(This is Ivy. She's glad you're here today.)
- Introduction
- Features
- Prefix(es)
- Commands
- Adding Ivy to your server
- Assets
- Contributors
- If you have any questions/problems
You know that one extra thicc maid bot on Discord? No? Well, you're looking at her page right now! :P
Ivy's a totally ordinary maid who has been summoned come to Discord to provide userful services for all.
This page is essentially a quick reference manual on how to use maid bot Ivy. For more complete, in-depth information, the GitHub repository also has a wiki page (work in progress) (link here) where you can find neat things like more step-by-step guides, Ivy's bio, author comments, and author information.
As of now, the page might not look like the prettiest thing in the world, but I'll update this soon.
- Online 24/7
- Three prefixes
- A lovely personality~
- Points/leveling/credits system
- Special lines/responses for each command
- Music, moderation, and useful commands
- Includes fun and meme commands too
- Each command has aliases for convenience
- Can set automatic role for new members
- Can set welcome/goodbye/log channels
- Can make custom cards/lists to help you keep track of stuff
- Cloud-based database
Prefixes are special characters/expressions you type before a command to let Ivy know that you are giving her a command to execute.
The first two are ~
and Ivy,
. The third is a mention.
Prefix | Example |
~ | ~help |
Ivy, | Ivy, help |
@Ivy | @Ivy help |
Note: Each command has aliases/shortcuts, which are just alternate command names.
Bot-related commands.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
info | Sends an embed with information about the bot | intro, botinfo, ivyinfo, bot, ivy, about, features | ~info |
author | Sends an embed with information about the bot's author | authorinfo, lewdbringer, dev, devinfo, botauthor, botdev | ~author |
help | Displays all the available commands | h, halp | ~help , ~help bigmoji |
ping | Ping/Pong command. Responds with ping | ms | ~ping |
whoareyou | Sends an embed with information about the Ivy as a character | lore, characterinfo, bio, characterprofile, aboutivy | ~whoareyou |
goodgirl | Lets you tell Ivy that she's being a good girl | goodbot, goodmaid, goodcow, patpat, pat, pet | ~goodgirl |
Handy commands with handy functions.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
avatar | Sends someone's avatar at its original resolution | icon, avy | ~avatar , ~avatar @Ivy , ~avatar Ivy |
bigmoji | Sends the given custom emoji at its original resolution | bigemoji, bmoji, bmj | ~bigmoji :PogChamp: |
nickname | Changes the user's nickname. Ivy has special lines for some names when you change her name | setnick, setnickname, setname, newnick, newname, newnickname | ~nickname @Ivy cow |
Fun stuff and games.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
coinflip | Flips a coin | flip | ~coinflip |
8ball | The magic 8-ball answers any questions you might have about the future | 8-ball, 8b | ~8ball Half Life 3 confirmed? |
choose | Chooses one out of two or more choices (up to n choices) | erabe | ```~choose thick |
rps | Plays Rock | ||
roll | Rolls one or more dice. You can specify the number of faces too (default's 6) | dice, diceroll | ~roll , ~roll 2 , ~roll 3 20 |
rps | Plays Rock Paper Scissors against the bot | jankenpon | ~rps rock , ~rps Rock |
roulette | Play russian roulette against yourself! You can play with up to 5 bullets (default's 1) and pull the trigger up to 5 times (default's 1). Safe mode's on by default. Losing without safe mode gets you kicked from the server and causes you to lose points/credits | russianroulette, playroulette, rlt | ~roulette , ~roulette 1 5 , ~roulette 1 5 off |
Commands related to playing music in a voice channel.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
join | Joins the voice channel you are in | joinvc | ~join |
leave | Leaves the voice channel. Also stops playing music | stop, end | ~leave |
queue | Shows the first ten entries in the music queue. Typing "full" after the command gives the whole queue instead | musiclist, songlist, tracklist, playlist, q, showqueue | ~queue , ~queue full |
enqueue | Adds a Youtube video to the queue. Queue can hold 25 tracks max | addqueue, addsong, addmusic, enqueue, playthis, enq | ~enqueue , ~enqueue <youtube_link_here> , ~enqueue purupuru pururin 4k |
removetrack | Removes the specified track from the queue | removemusic, removesong | ~removetrack 12 |
play | Starts playing the tracks in the music queue. Unpauses if something was paused before | start | ~play |
playing | Shows the current track being played from the music queue | nowplaying, playingnow, cursong, curmusic, curtrack | ~playing |
pause | Pauses the currently playing music | pausemusic, pausesong, pausetrack | ~pause |
skip | Skips the current music in the queue | next | ~skip |
queuepurge | Deletes all entries in the music queue | queueclear, clear, deletequeue, queuedelete | ~queuepurge |
Commands for moderation quality of life improvements.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
ban | Bans the mentioned user. You can pass in a reason for logging purposes | hammer | ~ban @Ivy , ~ban @Ivy bad girl |
kick | Kicks the mentioned user. You can pass in a reason for logging purposes | boot | ~kick @Ivy , ~kick @Ivy bad girl |
warn | Issues a warning to the mentioned user | warning, alert | ~warn @Ivy , ~warn @Ivy bad girl |
mute | Mutes or unmutes a mentioned user | unmute | ~mute @Ivy , ~mute @Ivy bad girl |
lockdown | This will prevent users from sending messages to the channel for the set duration | ld, lock | ~lockdown 3 hours , ~lockdown 1 day |
purge | Purges the specified amount of messages (default's 100) under 14 days old from a given channel | obliterate, delete, deletemsg, killwithfire, killitwithfire, burn | ~purge , ~purge 20 , ~purge 10 bot |
reason | Sets the reason for a mod action in the mod logs (by its case number) if none was given to it before | setreason | ~setreason 5 bad girl |
unban | Revoke a ban on a user for a given reason based on their user ID (which can be found in the mod action's embed) | unhammer | ~unban 4133543253252 good girl |
Commands specifically related to the server Ivy's in.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
addrole | Assigns a role to the user | roleadd, setrole, roleset, iam, assign, assignrole | ~addrole lewd , ~iam lewd , Ivy, iam lewd |
autorole | Sets the server's default role for new members. Passing nothing resets it to none | defaultrole | ~autorole , ~autorole lewd |
welcome | Sets the server's default channel for welcoming new members. Passing nothing resets it to none | setwelcome | ~welcome , ~welcome welcome |
goodbye | Sets the server's default channel for sending goodbyes to members who just left the guild. Passing nothing resets it to none | setgoodbye | ~goodbye , ~goodbye goodbye |
modlog | Sets the server's default channel for storing mod logs. Making the mod log channel visible to mods/admins only is recommended | setlogs, setmodlog, botlog, defaultmodlog, defaultbotlog, defaultlogs, setlog | ~modlog mod-logs |
lvupmessages | Toggles level up messages from Ivy on/off. Default: Off | levelupmsgs, lvnotifs, togglelvupmsgs | ~lvupmessages |
listmoji | Sends a list of the server's emojis | listemojis, listmojis, listemoji, emojilist, emojislist, emojis, le, el, emojis | ~listmoji |
listroles | Sends a list of the server's roles | listrole, rolelist, roleslist, lr, rl, roles | ~listroles |
removerole | Removes a role from the user | roleremove | ~removerole lewd |
settings | Shows current server settings set by the bot | serversettings, channelsettings, botsettings | ~settings |
invite | Sends a temporary server invite | serverinvite, serverlink, invitation, serverinvitation, createinvite | ~invite |
joindate | Tells when the mentioned member has joined the server | joined | ~joindate @Ivy , ~joindate Ivy |
Commands related to custom cards/lists. These are features to help you keep track of things. You can store any form of text/links, so feel free to experiment. Note that you cannot put spaces in titles (other characters are ok, though).
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
createcard | Allows you to create a custom card. Each entry in the card has a tile and a description. A card can hold 15 entries total. You can unlock more card slots with 600 credits each (3 max. First one's free) | makecard | ~createcard Game-IDs |
showcard | Shows a custom card you've created. Passing nothing shows your first card. Passing an entry/field title after the card name will show a card with just that entry | card, list, showlist, customcard | ~showcard , ~showcard Game-IDs , ~showcard Game-IDs GBF-ID |
editbody | Edits the contents of the specified card. If the entry/field does not exist, a new one will be created | addfield, editfield, editentry, editlist, cardbody | ~editbody Game-IDs description My game IDs , ~editbody Game-IDs GBF-ID 1234567 |
edittitle | Edits the title of an entry/field of the specified card. If the entry/field title does not exist, a new entry/field will be created | addtitle | ~edittitle Game-IDs title Game-ID , ~edittitle Game-IDs GBF-ID 7654321 |
removebody | Deletes an entry/field of the specified card. Typing just the card title deletes the card, and typing "purge" deletes all entries in the card | deletecard, deleteentry, removecard, removeentry | ~removebody Game-IDs , ~removebody Game-IDs purge , ~removebody Game-IDs GBF-ID |
Commands related to the level/economy system.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
dailies | Gives you $100. You can claim it again the next day as soon as the date changes | hollahollagetdolla, getdaily, daily | ~dailies |
exp | Shows how many experience points you currently have | xp | ~exp |
level | Shows your current level | lv, lvl | ~level |
money | Shows how much money you currently have | monies, moolah, moola, credits, wallet, bank, piggybank | ~money |
mystats | Shows the level, exp, money, and custom cards you currently have | stats | ~mystats |
Self-explanatory. These are all harmless, so just use them freely.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
ayy | lmao | ay, ayyy | ~ayy |
lenny | Sends a lenny face. Has slight chance of sending rare lenny faces too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | lennyface | ~lenny |
owo | OwO what's this? | OwO, 0w0 | ~owo |
These can only be used by the one hosting the bot.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
setbotactivity | Changes the bot's activity/"Playing" status to the given input string | bact, setbotstatus | ~setbotactivity with fire |
setbotavatar | Changes the bot's avatar | bav, setboticon | ~setbot avatar https://mei.do/cow.jpg |
reload | Reloads the command file, if it's been updated or modified | rld | ~setbot avatar https://mei.do/cow.jpg |
Of course, every bot needs at least one of these. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ivy won't allow you to use lewd commands on non-nsfw channels by the way.
Command | Description | Alias(es) | Example |
danbooru | Searches a random, totally not lewd image on Danbooru. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You can search up to two tags at once (in the same way you would on Danbooru) | luds, l00ds, lewds, postlewds, nsfw, nudes | ~danbooru maid demon_girl |
Just want to add her to your server ASAP? Simply follow the steps below:
- Click this link (Make sure you're logged in to Discord first, though)
- Select the server you want to add her to from the drop-down menu
- Make sure to give her Administrator permissions
- Click on "Authorize"
- You're all set! You should be able to see her on your server now
You can find all the icons/art used by Ivy in this link. Unused stuff included. And yes, I made all of that myself.
- icw-Numen (Numen#3815 on Discord)
Got any questions? Bugs? Issues? Feedback? No problem!
You can either join my development Discord server and ask away, or send a PM to me if it's something simple.
Again, Ivy's wiki is still WIP, but eventually it'll have more in-depth information about Ivy, including usage guides, which should help answering questions in the long run.