This repository contains the code for fine-tuning from any pre-trained model on the STS benchmark dataset. This repo supports for three types of fine-tuning:
- baseline: fine-tuning the small scale models seperatly
- 2d_matryoshka: fine-tuning the the full scale model with 2d matryoshka
- starbucks: fine-tuning the full scale model with starbucks representation learning
pip install sentence_transformers
You can train the models by running the following commands:
python3 bert-base-uncased full # full means use all_nli, otherwise only stab to train
python3 bert-base-uncased full # full means use all_nli, otherwise only stab to train
python3 bert-base-uncased full 1 # full means use all_nli, otherwise only stab to train, 1 means kl_divergence weight
You can change the model name to any other pre-trained model name in the huggingface model hub, or local path to the model.
python3 [model_name] full diaganol # full means use all_nli, otherwise only stab to train, diaganol means only starbucks sizes
Or to evaluate all seperatly trained models at the same time:
python3 [model_name] full # full means use all_nli, otherwise only stab to train
We released our model checkpoints on Hugging Face Model Hub: Starbucks_STS.