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Andrea Alfonsi edited this page May 4, 2019 · 26 revisions

Installation of RAVEN libraries

For Windows systems perform the following:

  • obtain the latest Git SCM for Windows installer from and install it. Install Git Bash and have the installer add Git Bash to your Windows PATH environment variables. The PATH can be updated in two different ways:

    • Automatic: Allow the Git SCM installer to update it for you: Image: Git SCM Path
    • Manually: Add the Git Bash in your PATH manually: Image: Add Git SCM Path
  • obtain the Microsoft's Visual Studio Community Edition from here. After downloading and running the Visual Studio installer, it will ask what features to install. For building RAVEN, "Desktop development with C++" is needed at a minimum. Installation of other Visual Studio features should be fine.

  • install Miniconda (you can install Miniconda from The PATH can be updated in two different ways:

    • Automatic: Allow the Conda installer to update it for you: Image: Conda Path
    • Manually: Add the Git Bash in your PATH manually: Image: Add Conda Path
  • open Windows Command Line (cmd.exe) and install raven libraries (release branch) Note that to install libraries, you need to clone the RAVEN repository (see below).

cd raven
 bash.exe scripts\ --install

The process is maintained to provide the best libraries for each commit of RAVEN. In the event libraries cannot be installed through conda, see Installing RAVEN Libraries.


Open the Windows Command Line (cmd.exe) and cd into the folder where you want to install RAVEN (e.g., projects)

C:\projects> cd projects
C:\projects]> git clone
C:\projects]> cd raven

Clone RAVEN Plugins

In case you have access to any RAVEN plugins' repository (e.g. CashFlow), you can clone that repository to be functional with RAVEN (as submodule).

C:\> cd projects\raven
C:\projects\raven> git submodule update --init **pluginName**

The result of the command is as follows:

Submodule 'pluginName' ( registered for path 'pluginName'
Cloning into '/home/USER/projects/test/raven/plugins/pluginName'...
Submodule path 'pluginName': checked out '786576deef33a317e654558f39f5f45617c7442b'

Compiling RAVEN

C:\projects\raven> bash.exe build_raven 

In case the RAVEN libraries have been installed without the conda installation package, In the event libraries have not been installed through conda (see Installing RAVEN Libraries ), RAVEN needs to be built with the following option:

C:\projects\raven> bash.exe build_raven --skip-conda

Test RAVEN installation

C:\projects\raven> bash.exe run_tests -j2

A large number of tests are run in order to check that the installation step has been successful. At the end, a screen output is generated similar to the one below (though the number of tests will not be the same):

383 passed, 19 skipped, 0 pending, 0 failed

Update RAVEN

C:\projects> cd raven
C:\projects\raven> git pull
C:\projects\raven> bash.exe scripts\
C:\projects\raven> bash.exe build_raven
C:\projects\raven> bash.exe run_tests -j2

Accessing RAVEN Documentation

The RAVEN distribution includes several documents including user and theory manuals. These have been created using the LaTeX document preparation system and therefore need to be built using LaTeX typesetting software. There are several implementations of such software for all platforms, on Windows we have successfully used MiKTeX. To successfully build the documentation, the LaTeX distribution must provide the pdflatex and biblatex commands, and these commands must be in current system PATH.

Checking to See if Needed LaTeX Commands are in Your PATH

The which command can be used in CMD shells to see if a command is in the current system PATH. If a command can be found in the system PATH, the output looks like this:

C:\projects\raven\doc> which pdflatex
/c/Users/_you_user_name_/AppData/Local/Programs/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64/pdflatex

If a command is not found, the output instead looks like this:

C:\projects\raven\doc> which pdflateks
which: no pdflateks in (Listing of directories in PATH)

Additional LaTeX packages needed to build RAVEN Documentation

There are several freely available add-on packages for the LaTeX typesetting system that are needed to build the RAVEN documentation:

  • appendix, mathtools, bigints, soul, placeins, xcolor, preprint, titlesec, mptopdf, cite, url, stmaryrd, booktabs, txfonts, listings, symbol, subfigure, fancyhdr

These may be installed using the package manager of the installed LaTeX distribution or allowing MiKTeX to automatically download them in case of need (automatic download on the-fly)

How to Build the RAVEN Manual

A script is provided in the doc directory of the RAVEN distribution that will build all available documentation in one step. The script is needed to properly mark the version of the code in the documents:

C:\projects> cd raven\doc
C:\projects\raven> bash.exe