way for Go.Another go the way. -- [appy](https://github.com/appist/appy) - An opinionated productive web framework that helps scaling business easier. - [Atreugo](https://github.com/savsgio/atreugo) - High performance and extensible micro web framework with zero memory allocations in hot paths. -- [Banjo](https://github.com/nsheremet/banjo) - Very simple and fast web framework for Go. - [Beego](https://github.com/beego/beego) - beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language. -- [Buffalo](https://gobuffalo.io) - Bringing the productivity of Rails to Go! - [Confetti Framework](https://confetti-framework.github.io/docs/) - Confetti is a Go web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. Confetti combines the elegance of Laravel and the simplicity of Go. - [Don](https://github.com/abemedia/go-don) - A highly performant and simple to use API framework. - [Echo](https://github.com/labstack/echo) - High performance, minimalist Go web framework. - [Fastschema](https://github.com/fastschema/fastschema) - A flexible Go web framework and Headless CMS. - [Fiber](https://github.com/gofiber/fiber) - An Express.js inspired web framework build on Fasthttp. -- [Fireball](https://github.com/zpatrick/fireball) - More "natural" feeling web framework. - [Flamingo](https://github.com/i-love-flamingo/flamingo) - Framework for pluggable web projects. Including a concept for modules and offering features for DI, Configareas, i18n, template engines, graphql, observability, security, events, routing & reverse routing etc. - [Flamingo Commerce](https://github.com/i-love-flamingo/flamingo-commerce) - Providing e-commerce features using clean architecture like DDD and ports and adapters, that you can use to build flexible e-commerce applications. - [Fuego](https://github.com/go-fuego/fuego) - The framework for busy Go developers! Web framework generating OpenAPI 3 spec from source code. -- [Gearbox](https://github.com/abahmed/gearbox) - A web framework written in Go with a focus on high performance and memory optimization. - [Gin](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin) - Gin is a web framework written in Go! It features a martini-like API with much better performance, up to 40 times faster. If you need performance and good productivity. - [Ginrpc](https://github.com/xxjwxc/ginrpc) - Gin parameter automatic binding tool,gin rpc tools. -- [Gizmo](https://github.com/NYTimes/gizmo) - Microservice toolkit used by the New York Times. -- [go-json-rest](https://github.com/ant0ine/go-json-rest) - Quick and easy way to setup a RESTful JSON API. -- [go-rest](https://github.com/ungerik/go-rest) - Small and evil REST framework for Go. - [Goa](https://github.com/goadesign/goa) - Goa provides a holistic approach for developing remote APIs and microservices in Go. -- [goa](https://github.com/goa-go/goa) - goa is just like koajs for golang, it is a flexible, light, high-performance and extensible web framework based on middleware. - [GoFr](https://github.com/gofr-dev/gofr) - Gofr is an opinionated microservice development framework. - [GoFrame](https://github.com/gogf/gf) - GoFrame is a modular, powerful, high-performance and enterprise-class application development framework of Golang. - [golamb](https://github.com/twharmon/golamb) - Golamb makes it easier to write API endpoints for use with AWS Lambda and API Gateway. -- [Golax](https://github.com/fulldump/golax) - A non Sinatra fast HTTP framework with support for Google custom methods, deep interceptors, recursion and more. -- [Golf](https://github.com/dinever/golf) - Golf is a fast, simple and lightweight micro-web framework for Go. It comes with powerful features and has no dependencies other than the Go Standard Library. -- [Gondola](https://github.com/rainycape/gondola) - The web framework for writing faster sites, faster. - [Gone](https://github.com/gone-io/gone) - A lightweight dependency injection and web framework inspired by Spring. -- [gongular](https://github.com/mustafaakin/gongular) - Fast Go web framework with input mapping/validation and (DI) Dependency Injection. - [goravel](https://github.com/goravel/goravel) - A Laravel-inspired web framework with ORM, authentication, queue, task scheduling, and more built-in features. -- [GoTuna](https://github.com/gotuna/gotuna) - Minimalistic web framework for Go with mux router, middlewares, sessions, templates, embedded views and static files. -- [goweb](https://github.com/twharmon/goweb) - Web framework with routing, websockets, logging, middleware, static file server (optional gzip), and automatic TLS. - [Goyave](https://github.com/go-goyave/goyave) - Feature-complete REST API framework aimed at clean code and fast development, with powerful built-in functionalities. - [Hertz](https://github.com/cloudwego/hertz) - A high-performance and strong-extensibility Go HTTP framework that helps developers build microservices. - [hiboot](https://github.com/hidevopsio/hiboot) - hiboot is a high performance web application framework with auto configuration and dependency injection support. - [Huma](https://github.com/danielgtaylor/huma/) - Framework for modern REST/GraphQL APIs with built-in OpenAPI 3, generated documentation, and a CLI. - [iWF](https://github.com/indeedeng/iwf) - iWF is an all-in-one platform for developing long-running business processes. It offers a convenient abstraction for utilizing databases, ElasticSearch, message queues, durable timers, and more, with a clean, simple, and user-friendly interface. - [Lit](https://github.com/jvcoutinho/lit) - Highly performant declarative web framework for Golang, aiming for simplicity and quality of life. -- [Macaron](https://github.com/go-macaron/macaron) - Macaron is a high productive and modular design web framework in Go. -- [mango](https://github.com/paulbellamy/mango) - Mango is a modular web-application framework for Go, inspired by Rack, and PEP333. - [Microservice](https://github.com/claygod/microservice) - The framework for the creation of microservices, written in Golang. -- [neo](https://github.com/ivpusic/neo) - Neo is minimal and fast Go Web Framework with extremely simple API. - [patron](https://github.com/beatlabs/patron) - Patron is a microservice framework following best cloud practices with a focus on productivity. - [Pnutmux](https://gitlab.com/fruitygo/pnutmux) - Pnutmux is a powerful Go web framework that uses regex for matching and handling HTTP requests. It offers features such as CORS handling, structured logging, URL parameters extraction, middlewares, and concurrency limiting. -- [Pulse](https://github.com/gopulse/pulse) - Pulse is an HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang) -- [Resoursea](https://github.com/resoursea/api) - REST framework for quickly writing resource based services. -- [REST Layer](https://github.com/rs/rest-layer) - Framework to build REST/GraphQL API on top of databases with mostly configuration over code. - [Revel](https://github.com/revel/revel) - High-productivity web framework for the Go language. -- [rex](https://github.com/goanywhere/rex) - Rex is a library for modular development built upon gorilla/mux, fully compatible with `net/http`. - [rk-boot](https://github.com/rookie-ninja/rk-boot) - A bootstrapper library for building enterprise go microservice with Gin and gRPC quickly and easily. - [rux](https://github.com/gookit/rux) - Simple and fast web framework for build golang HTTP applications. -- [tango](https://github.com/lunny/tango) - Micro & pluggable web framework for Go. -- [tigertonic](https://github.com/rcrowley/go-tigertonic) - Go framework for building JSON web services inspired by Dropwizard. - [uAdmin](https://github.com/uadmin/uadmin) - Fully featured web framework for Golang, inspired by Django. -- [utron](https://github.com/gernest/utron) - Lightweight MVC framework for Go(Golang). -- [vox](https://github.com/aisk/vox) - A golang web framework for humans, inspired by Koa heavily. - [WebGo](https://github.com/naughtygopher/webgo) - A micro-framework to build web apps with handler chaining, middleware, and context injection. With standard library-compliant HTTP handlers (i.e., `http.HandlerFunc`).. -- [YARF](https://github.com/yarf-framework/yarf) - Fast micro-framework designed to build REST APIs and web services in a fast and simple way. - [Yokai](https://github.com/ankorstore/yokai) - Simple, modular, and observable Go framework for backend applications. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-hackathon.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-hackathon.md index 3e051ca81e..31f3fe95d3 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-hackathon.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-hackathon.md @@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ By _awesome ๐Ÿ•ถ๏ธ hackathon platforms_, we mean web or mobile applications tha - [Hackathon Sponsorship](https://github.com/Neuro-Hack/sponsorship#readme) ๐Ÿ•ถ๏ธ A crowdsourced 'Awesome List' of companies to contact. - [Hackalist](https://github.com/Hackalist/Hackalist.github.io#readme) - A list of upcoming hackathons from around the world. - [Hack Club](https://github.com/hackclub/hackathons#readme) - A curated list of hackathons organized for high schoolers. +- [Scrapbook](https://github.com/hackclub/scrapbook) by HackClub - A daily streak system & portfolio for your projects. - [Open Source Events](https://github.com/Catalyst-IN/OpenSourceEvents-Frontend) - This website contains a monthly calendar of events and hackathons (project is archived as of Feb 5, 2024). - [Upcoding](https://github.com/sahanmndl/UpCoding-Web) - Get event details of competitive programming contests, hackathons etc. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-mac.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-mac.md index d4e6af66b4..5fd45241a6 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-mac.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-mac.md @@ -1014,7 +1014,6 @@ Any comments, suggestions? [Let us know!](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/awesome- * [ActivityWatch](https://activitywatch.net/) - Cross-platform, extensible, and privacy-focused time-tracker. [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/activitywatch) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon] * [Alfred](https://www.alfredapp.com/) - Award-winning app which boosts efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac. [![Awesome List][awesome-list Icon]](https://github.com/learn-anything/alfred-workflows#readme) * [Atomic](https://indiegoodies.com/atomic) - A habit tracker app to build good habits, break bad ones, and stay on top of your daily routines. - * [BetterMouse](https://better-mouse.com) - Smooth scroll, cursor acceleration prohibition, and powerful button/gesture remapping in one utility for 3rd-party mice. Aims for replacing those bulky and intrusive official drivers. * [BetterTouchTool](https://folivora.ai/) - Great, feature-packed app that allows you to configure many gestures for your Magic Mouse, Macbook Trackpad, Magic Trackpad and also Mouse Gestures for normal mice. * [BoltAI](https://boltai.com) - A beautiful & powerful ChatGPT app for Mac. Stay ahead by integrating AI into your workflow today. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-neovim.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-neovim.md index 5550ac9c90..4df790e4af 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-neovim.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-neovim.md @@ -1071,6 +1071,7 @@ These colorschemes may not specialize in Tree-sitter directly but are written in - [topaxi/pipeline.nvim](https://github.com/topaxi/pipeline.nvim) - View and dispatch GitHub Actions workflow and GitLab CI pipeline runs. - [rawnly/gist.nvim](https://github.com/rawnly/gist.nvim) - Create a GitHub Gist from the current file (powered by gh). - [2KAbhishek/octohub.nvim](https://github.com/2KAbhishek/octohub.nvim) - Access all your gihub repos, stats and more in simple keystrokes. +- [claydugo/browsher.nvim](https://github.com/claydugo/browsher.nvim) - Create commit pinned links to GitHub hosted files/lines. Avoid stale links. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-ruby.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-ruby.md index bd88b69103..0e101068e8 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-ruby.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-ruby.md @@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ Where to discover new Ruby libraries, projects and trends. ## Documentation -* [Annotate](https://github.com/ctran/annotate_models) - Add a comment documenting the current schema to the top or bottom of each of your ActiveRecord models. +* [AnnotateRb](https://github.com/drwl/annotaterb) - Adds database schema annotations for your ActiveRecord models as text comments as well as routes. An active and maintained hard fork of Annotate. * [Apipie](https://github.com/Apipie/apipie-rails) - Rails API documentation and display tool using Ruby syntax. * [Asciidoctor](https://asciidoctor.org) - A fast, Ruby-based text processor & publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc to HTML5, DocBook, EPUB3, PDF & more. * [Documentation](https://github.com/adamcooke/documentation) - A Rails engine to provide the ability to add documentation to a Rails application. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-terraform.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-terraform.md index 1162a4c321..3ab580341e 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-terraform.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-terraform.md @@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ For more Community Modules not listed here please see the [Terraform Module Regi - [tfmigrate](https://github.com/minamijoyo/tfmigrate) - A Terraform state migration tool for GitOps. - [tfmigrator](https://github.com/tfmigrator/cli) - Go library and CLI to migrate Terraform Configuration and State - [tfprovidercheck](https://github.com/suzuki-shunsuke/tfprovidercheck) - CLI to prevent malicious Terraform Providers from being executed +- [tfocus](https://github.com/nwiizo/tfocus) - tfocus is a super interactive tool for selecting and executing Terraform plan/apply on specific resources. Think of it as an "emergency tool" - not for everyday use. - [tfproviderlint](https://github.com/bflad/tfproviderlint) - Terraform Provider Lint Tool. - [tfrepl](https://github.com/ysoftwareab/tfrepl) - A Terraform REPL, giving you a full shell experience. Readline based. No dependencies. Save config changes. History. - [tfreveal](https://github.com/breml/tfreveal) - A Terraform utility to show Terraform plans with all the secret (sensitive) values revealed. diff --git a/docs/awesome/free-for-dev.md b/docs/awesome/free-for-dev.md index 8150c6d22a..c596c3e137 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/free-for-dev.md +++ b/docs/awesome/free-for-dev.md @@ -787,6 +787,7 @@ This list results from Pull Requests, reviews, ideas, and work done by 1600+ peo * [syagent.com](https://syagent.com/) โ€” Noncommercial free server monitoring service, alerts and metrics. * [pagerly.io](https://pagerly.io/) - Manage on-calls on Slack (integrates with Pagerduty, OpsGenie). Free up to 1 team (one team refers to one on call) * [pagertree.com](https://pagertree.com/) - Simple interface for alerting and on-call management. Free up to 5 users. + * [phare.io](https://phare.io/) - Uptime Monitoring free for up to 100,000 events for unlimited projets and unlimited status pages. * [pingbreak.com](https://pingbreak.com/) โ€” Modern uptime monitoring service. Check unlimited URLs and get downtime notifications via Discord, Slack, or email. * [pingpong.one](https://pingpong.one/) โ€” Advanced status page platform with monitoring. The free tier includes one public customizable status page with an SSL subdomain. Pro plan is offered to open-source projects and non-profits free of charge. * [robusta.dev](https://home.robusta.dev/) โ€” Powerful Kubernetes monitoring based on Prometheus. Bring your own Prometheus or install the all-in-one bundle. The free tier includes up to 20 Kubernetes nodes. Alerts via Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord, and more. Integrations with PagerDuty, OpsGenie, VictorOps, DataDog, and many other tools. @@ -882,6 +883,7 @@ This list results from Pull Requests, reviews, ideas, and work done by 1600+ peo * [mail-tester.com](https://www.mail-tester.com) โ€” Test if the email's DNS/SPF/DKIM/DMARC settings are correct, 20 free/month. * [dkimvalidator.com](https://dkimvalidator.com/) - Test if the email's DNS/SPF/DKIM/DMARC settings are correct, free service by roundsphere.com * [mailcatcher.me](https://mailcatcher.me/) โ€” Catches mail and serves it through a web interface. + * [mailchannels.com](https://www.mailchannels.com) - Email API with REST API and SMTP integrations, free for upto 3,000 emails/month. * [Mailcheck.ai](https://www.mailcheck.ai/) - Prevent users to sign up with temporary email addresses, 120 requests/hour (~86,400 per month) * [Mailchimp](https://mailchimp.com/) โ€” 500 subscribers and 1,000 emails/month free. * [Maildroppa](https://maildroppa.com) - Up to 100 subscribers and unlimited emails as well as automations for free.