diff --git a/dependencies.xml b/dependencies.xml
index 7eb6335591..48f0088585 100644
--- a/dependencies.xml
+++ b/dependencies.xml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Note all install methods after "main" take
- 1.15
+ 2.03
diff --git a/developer_tools/XSDSchemas/raven.xsd b/developer_tools/XSDSchemas/raven.xsd
index 36f0f7e6ee..cefcccb7fa 100644
--- a/developer_tools/XSDSchemas/raven.xsd
+++ b/developer_tools/XSDSchemas/raven.xsd
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/ravenRomTrainer.tex b/doc/user_guide/ravenRomTrainer.tex
index 997ef81fe0..1663ceb3f5 100644
--- a/doc/user_guide/ravenRomTrainer.tex
+++ b/doc/user_guide/ravenRomTrainer.tex
@@ -178,8 +178,7 @@ \subsubsection{How to load and sample a ROM?}
\textbf{Files} object to track the pickled ROM file.
-In this example, the subtype \xmlString{NDinvDistWeight} of \xmlNode{ROM} is used instead of \xmlString{pickledROM},
-since the subtype of ROM is already known.
+In this example, the subtype \xmlString{pickledROM} of \xmlNode{ROM} is used since the hyper-parameters of the ROM can not be changed once the ROM is loaded from a pickled (serialized) file.
Two data objects are defined: 1) a \textbf{HistorySet} named ``inputPlaceHolder'' used as a placeholder input for
diff --git a/doc/user_manual/runInfo.tex b/doc/user_manual/runInfo.tex
index 091fdb2e14..f5cccd8bb5 100644
--- a/doc/user_manual/runInfo.tex
+++ b/doc/user_manual/runInfo.tex
@@ -59,6 +59,19 @@ \subsection{RunInfo: Input of Calculation Flow}
+ %%%%%% N THREADS
+\item \xmlNode{threadParameter}, \xmlDesc{string, optional field}, specifies the command used to set the
+ number of threads. The ``%NUM_CPUS%'' is a wildcard that will be replaced by the number of threads
+ specified in the node \xmlNode{NumThreads}. In this way for commands
+ that require the number of threads to be inputted without a blank space after this command,
+ the user can specify the command attaching the wildcard above to the string reporting the command.
+ For example, $--my-nthreads=%NUM_CPUS%$ (e.g. $--my-nthreads=10$). In other cases, the command can be
+ inputted explicetely adding the blank space. For example, $-omp %NUM_CPUS%$ (e.g. $-omp 10$).
+ If the wild card is not present, a blank space is always added after the command
+ (e.g. $--mycommand => --mycommand 10$).
+ %
+ \default{--n-threads=\%NUM\_CPUS\%}
\item \xmlNode{batchSize}, \xmlDesc{integer, optional field},
specifies the number of parallel runs executed simultaneously (e.g.,
@@ -125,7 +138,8 @@ \subsection{RunInfo: Input of Calculation Flow}
For example, if RAVEN is driving a code named ``FOO,'' and this code has
multi-threading support, this block is used to specify how many threads each
instance of FOO should use (e.g. ``\texttt{FOO --n-threads=N}'' where \texttt{N}
- is the number of threads).
+ is the number of threads). The command to specify the number of threads can be
+customized via the node \xmlNode{threadParameter}.
\default{1 (or None when the driven code does not have multi-threading
diff --git a/framework/CustomModes/MPILegacySimulationMode.py b/framework/CustomModes/MPILegacySimulationMode.py
index 94f698bd14..c10d14a1df 100644
--- a/framework/CustomModes/MPILegacySimulationMode.py
+++ b/framework/CustomModes/MPILegacySimulationMode.py
@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@ def modifyInfo(self, runInfoDict):
newRunInfo['precommand'] = runInfoDict["MPIExec"]+" "+nodeCommand+" -n "+str(numMPI)+" "+runInfoDict['precommand']
if(runInfoDict['NumThreads'] > 1):
#add number of threads to the post command.
- newRunInfo['postcommand'] = " --n-threads=%NUM_CPUS% "+runInfoDict['postcommand']
+ newRunInfo['threadParameter'] = runInfoDict['threadParameter']
+ newRunInfo['postcommand'] =" {} {}".format(newRunInfo['threadParameter'],runInfoDict['postcommand'])
self.raiseAMessage("precommand: "+newRunInfo['precommand']+", postcommand: "+newRunInfo.get('postcommand',runInfoDict['postcommand']))
return newRunInfo
diff --git a/framework/CustomModes/MPISimulationMode.py b/framework/CustomModes/MPISimulationMode.py
index 2d0292ab1c..7457f5eec9 100644
--- a/framework/CustomModes/MPISimulationMode.py
+++ b/framework/CustomModes/MPISimulationMode.py
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ def modifyInfo(self, runInfoDict):
# Note, with defaults the precommand is "mpiexec -f nodeFile -n numMPI"
newRunInfo['precommand'] = runInfoDict["MPIExec"]+" "+nodeCommand+" -n "+str(numMPI)+" "+runInfoDict['precommand']
if runInfoDict['NumThreads'] > 1:
+ newRunInfo['threadParameter'] = runInfoDict['threadParameter']
#add number of threads to the post command.
- newRunInfo['postcommand'] = " --n-threads=%NUM_CPUS% "+runInfoDict['postcommand']
+ newRunInfo['postcommand'] =" {} {}".format(newRunInfo['threadParameter'],runInfoDict['postcommand'])
self.raiseAMessage("precommand: "+newRunInfo['precommand']+", postcommand: "+newRunInfo.get('postcommand',runInfoDict['postcommand']))
return newRunInfo
diff --git a/framework/Optimizers/parentSelectors/parentSelectors.py b/framework/Optimizers/parentSelectors/parentSelectors.py
index 5f13de81fe..0be3ca8396 100644
--- a/framework/Optimizers/parentSelectors/parentSelectors.py
+++ b/framework/Optimizers/parentSelectors/parentSelectors.py
@@ -91,29 +91,55 @@ def tournamentSelection(population,**kwargs):
fitness = kwargs['fitness']
nParents= kwargs['nParents']
pop = population
popSize = population.values.shape[0]
+ if 'rank' in kwargs:
+ # the key rank is used in multi-objective optimization where rank identifies which front the point belongs to
+ rank = kwargs['rank']
+ multiObjectiveRanking = True
+ matrixOperationRaw = np.zeros((popSize,3))
+ matrixOperationRaw[:,0] = np.transpose(np.arange(popSize))
+ matrixOperationRaw[:,1] = np.transpose(fitness.data)
+ matrixOperationRaw[:,2] = np.transpose(rank.data)
+ matrixOperation = np.zeros((popSize,3))
+ else:
+ multiObjectiveRanking = False
+ matrixOperationRaw = np.zeros((popSize,2))
+ matrixOperationRaw[:,0] = np.transpose(np.arange(popSize))
+ matrixOperationRaw[:,1] = np.transpose(fitness.data)
+ matrixOperation = np.zeros((popSize,2))
+ indexes = list(np.arange(popSize))
+ indexesShuffled = randomUtils.randomChoice(indexes, size = popSize, replace = False, engine = None)
+ for idx, val in enumerate(indexesShuffled):
+ matrixOperation[idx,:] = matrixOperationRaw[val,:]
selectedParent = xr.DataArray(
- np.zeros((nParents,np.shape(pop)[1])),
- dims=['chromosome','Gene'],
- coords={'chromosome':np.arange(nParents),
- 'Gene': kwargs['variables']})
- if nParents >= popSize/2.0:
- # generate combination of 2 with replacement
- selectionList = np.atleast_2d(randomUtils.randomChoice(list(range(0,popSize)), 2*nParents, replace=False))
- else: # nParents < popSize/2.0
- # generate combination of 2 without replacement
- selectionList = np.atleast_2d(randomUtils.randomChoice(list(range(0,popSize)), 2*nParents))
- selectionList = selectionList.reshape(nParents,2)
- for index,pair in enumerate(selectionList):
- if fitness[pair[0]]>fitness[pair[1]]:
- selectedParent[index,:] = pop.values[pair[0],:]
- else: # fitness[pair[1]]>fitness[pair[0]]:
- selectedParent[index,:] = pop.values[pair[1],:]
+ np.zeros((nParents,np.shape(pop)[1])),
+ dims=['chromosome','Gene'],
+ coords={'chromosome':np.arange(nParents),
+ 'Gene': kwargs['variables']})
+ if not multiObjectiveRanking: # single-objective implementation of tournamentSelection
+ for i in range(nParents):
+ if matrixOperation[2*i,1] > matrixOperation[2*i+1,1]:
+ index = int(matrixOperation[i,0])
+ else:
+ index = int(matrixOperation[i+1,0])
+ selectedParent[i,:] = pop.values[index,:]
+ else: # multi-objective implementation of tournamentSelection
+ for i in range(nParents-1):
+ if matrixOperation[2*i,2] > matrixOperation[2*i+1,2]:
+ index = int(matrixOperation[i,0])
+ elif matrixOperation[2*i,2] < matrixOperation[2*i+1,2]:
+ index = int(matrixOperation[i+1,0])
+ else: # same rank case
+ if matrixOperation[2*i,1] > matrixOperation[2*i+1,1]:
+ index = int(matrixOperation[i,0])
+ else:
+ index = int(matrixOperation[i+1,0])
+ selectedParent[i,:] = pop.values[index,:]
return selectedParent
diff --git a/framework/Simulation.py b/framework/Simulation.py
index d7a059f8f3..0035653fd7 100644
--- a/framework/Simulation.py
+++ b/framework/Simulation.py
@@ -215,34 +215,41 @@ def __init__(self, frameworkDir, verbosity='all', interactive=Interaction.No):
#this dictionary contains the general info to run the simulation
self.runInfoDict = {}
- self.runInfoDict['DefaultInputFile' ] = 'test.xml' #Default input file to use
- self.runInfoDict['SimulationFiles' ] = [] #the xml input file
+ self.runInfoDict['DefaultInputFile' ] = 'test.xml' #Default input file to use
+ self.runInfoDict['SimulationFiles' ] = [] #the xml input file
self.runInfoDict['ScriptDir' ] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(frameworkDir),"scripts") # the location of the pbs script interfaces
- self.runInfoDict['FrameworkDir' ] = frameworkDir # the directory where the framework is located
+ self.runInfoDict['FrameworkDir' ] = frameworkDir # the directory where the framework is located
self.runInfoDict['RemoteRunCommand' ] = os.path.join(frameworkDir,'raven_qsub_command.sh')
- self.runInfoDict['NodeParameter' ] = '-f' # the parameter used to specify the files where the nodes are listed
- self.runInfoDict['MPIExec' ] = 'mpiexec' # the command used to run mpi commands
- self.runInfoDict['WorkingDir' ] = '' # the directory where the framework should be running
- self.runInfoDict['TempWorkingDir' ] = '' # the temporary directory where a simulation step is run
- self.runInfoDict['NumMPI' ] = 1 # the number of mpi process by run
- self.runInfoDict['NumThreads' ] = 1 # Number of Threads by run
- self.runInfoDict['numProcByRun' ] = 1 # Total number of core used by one run (number of threads by number of mpi)
- self.runInfoDict['batchSize' ] = 1 # number of contemporaneous runs
- self.runInfoDict['internalParallel' ] = False # activate internal parallel (parallel python). If True parallel python is used, otherwise multi-threading is used
- self.runInfoDict['ParallelCommand' ] = '' # the command that should be used to submit jobs in parallel (mpi)
- self.runInfoDict['ThreadingCommand' ] = '' # the command should be used to submit multi-threaded
- self.runInfoDict['totalNumCoresUsed' ] = 1 # total number of cores used by driver
- self.runInfoDict['queueingSoftware' ] = '' # queueing software name
- self.runInfoDict['stepName' ] = '' # the name of the step currently running
- self.runInfoDict['precommand' ] = '' # Add to the front of the command that is run
- self.runInfoDict['postcommand' ] = '' # Added after the command that is run.
- self.runInfoDict['delSucLogFiles' ] = False # If a simulation (code run) has not failed, delete the relative log file (if True)
- self.runInfoDict['deleteOutExtension'] = [] # If a simulation (code run) has not failed, delete the relative output files with the listed extension (comma separated list, for example: 'e,r,txt')
- self.runInfoDict['mode' ] = '' # Running mode. Curently the only mode supported is mpi but others can be added with custom modes.
- self.runInfoDict['Nodes' ] = [] # List of node IDs. Filled only in case RAVEN is run in a DMP machine
- self.runInfoDict['expectedTime' ] = '10:00:00' # How long the complete input is expected to run.
+ self.runInfoDict['NodeParameter' ] = '-f' # the parameter used to specify the files where the nodes are listed
+ self.runInfoDict['MPIExec' ] = 'mpiexec' # the command used to run mpi commands
+ self.runInfoDict['threadParameter'] = '--n-threads=%NUM_CPUS%'# the command used to run multi-threading commands.
+ # The "%NUM_CPUS%" is a wildcard to replace. In this way for commands
+ # that require the num of threads to be inputted without a
+ # blank space we can have something like --my-nthreads=%NUM_CPUS%
+ # (e.g. --my-nthreads=10), otherwise we can have something like
+ # -omp %NUM_CPUS% (e.g. -omp 10). If not present, a blank
+ # space is always added (e.g. --mycommand => --mycommand 10)
+ self.runInfoDict['WorkingDir' ] = '' # the directory where the framework should be running
+ self.runInfoDict['TempWorkingDir' ] = '' # the temporary directory where a simulation step is run
+ self.runInfoDict['NumMPI' ] = 1 # the number of mpi process by run
+ self.runInfoDict['NumThreads' ] = 1 # Number of Threads by run
+ self.runInfoDict['numProcByRun' ] = 1 # Total number of core used by one run (number of threads by number of mpi)
+ self.runInfoDict['batchSize' ] = 1 # number of contemporaneous runs
+ self.runInfoDict['internalParallel' ] = False # activate internal parallel (parallel python). If True parallel python is used, otherwise multi-threading is used
+ self.runInfoDict['ParallelCommand' ] = '' # the command that should be used to submit jobs in parallel (mpi)
+ self.runInfoDict['ThreadingCommand' ] = '' # the command should be used to submit multi-threaded
+ self.runInfoDict['totalNumCoresUsed' ] = 1 # total number of cores used by driver
+ self.runInfoDict['queueingSoftware' ] = '' # queueing software name
+ self.runInfoDict['stepName' ] = '' # the name of the step currently running
+ self.runInfoDict['precommand' ] = '' # Add to the front of the command that is run
+ self.runInfoDict['postcommand' ] = '' # Added after the command that is run.
+ self.runInfoDict['delSucLogFiles' ] = False # If a simulation (code run) has not failed, delete the relative log file (if True)
+ self.runInfoDict['deleteOutExtension'] = [] # If a simulation (code run) has not failed, delete the relative output files with the listed extension (comma separated list, for example: 'e,r,txt')
+ self.runInfoDict['mode' ] = '' # Running mode. Curently the only mode supported is mpi but others can be added with custom modes.
+ self.runInfoDict['Nodes' ] = [] # List of node IDs. Filled only in case RAVEN is run in a DMP machine
+ self.runInfoDict['expectedTime' ] = '10:00:00' # How long the complete input is expected to run.
self.runInfoDict['logfileBuffer' ] = int(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)*50 # logfile buffer size in bytes
- self.runInfoDict['clusterParameters' ] = [] # Extra parameters to use with the qsub command.
+ self.runInfoDict['clusterParameters' ] = [] # Extra parameters to use with the qsub command.
self.runInfoDict['maxQueueSize' ] = None
#Following a set of dictionaries that, in a manner consistent with their names, collect the instance of all objects needed in the simulation
@@ -586,6 +593,8 @@ def __readRunInfo(self,xmlNode,runInfoSkip,xmlFilename):
self.runInfoDict['NodeParameter'] = element.text.strip()
elif element.tag == 'MPIExec':
self.runInfoDict['MPIExec'] = element.text.strip()
+ elif element.tag == 'threadParameter':
+ self.runInfoDict['threadParameter'] = element.text.strip()
elif element.tag == 'JobName':
self.runInfoDict['JobName' ] = element.text.strip()
elif element.tag == 'ParallelCommand':
diff --git a/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasBase.py b/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasBase.py
index 48b63277b2..0cbee14c90 100644
--- a/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasBase.py
+++ b/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasBase.py
@@ -227,13 +227,7 @@ def readInitDict(self, initDict):
self._ROM = None
# the training/testing history of ROM
self._romHistory = None
- self._sessionConf = None
randomSeed = self.initOptionDict.pop('random_seed',None)
- # Force TensorFlow to use single thread when reproducible results are requested
- # Multiple threads are a potential source of non-reproducible results.
- # For further details, see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42022950/
- self._sessionConf = tf.ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=self.numThreads,
- inter_op_parallelism_threads=self.numThreads)
# Set the seed for random number generation to obtain reproducible results
# https://keras.io/getting-started/faq/#how-can-i-obtain-reproducible-results-using-keras-during-development
if randomSeed is not None:
@@ -243,18 +237,11 @@ def readInitDict(self, initDict):
# The below is necessary for starting core Python generated random numbers
# in a well-defined state.
- # The below tf.set_random_seed() will make random number generation
+ # The below tf.random.set_seed() will make random number generation
# in the TensorFlow backend have a well-defined initial state.
# For further details, see:
- # https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/set_random_seed
- tf.set_random_seed(randomSeed)
- self._session = tf.Session(graph=tf.get_default_graph(), config=self._sessionConf)
- # Base on issue https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/28287
- # The problem is that tensorflow graphs and sessions are not thread safe. So by default
- # a new session (which) does not contain any previously loaded weights, models, and so on)
- # is created for each thread, i.e. for each request. By saving the session that contains all
- # the models and setting it to be used by keras in each thread.
- tf.keras.backend.set_session(self._session)
+ # https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/random/set_seed
+ tf.random.set_seed(randomSeed)
modelName = self.initOptionDict.pop('name','')
# number of classes for classifier
@@ -300,9 +287,7 @@ def _initGraph(self):
@ In, None
@ Out, None
- # This is needed to solve the thread issue in self._ROM.predict()
- # https://github.com/fchollet/keras/issues/2397#issuecomment-306687500
- self.graph = tf.get_default_graph()
+ pass
def __getstate__(self):
@@ -311,7 +296,7 @@ def __getstate__(self):
@ Out, state, dict, it contains all the information needed by the ROM to be initialized
state = supervisedLearning.__getstate__(self)
- tf.keras.models.save_model(self._ROM, KerasBase.tempModelFile)
+ tf.keras.models.save_model(self._ROM, KerasBase.tempModelFile, save_format='h5')
# another method to save the TensorFlow model
# self._ROM.save(KerasBase.tempModelFile)
with open(KerasBase.tempModelFile, "rb") as f:
@@ -331,7 +316,6 @@ def __setstate__(self, d):
with open(KerasBase.tempModelFile, "wb") as f:
del d[KerasBase.modelAttr]
- tf.keras.backend.set_session(self._session)
self._ROM = tf.keras.models.load_model(KerasBase.tempModelFile)
@@ -348,8 +332,8 @@ def writeXML(self, writeTo, targets=None, skip=None):
if not self.amITrained:
self.raiseAnError(RuntimeError, 'ROM is not yet trained! Cannot write to DataObject.')
root = writeTo.getRoot()
- writeTo.addScalar('Accuracy',"Training",' '.join([str(elm) for elm in self._romHistory.history['acc']]))
- writeTo.addScalar('Accuracy',"Testing",' '.join([str(elm) for elm in self._romHistory.history['val_acc']]))
+ writeTo.addScalar('Accuracy',"Training",' '.join([str(elm) for elm in self._romHistory.history['accuracy']]))
+ writeTo.addScalar('Accuracy',"Testing",' '.join([str(elm) for elm in self._romHistory.history['val_accuracy']]))
writeTo.addScalar('Loss',"Training",' '.join([str(elm) for elm in self._romHistory.history['loss']]))
writeTo.addScalar('Loss',"Testing",' '.join([str(elm) for elm in self._romHistory.history['val_loss']]))
@@ -465,7 +449,6 @@ def __trainLocal__(self,featureVals,targetVals):
#output layer
self._ROM.compile(loss=self.lossFunction, optimizer=self.optimizer, metrics=self.metrics)
- self._ROM._make_predict_function() # have to initialize before threading
self._romHistory = self._ROM.fit(featureVals, targetVals, epochs=self.epochs, batch_size=self.batchSize, validation_split=self.validationSplit)
# The following requires pydot-ng and graphviz to be installed (See the manual)
# https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/3210
@@ -490,9 +473,7 @@ def __evaluateLocal__(self,featureVals):
featureVals = self._preprocessInputs(featureVals)
prediction = {}
- with self.graph.as_default():
- tf.keras.backend.set_session(self._session)
- outcome = self._ROM.predict(featureVals)
+ outcome = self._ROM.predict(featureVals)
if self.numClasses > 1 and self.lossFunction in ['categorical_crossentropy']:
outcome = np.argmax(outcome,axis=1)
# Transform labels back to original encoding
diff --git a/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasClassifier.py b/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasClassifier.py
index 1b344710be..f17992c5bc 100644
--- a/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasClassifier.py
+++ b/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasClassifier.py
@@ -139,9 +139,7 @@ def __evaluateLocal__(self,featureVals):
featureVals = self._preprocessInputs(featureVals)
prediction = {}
- with self.graph.as_default():
- tf.keras.backend.set_session(self._session)
- outcome = self._ROM.predict(featureVals)
+ outcome = self._ROM.predict(featureVals)
if self.numClasses > 1 and self.lossFunction in ['categorical_crossentropy']:
outcome = np.argmax(outcome,axis=1)
# Transform labels back to original encoding
diff --git a/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasRegression.py b/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasRegression.py
index 8f7d4dba28..ddc062b938 100644
--- a/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasRegression.py
+++ b/framework/SupervisedLearning/KerasRegression.py
@@ -168,9 +168,7 @@ def __evaluateLocal__(self,featureVals):
featureVals = self._preprocessInputs(featureVals)
prediction = {}
- with self.graph.as_default():
- tf.keras.backend.set_session(self._session)
- outcome = self._ROM.predict(featureVals)
+ outcome = self._ROM.predict(featureVals)
for i, target in enumerate(self.target):
prediction[target] = self._invertScaleToNormal(outcome[0, :, i], target)
return prediction
diff --git a/scripts/establish_conda_env.sh b/scripts/establish_conda_env.sh
index 49bdec2bb8..44eefa0188 100755
--- a/scripts/establish_conda_env.sh
+++ b/scripts/establish_conda_env.sh
@@ -74,6 +74,25 @@ function find_conda_defs ()
+function guess_conda_defs ()
+ if [ -z ${CONDA_DEFS} ];
+ then
+ CONDA_DEFS=$(which conda | tail -1)
+ if [[ "$CONDA_DEFS" != "" ]]; then
+ # we found it
+ LOCATION_CONDASH="etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
+ if [[ "$CONDA_PATH" == *"condabin"* ]]; then
+ CONDA_DEFS=`echo "${CONDA_DEFS/condabin\/conda/$LOCATION_CONDASH}"`
+ else
+ fi
+ # fix Windows backslashes to be forward, compatible with all *nix including mingw
+ fi
+ fi
function install_libraries()
if [[ $ECE_VERBOSE == 0 ]]; then echo Installing libraries ...; fi
@@ -368,9 +387,17 @@ if [[ "$INSTALL_MANAGER" == "CONDA" ]];
# conda info || echo conda info failed
- echo ... Conda definitions not found at \"${CONDA_DEFS}\"!
- echo ... \>\> Specify the location of miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh through the --conda-defs option.
- exit 1
+ # try to guess
+ guess_conda_defs
+ if test -e ${CONDA_DEFS};
+ then
+ if [[ $ECE_VERBOSE == 0 ]]; then echo ... Found conda definitions at ${CONDA_DEFS}; fi
+ source ${CONDA_DEFS}
+ else
+ echo ... Conda definitions not found at \"${CONDA_DEFS}\"!
+ echo ... \>\> Specify the location of miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh through the --conda-defs option.
+ exit 1
+ fi
# check if pip exists
diff --git a/tests/cluster_tests/test_mpiqsub_nosplit.xml b/tests/cluster_tests/test_mpiqsub_nosplit.xml
index 83255e8294..8cf8bf04ac 100644
--- a/tests/cluster_tests/test_mpiqsub_nosplit.xml
+++ b/tests/cluster_tests/test_mpiqsub_nosplit.xml
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
3-W block=true1
+ --n-threads=%NUM_CPUS%
diff --git a/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/GA_knapsackBaseTournament.xml b/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/GA_knapsackBaseTournament.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92886da352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/GA_knapsackBaseTournament.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/GA_knapsackBaseTournament
+ mandd
+ 2021-06-22
+ GeneticAlgorithm
+ This test is designed to find the optimal solution of a basic knapsack problem using tournament select
+ simpleKnapsack
+ opt, print, printExport
+ 1
+ False
+ placeholder
+ Kbase
+ GAoptimizer
+ opt_export
+ optOut
+ opt_export
+ 0
+ 1
+ withReplacement
+ 5
+ 42
+ final
+ 14
+ 0.9
+ 0.1
+ 0.2
+ 13.0
+ tournamentSelection
+ fitnessBased
+ -1
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0
+ unif_dist_wRepl
+ 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0
+ planValue
+ optOut
+ proj1,proj2,proj3,proj4,proj5,proj6,proj7,proj8,proj9,proj10,planValue,validPlan
+ proj1,proj2,proj3,proj4,proj5,proj6,proj7,proj8,proj9,proj10
+ proj1,proj2,proj3,proj4,proj5,proj6,proj7,proj8,proj9,proj10
+ trajID
+ csv
+ csv
diff --git a/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/gold/simpleKnapsack/PrintOptOut_1.csv b/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/gold/simpleKnapsack/PrintOptOut_1.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f133488cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/gold/simpleKnapsack/PrintOptOut_1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
diff --git a/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/gold/simpleKnapsack/PrintOptOut_export_1.csv b/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/gold/simpleKnapsack/PrintOptOut_export_1.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46dbd37daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/gold/simpleKnapsack/PrintOptOut_export_1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/tests b/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/tests
index 4130c18bc6..1aecf33901 100644
--- a/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/tests
+++ b/tests/framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithms/tests
@@ -132,6 +132,16 @@
rel_err = 0.001
+ [./GA_knapsackBaseTournament]
+ type = 'RavenFramework'
+ input = 'GA_knapsackBaseTournament.xml'
+ [./csv]
+ type = OrderedCSV
+ output = 'simpleKnapsack/PrintOptOut_export_1.csv simpleKnapsack/PrintOptOut_1.csv'
+ rel_err = 0.001
+ [../]
+ [../]
type = 'RavenFramework'
diff --git a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/LSTMRegression/out_resampled_0.csv b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/LSTMRegression/out_resampled_0.csv
index 98a0e61a3a..e36af7c657 100644
--- a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/LSTMRegression/out_resampled_0.csv
+++ b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/LSTMRegression/out_resampled_0.csv
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
diff --git a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/LSTMRegression/out_resampled_1.csv b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/LSTMRegression/out_resampled_1.csv
index 207464840b..9e4e665e7b 100644
--- a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/LSTMRegression/out_resampled_1.csv
+++ b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/LSTMRegression/out_resampled_1.csv
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
diff --git a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/data/outCon1DClassifier.csv b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/data/outCon1DClassifier.csv
index dfd3250b25..9e698c3c24 100644
--- a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/data/outCon1DClassifier.csv
+++ b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/data/outCon1DClassifier.csv
@@ -7,30 +7,30 @@ time,x,y
@@ -55,22 +55,22 @@ time,x,y
diff --git a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/data/outLSTMClassifier.csv b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/data/outLSTMClassifier.csv
index b6a54c5478..0acc39c774 100644
--- a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/data/outLSTMClassifier.csv
+++ b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/data/outLSTMClassifier.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ time,x,y
diff --git a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/diabetes/outMLPClassifier.csv b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/diabetes/outMLPClassifier.csv
index 5d44c222de..4e6ceeb1cd 100644
--- a/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/diabetes/outMLPClassifier.csv
+++ b/tests/framework/ROM/tensorflow_keras/gold/diabetes/outMLPClassifier.csv
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,y
diff --git a/tests/framework/user_guide/ravenTutorial/RomLoad.xml b/tests/framework/user_guide/ravenTutorial/RomLoad.xml
index 9fa826620e..675963c665 100644
--- a/tests/framework/user_guide/ravenTutorial/RomLoad.xml
+++ b/tests/framework/user_guide/ravenTutorial/RomLoad.xml
@@ -23,11 +23,7 @@
- sigma-A,decay-A
- A, time