Share the Iftar allows the community to share their iftar meal with others. Iftar at the Mosques were a community affair, providing a quality meal for the Fasting Muslim. With COVID 19 this will not be possible this year and many members from our community will suffer in shyness and silence. Staying hungry and not being able to afford regular meals, due to the current financial difficulties.
- Allow people to donate meals.
- Allow those who want a meal to pick up or have meals delivered.
This is the Backend API microservice for the Share your Iftar Project.
This project was written using Laravel ( Laravel is a web application framework written in PHP. It has prebuilt components that allowed the project to swiftly start.
- Composer (
- PHP 7.2
- NodeJS
(This will be replaced by a DockerFile soon)
cp .env.example .env
composer install;
php artisan key:generate;
npm install;
npm run dev;
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve
php artisan test