diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7108fdd..9759a87 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ It is a general purpose C++ library that can help developers create various kind
Please go to https://gitlab.com/ii887522/nitro to start contributing instead.
## Prerequisites
-- Windows 10
- [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop) using Windows containers
- [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/)
- Docker
@@ -33,23 +32,23 @@ Please go to https://gitlab.com/ii887522/nitro to start contributing instead.
## Update .NET Framework SDK version used by ms-build-tools to match your OS
1. Left click on the start button at the bottom left corner of your desktop.
2. Left click on the settings button at the left side of the start menu.
3. Left click on the system button at the top left corner of settings window.
4. Left click on the about button at the bottom left corner of settings window.
5. Take note of the version shown in the settings window. You will need it to search for appropriate tags later.
6. Go to https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-dotnet-framework-sdk/ and find Full Tag Listing section.
@@ -81,3 +80,8 @@ install
+### Deploy project
diff --git a/deploy.cmd b/deploy.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba693f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+docker run --rm --name nitro_bundler -w C:\nitro -v %CD%:C:\nitro mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:20H2 cmd /c mkdir libs && cd libs && mkdir nitro && cd nitro && mkdir include && cd include && xcopy ..\..\..\nitro\src\main\ .\ /s && cd .. && mkdir lib && cd lib && mkdir x86 && cd x86 && mkdir Debug && cd Debug && copy ..\..\..\..\..\nitro\Debug\nitro.lib .\ && cd .. && mkdir Release && cd Release && copy ..\..\..\..\..\nitro\Release\nitro.lib .\ && cd .. && cd .. && mkdir x64 && cd x64 && mkdir Debug && cd Debug && copy ..\..\..\..\..\nitro\x64\Debug\nitro.lib .\ && cd .. && mkdir Release && cd Release && copy ..\..\..\..\..\nitro\x64\Release\nitro.lib .\ && cd .. && cd .. && cd .. && cd .. && cd ..
+docker run --rm --name nitro_zipper -w C:\nitro\libs -v %CD%\libs:C:\nitro\libs kiazhi/nanoserver.7-zip:1709-18.05 7z a nitro.zip nitro\
+docker run --rm --name nitro_publisher -v %CD%\libs:C:\nitro\libs stefanscherer/curl-windows:7.58.0 --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: %1" --upload-file C:\nitro\libs\nitro.zip https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/23530641/packages/generic/nitro/1.0.0/nitro.zip
+docker run --rm --name nitro_cleaner -w C:\nitro -v %CD%:C:\nitro mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:20H2 cmd /c rmdir libs /s /q
diff --git a/deploy.sh b/deploy.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44b9597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+docker run --rm --name nitro_bundler -w C:/nitro -v $PWD:C:/nitro mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:20H2 cmd /c mkdir libs && cd libs && mkdir nitro && cd nitro && mkdir include && cd include && xcopy ..\..\..\nitro\src\main\ .\ /s && cd .. && mkdir lib && cd lib && mkdir x86 && cd x86 && mkdir Debug && cd Debug && copy ..\..\..\..\..\nitro\Debug\nitro.lib .\ && cd .. && mkdir Release && cd Release && copy ..\..\..\..\..\nitro\Release\nitro.lib .\ && cd .. && cd .. && mkdir x64 && cd x64 && mkdir Debug && cd Debug && copy ..\..\..\..\..\nitro\x64\Debug\nitro.lib .\ && cd .. && mkdir Release && cd Release && copy ..\..\..\..\..\nitro\x64\Release\nitro.lib .\ && cd .. && cd .. && cd .. && cd .. && cd ..
+docker run --rm --name nitro_zipper -w C:/nitro/libs -v $PWD/libs:C:/nitro/libs kiazhi/nanoserver.7-zip:1709-18.05 7z a nitro.zip nitro\
+docker run --rm --name nitro_publisher -v $PWD/libs:C:/nitro/libs stefanscherer/curl-windows:7.58.0 --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: %1" --upload-file C:\nitro\libs\nitro.zip https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/23530641/packages/generic/nitro/1.0.0/nitro.zip
+docker run --rm --name nitro_cleaner -w C:/nitro -v $PWD:C:/nitro mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:20H2 cmd /c rmdir libs /s /q
diff --git a/nitro/nitro.vcxproj b/nitro/nitro.vcxproj
index e508d93..2bc712e 100644
--- a/nitro/nitro.vcxproj
+++ b/nitro/nitro.vcxproj
@@ -26,6 +26,34 @@
@@ -134,7 +162,7 @@
- TEST;WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
@@ -187,7 +215,7 @@
- TEST;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
@@ -220,9 +248,6 @@
diff --git a/nitro/nitro.vcxproj.filters b/nitro/nitro.vcxproj.filters
index 79656db..6590d8f 100644
--- a/nitro/nitro.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/nitro/nitro.vcxproj.filters
@@ -19,10 +19,120 @@
+ {f0392f57-51f8-4dc9-97a3-b81564a6f838}
+ {a72974c4-fac4-4d9d-b801-d13def8aac60}
+ {179e3bd4-fe02-4d7f-b2c3-639b6eb8d1b2}
+ {8784fcff-f52c-416a-b6f4-8a214819be53}
+ {a853a5d0-5bcd-465b-82a6-3dffb5baa298}
+ {72b06555-60e9-4409-a99e-73b6d6a528d2}
+ {3d0bbcbf-74bb-4101-ac26-4038e54e4683}
+ {19558d27-8bc0-4ec7-9c03-6af01d816423}
+ {82739f87-9db2-42b4-b145-3e1617770a1d}
+ {3e1422de-17a3-4af0-b792-303b91900ac7}
+ {3bed952f-5fd6-4645-8fb4-13f0598a4dbe}
+ {89423a92-d04d-44fb-b078-e3c3909887d4}
+ {32fab255-14c2-421b-b489-35537f8e9d5e}
+ Header Files\Any
+ Header Files\Any
+ Header Files\Functions
+ Header Files\Functions
+ Header Files\Struct
+ Header Files\Struct
+ Header Files\Reactive
+ Header Files\Reactive
+ Test Header Files\Any
+ Test Header Files\Any
+ Test Header Files\Functions
+ Test Header Files\Functions
+ Test Header Files\Struct
+ Test Header Files\Reactive
+ Test Header Files\Reactive
- Test Source Files
+ Test Source Files\Functions
+ Test Source Files\Functions
+ Test Source Files\Functions
+ Test Source Files\Struct
+ Test Source Files\Reactive
+ Test Source Files\Reactive
+ Test Source Files\Any
+ Test Source Files\Any
+ Header Files\Allocator
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nitro/src/main/Allocator/linear_allocator.h b/nitro/src/main/Allocator/linear_allocator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb973f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/main/Allocator/linear_allocator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#include "../Functions/math_ext.h"
+using ii887522::nitro::min;
+using std::bad_alloc;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+using std::cout;
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ enum class Term : unsigned int
+ {
+ };
+ static char longTermData[LONG_TERM_ALLOCATOR_SIZE];
+ static size_t longTermDataSize{ 0u };
+ static char shortTermData[SHORT_TERM_ALLOCATOR_SIZE];
+ static size_t shortTermDataSize{ 0u };
+ static Term term{ Term::LONG };
+ constexpr static size_t getAlignedDataSize(const size_t dataSize, const size_t size)
+ {
+ const auto alignmentRequirement{ min(size, alignof(max_align_t)) };
+ return (dataSize / alignmentRequirement + 1u) * alignmentRequirement;
+ }
+ // Not Thread Safe
+ static void* longTermAlloc(const size_t size)
+ {
+ longTermDataSize = getAlignedDataSize(longTermDataSize, size);
+ const auto result{ longTermData + longTermDataSize };
+ longTermDataSize += size;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ cout << "Long term data usage: " << longTermDataSize << " bytes\n";
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Not Thread Safe
+ static void* shortTermAlloc(const size_t size)
+ {
+ shortTermDataSize = getAlignedDataSize(shortTermDataSize, size);
+ const auto result{ shortTermData + shortTermDataSize };
+ shortTermDataSize += size;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ cout << "Short term data usage: " << shortTermDataSize << " bytes\n";
+ return result;
+ size;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ constexpr void beginShortTermAlloc()
+ {
+ term = Term::SHORT;
+ }
+ constexpr void endShortTermAlloc()
+ {
+ shortTermDataSize = 0u;
+ term = Term::LONG;
+ }
+using ii887522::nitro::Term;
+using ii887522::nitro::term;
+using ii887522::nitro::longTermAlloc;
+using ii887522::nitro::shortTermAlloc;
+// Not Thread Safe
+void* operator new(const size_t size)
+ switch (term)
+ {
+ case Term::LONG: return longTermAlloc(size);
+ case Term::SHORT: return shortTermAlloc(size);
+ }
+ throw bad_alloc{ };
+// Not Thread Safe
+void operator delete(void*const) { }
diff --git a/nitro/src/main/Any/AnimatedAny.h b/nitro/src/main/Any/AnimatedAny.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..915ce62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/main/Any/AnimatedAny.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#ifndef II887522_NITRO_ANIMATED_ANY_H
+#define II887522_NITRO_ANIMATED_ANY_H
+#include "../Functions/math_ext.h"
+#include "../Struct/Range.h"
+#include "Reactive.h"
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::string;
+using std::function;
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ // Param T: it must not be equal to unsigned type
+ template struct AnimatedAny final
+ {
+ // Not Thread Safe
+ class Builder final
+ {
+ // remove copy semantics
+ Builder(const Builder&) = delete;
+ Builder& operator=(const Builder&) = delete;
+ // remove move semantics
+ Builder(Builder&&) = delete;
+ Builder& operator=(Builder&&) = delete;
+ const T value;
+ unsigned int duration; // animation duration
+ bool hasSetDuration; // has set animation duration
+ const function onAnimationEnd;
+ public:
+ explicit constexpr Builder(const T& value, const function& onAnimationEnd = []() { }) : value{ value }, duration{ 0u },
+ hasSetDuration{ false }, onAnimationEnd{ onAnimationEnd } { }
+ // Animation duration
+ // Param p_value: it must not be assigned to 0
+ // Must Call Time(s): At least 1
+ constexpr Builder& setDuration(const unsigned int p_value)
+ {
+ duration = p_value;
+ hasSetDuration = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Must Call Time(s): At least 1
+ AnimatedAny build()
+ {
+ if (hasSetDuration) return AnimatedAny{ *this };
+ throw runtime_error{ string{ "AnimatedAny<" } + typeid(T).name() + "> duration is required!" };
+ }
+ friend struct AnimatedAny;
+ };
+ private:
+ T start;
+ T now;
+ T end;
+ const unsigned int duration; // animation duration
+ unsigned int elaspedTime;
+ const function onAnimationEnd;
+ explicit constexpr AnimatedAny(const Builder& builder) : start{ builder.value }, now{ builder.value }, end{ builder.value },
+ duration{ builder.duration }, elaspedTime{ 0u }, onAnimationEnd{ builder.onAnimationEnd } { }
+ public:
+ constexpr const T& getStart() const
+ {
+ return start;
+ }
+ constexpr const T& get() const
+ {
+ return now;
+ }
+ constexpr const T& getEnd() const
+ {
+ return end;
+ }
+ constexpr void set(const T& value)
+ {
+ start = now;
+ end = value;
+ elaspedTime = 0u;
+ }
+ constexpr void teleport(const T& value)
+ {
+ start = now;
+ now = value;
+ end = value;
+ elaspedTime = duration;
+ }
+ constexpr void step(const unsigned int dt)
+ {
+ if (elaspedTime == duration) return;
+ elaspedTime += dt;
+ clamp(elaspedTime, Range{ 0u, duration });
+ now = static_cast(start + (end - start) * (static_cast(elaspedTime) / duration));
+ if (elaspedTime == duration) onAnimationEnd();
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/nitro/src/main/Any/Reactive.h b/nitro/src/main/Any/Reactive.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad32038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/main/Any/Reactive.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#ifndef II887522_NITRO_REACTIVE_H
+#define II887522_NITRO_REACTIVE_H
+using std::function;
+using std::vector;
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ // Not Thread Safe
+ template class Reactive
+ {
+ // remove copy semantics
+ Reactive(const Reactive&) = delete;
+ Reactive& operator=(const Reactive&) = delete;
+ // remove move semantics
+ Reactive(Reactive&&) = delete;
+ Reactive& operator=(Reactive&&) = delete;
+ T value;
+ vector> handlers;
+ public:
+ explicit constexpr Reactive(const T& value) : value{ value } { }
+ constexpr const T& get() const
+ {
+ return value;
+ }
+ virtual void set(const T& p_value, const int ignoredHandlerI = -1)
+ {
+ value = p_value;
+ for (auto i{ 0u }; i != handlers.size(); ++i) if (static_cast(i) != ignoredHandlerI) handlers[i](value, i);
+ }
+ constexpr void watch(const function& handler)
+ {
+ handlers.push_back(handler);
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/nitro/src/main/Functions/math_ext.h b/nitro/src/main/Functions/math_ext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8947f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/main/Functions/math_ext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#ifndef II887522_NITRO_MATH_EXT_H
+#define II887522_NITRO_MATH_EXT_H
+#include "../Struct/Range.h"
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ template constexpr void clamp(T& value, const Range& range)
+ {
+ if (value < range.min) value = range.min;
+ else if (value > range.max) value = range.max;
+ }
+ template constexpr bool isOverlapX(const T& x, const Range& xRange)
+ {
+ return x >= xRange.min && x < xRange.max;
+ }
+ template constexpr bool isOverlapY(const T& y, const Range& yRange)
+ {
+ return y >= yRange.min && y < yRange.max;
+ }
+ template constexpr T min(const T& l, const T& r)
+ {
+ return l < r ? l : r;
+ }
+ template constexpr T max(const T& l, const T& r)
+ {
+ return l > r ? l : r;
+ }
diff --git a/nitro/src/main/Functions/queue_ext.h b/nitro/src/main/Functions/queue_ext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30622f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/main/Functions/queue_ext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#ifndef II887522_NITRO_QUEUE_EXT_H
+#define II887522_NITRO_QUEUE_EXT_H
+using std::queue;
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ template void clear(queue& queue)
+ {
+ while (!queue.empty()) queue.pop();
+ }
diff --git a/nitro/src/main/Reactive/BinaryReactive.h b/nitro/src/main/Reactive/BinaryReactive.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea6edbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/main/Reactive/BinaryReactive.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "../Any/Reactive.h"
+using std::vector;
+using std::function;
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ // Not Thread Safe
+ template class BinaryReactive final : public Reactive
+ {
+ // remove copy semantics
+ BinaryReactive(const BinaryReactive&) = delete;
+ BinaryReactive& operator=(const BinaryReactive&) = delete;
+ // remove move semantics
+ BinaryReactive(BinaryReactive&&) = delete;
+ BinaryReactive& operator=(BinaryReactive&&) = delete;
+ vector*> children;
+ vector> functions;
+ vector*> thats;
+ public:
+ explicit constexpr BinaryReactive(const T& value) : Reactive{ value } { }
+ explicit constexpr BinaryReactive(BinaryReactive*const leftParent, BinaryReactive*const rightParent,
+ const function& function) :
+ Reactive{ function(leftParent ? &leftParent->get() : nullptr, rightParent ? &rightParent->get() : nullptr) }
+ {
+ if (leftParent)
+ {
+ leftParent->children.push_back(this);
+ leftParent->functions.push_back(function);
+ leftParent->thats.push_back(rightParent);
+ }
+ if (rightParent)
+ {
+ rightParent->children.push_back(this);
+ rightParent->functions.push_back(function);
+ rightParent->thats.push_back(leftParent);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void set(const T& value, const int ignoredHandlerI = -1) override
+ {
+ Reactive::set(value, ignoredHandlerI);
+ for (auto i{ 0u }; i != children.size(); ++i) children[i]->set(functions[i](&this->get(), thats[i] ? &thats[i]->get() : nullptr));
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/nitro/src/main/Reactive/UnaryReactive.h b/nitro/src/main/Reactive/UnaryReactive.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6beab9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/main/Reactive/UnaryReactive.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#include "../Any/Reactive.h"
+using std::vector;
+using std::function;
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ // Not Thread Safe
+ template class UnaryReactive final : public Reactive
+ {
+ // remove copy semantics
+ UnaryReactive(const UnaryReactive&) = delete;
+ UnaryReactive& operator=(const UnaryReactive&) = delete;
+ // remove move semantics
+ UnaryReactive(UnaryReactive&&) = delete;
+ UnaryReactive& operator=(UnaryReactive&&) = delete;
+ vector*> children;
+ vector> functions;
+ public:
+ explicit constexpr UnaryReactive(const T& value) : Reactive{ value } { }
+ explicit constexpr UnaryReactive(UnaryReactive*const parent, const function& function) :
+ Reactive{ function(parent ? &parent->get() : nullptr) }
+ {
+ if (!parent) return;
+ parent->children.push_back(this);
+ parent->functions.push_back(function);
+ }
+ virtual void set(const T& value, const int ignoredHandlerI = -1) override
+ {
+ Reactive::set(value, ignoredHandlerI);
+ for (auto i{ 0u }; i != children.size(); ++i) children[i]->set(functions[i](&this->get()));
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/nitro/src/main/Struct/Range.h b/nitro/src/main/Struct/Range.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3dba27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/main/Struct/Range.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#ifndef II887522_NITRO_RANGE_H
+#define II887522_NITRO_RANGE_H
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ template struct Range final
+ {
+ // remove copy semantics
+ Range(const Range&) = delete;
+ Range& operator=(const Range&) = delete;
+ // remove move semantics
+ Range(Range&&) = delete;
+ Range& operator=(Range&&) = delete;
+ const T min;
+ const T max;
+ public:
+ explicit constexpr Range(const T& min, const T& max) : min{ min }, max{ max } { }
+ };
diff --git a/nitro/src/main/Struct/Vector.h b/nitro/src/main/Struct/Vector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf0ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/main/Struct/Vector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#ifndef II887522_NITRO_VECTOR_H
+#define II887522_NITRO_VECTOR_H
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ template struct Vector final
+ {
+ T x;
+ T y;
+ explicit constexpr Vector(const T& x, const T& y) : x{ x }, y{ y } { }
+ template constexpr Vector operator*(const U& scale) const
+ {
+ return Vector{ static_cast(x * scale), static_cast(y * scale) };
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Any/AnimatedAny.test.cpp b/nitro/src/test/Any/AnimatedAny.test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808f3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Any/AnimatedAny.test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#include "AnimatedAny.test.h"
+#include "../../main/Any/AnimatedAny.h"
+#include "../../main/Any/Reactive.h"
+using std::runtime_error;
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ static void testBuild()
+ {
+ assert(AnimatedAny::Builder{ 0 }.setDuration(250u).build().get() == 0);
+ assert(AnimatedAny::Builder{ 1 }.setDuration(250u).build().get() == 1);
+ assert(AnimatedAny::Builder{ 1 }.setDuration(500u).build().get() == 1);
+ {
+ auto n{ 0u };
+ assert((AnimatedAny::Builder{ 1, [&n]() {
+ ++n;
+ } }.setDuration(500u).build().get() == 1));
+ assert(n == 0u);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 0 }.build();
+ }
+ catch (const runtime_error&)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 1 }.build();
+ }
+ catch (const runtime_error&)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ auto n{ 0u };
+ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 1, [&n]() {
+ ++n;
+ } }.build();
+ }
+ catch (const runtime_error&)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ static void testTeleport()
+ {
+ {
+ AnimatedAny n{ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 0 }.setDuration(250u).build() };
+ n.teleport(1);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 0);
+ assert(n.get() == 1);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 1);
+ n.teleport(2);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 1);
+ assert(n.get() == 2);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 2);
+ }
+ {
+ AnimatedAny n{ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 10 }.setDuration(250u).build() };
+ n.teleport(1);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 1);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 1);
+ n.teleport(2);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 1);
+ assert(n.get() == 2);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 2);
+ }
+ {
+ AnimatedAny n{ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 10 }.setDuration(500u).build() };
+ n.teleport(1);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 1);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 1);
+ n.teleport(2);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 1);
+ assert(n.get() == 2);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 2);
+ }
+ {
+ auto m{ 0u };
+ AnimatedAny n{ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 10, [&m]() {
+ ++m;
+ } }.setDuration(500u).build() };
+ n.teleport(1);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 1);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 1);
+ assert(m == 0u);
+ n.teleport(2);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 1);
+ assert(n.get() == 2);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 2);
+ assert(m == 0u);
+ }
+ }
+ static void testStep()
+ {
+ {
+ AnimatedAny n{ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 0 }.setDuration(250u).build() };
+ n.set(100);
+ n.step(0u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 0);
+ assert(n.get() == 0);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 100);
+ n.step(30u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 0);
+ assert(n.get() == 12);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 100);
+ n.step(40u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 0);
+ assert(n.get() == 28);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 100);
+ n.step(50u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 0);
+ assert(n.get() == 48);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 100);
+ n.step(60u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 0);
+ assert(n.get() == 72);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 100);
+ n.step(70u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 0);
+ assert(n.get() == 100);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 100);
+ }
+ {
+ AnimatedAny n{ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 10 }.setDuration(250u).build() };
+ n.set(110);
+ n.step(0u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 10);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(30u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 22);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(40u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 38);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(50u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 58);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(60u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 82);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(70u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 110);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ }
+ {
+ AnimatedAny n{ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 10 }.setDuration(500u).build() };
+ n.set(110);
+ n.step(0u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 10);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(60u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 22);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(80u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 38);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(100u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 58);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(120u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 82);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ n.step(140u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 110);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ }
+ {
+ auto m{ 0u };
+ AnimatedAny n{ AnimatedAny::Builder{ 10, [&m]() {
+ ++m;
+ } }.setDuration(500u).build() };
+ n.set(110);
+ n.step(0u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 10);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ assert(m == 0u);
+ n.step(60u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 22);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ assert(m == 0u);
+ n.step(80u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 38);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ assert(m == 0u);
+ n.step(100u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 58);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ assert(m == 0u);
+ n.step(120u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 82);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ assert(m == 0u);
+ n.step(140u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 110);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ assert(m == 1u);
+ n.step(10u);
+ assert(n.getStart() == 10);
+ assert(n.get() == 110);
+ assert(n.getEnd() == 110);
+ assert(m == 1u);
+ }
+ }
+ void testAnimatedAny()
+ {
+ testBuild();
+ testTeleport();
+ testStep();
+ }
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Any/AnimatedAny.test.h b/nitro/src/test/Any/AnimatedAny.test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d60e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Any/AnimatedAny.test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ void testAnimatedAny();
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Any/Reactive.test.cpp b/nitro/src/test/Any/Reactive.test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9881f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Any/Reactive.test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#include "Reactive.test.h"
+#include "../../main/Any/Reactive.h"
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ static void testSet()
+ {
+ {
+ Reactive n{ 0u };
+ n.set(1u);
+ assert(n.get() == 1u);
+ auto count{ 0u };
+ n.watch([&count](const unsigned int& value, const int) {
+ count += value;
+ });
+ n.set(2u);
+ assert(n.get() == 2u);
+ assert(count == 2u);
+ n.watch([&count](const unsigned int& value, const int) {
+ count += value;
+ });
+ n.set(3u);
+ assert(n.get() == 3u);
+ assert(count == 8u);
+ n.watch([&n, &count](const unsigned int& value, const int handlerI) {
+ count += value;
+ n.set(count, handlerI);
+ });
+ n.set(4u);
+ assert(n.get() == 20u);
+ assert(count == 60u);
+ }
+ {
+ Reactive n{ 2u };
+ n.set(1u);
+ assert(n.get() == 1u);
+ auto count{ 0u };
+ n.watch([&count](const unsigned int& value, const int) {
+ count += value;
+ });
+ n.set(2u);
+ assert(n.get() == 2u);
+ assert(count == 2u);
+ n.watch([&count](const unsigned int& value, const int) {
+ count += value;
+ });
+ n.set(3u);
+ assert(n.get() == 3u);
+ assert(count == 8u);
+ n.watch([&n, &count](const unsigned int& value, const int handlerI) {
+ count += value;
+ n.set(count, handlerI);
+ });
+ n.set(4u);
+ assert(n.get() == 20u);
+ assert(count == 60u);
+ }
+ }
+ void testReactive()
+ {
+ testSet();
+ }
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Any/Reactive.test.h b/nitro/src/test/Any/Reactive.test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e34f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Any/Reactive.test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ void testReactive();
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Functions/math_ext.test.cpp b/nitro/src/test/Functions/math_ext.test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..546475f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Functions/math_ext.test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#include "math_ext.test.h"
+#include "../../main/Functions/math_ext.h"
+#include "../../main/Struct/Range.h"
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ static void testClamp()
+ {
+ {
+ auto n{ 0u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 1u, 3u });
+ assert(n == 1u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto n{ 1u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 1u, 3u });
+ assert(n == 1u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto n{ 2u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 1u, 3u });
+ assert(n == 2u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto n{ 3u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 1u, 3u });
+ assert(n == 3u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto n{ 4u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 1u, 3u });
+ assert(n == 3u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto n{ 0u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 2u, 6u });
+ assert(n == 2u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto n{ 2u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 2u, 6u });
+ assert(n == 2u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto n{ 4u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 2u, 6u });
+ assert(n == 4u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto n{ 6u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 2u, 6u });
+ assert(n == 6u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto n{ 8u };
+ clamp(n, Range{ 2u, 6u });
+ assert(n == 6u);
+ }
+ }
+ constexpr static void testIsOverlapX()
+ {
+ static_assert(!isOverlapX(0u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(isOverlapX(1u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(isOverlapX(2u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapX(3u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapX(4u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapX(0u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ static_assert(isOverlapX(2u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ static_assert(isOverlapX(4u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapX(6u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapX(8u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ }
+ constexpr static void testIsOverlapY()
+ {
+ static_assert(!isOverlapY(0u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(isOverlapY(1u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(isOverlapY(2u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapY(3u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapY(4u, Range{ 1u, 3u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapY(0u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ static_assert(isOverlapY(2u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ static_assert(isOverlapY(4u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapY(6u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ static_assert(!isOverlapY(8u, Range{ 2u, 6u }));
+ }
+ constexpr static void testMin()
+ {
+ static_assert(min(0u, 0u) == 0u);
+ static_assert(min(1u, 0u) == 0u);
+ static_assert(min(1u, 1u) == 1u);
+ static_assert(min(1u, 2u) == 1u);
+ }
+ constexpr static void testMax()
+ {
+ static_assert(max(0u, 0u) == 0u);
+ static_assert(max(1u, 0u) == 1u);
+ static_assert(max(1u, 1u) == 1u);
+ static_assert(max(1u, 2u) == 2u);
+ }
+ void testMathExt()
+ {
+ testClamp();
+ testIsOverlapX();
+ testIsOverlapY();
+ testMin();
+ testMax();
+ }
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Functions/math_ext.test.h b/nitro/src/test/Functions/math_ext.test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59fbfcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Functions/math_ext.test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#ifndef II887522_NITRO_MATH_EXT_TEST_H
+#define II887522_NITRO_MATH_EXT_TEST_H
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ void testMathExt();
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Functions/queue_ext.test.cpp b/nitro/src/test/Functions/queue_ext.test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caf22a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Functions/queue_ext.test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#include "queue_ext.test.h"
+#include "../../main/Functions/queue_ext.h"
+using std::queue;
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ static void testClear()
+ {
+ queue queue;
+ clear(queue);
+ assert(queue.empty());
+ assert(queue.size() == 0u);
+ queue.push(1u);
+ clear(queue);
+ assert(queue.empty());
+ assert(queue.size() == 0u);
+ queue.push(2u);
+ queue.push(3u);
+ clear(queue);
+ assert(queue.empty());
+ assert(queue.size() == 0u);
+ queue.push(4u);
+ queue.push(5u);
+ queue.push(6u);
+ clear(queue);
+ assert(queue.empty());
+ assert(queue.size() == 0u);
+ }
+ void testQueueExt()
+ {
+ testClear();
+ }
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Functions/queue_ext.test.h b/nitro/src/test/Functions/queue_ext.test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d65ee24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Functions/queue_ext.test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#ifndef II887522_NITRO_QUEUE_EXT_TEST_H
+#define II887522_NITRO_QUEUE_EXT_TEST_H
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ void testQueueExt();
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Functions/test.cpp b/nitro/src/test/Functions/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b433ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Functions/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#include "../Struct/Vector.test.h"
+#include "math_ext.test.h"
+#include "../Any/AnimatedAny.test.h"
+#include "../Any/Reactive.test.h"
+#include "../Functions/queue_ext.test.h"
+#include "../Reactive/UnaryReactive.test.h"
+#include "../Reactive/BinaryReactive.test.h"
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ static int main()
+ {
+ testVector();
+ testMathExt();
+ testAnimatedAny();
+ testReactive();
+ testQueueExt();
+ testUnaryReactive();
+ testBinaryReactive();
+ return 0;
+ }
+int main()
+ return ii887522::nitro::main();
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Reactive/BinaryReactive.test.cpp b/nitro/src/test/Reactive/BinaryReactive.test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deefda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Reactive/BinaryReactive.test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#include "BinaryReactive.test.h"
+#include "../../main/Reactive/BinaryReactive.h"
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ static void testSet()
+ {
+ {
+ BinaryReactive m{ 0u };
+ m.set(1u);
+ assert(m.get() == 1u);
+ BinaryReactive n{ 1u };
+ n.set(2u);
+ assert(n.get() == 2u);
+ BinaryReactive p{
+ &m, &n, [](const unsigned int*const left, const unsigned int*const right) {
+ return *left + *right;
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(2u);
+ assert(m.get() == 2u);
+ assert(p.get() == 4u);
+ n.set(3u);
+ assert(n.get() == 3u);
+ assert(p.get() == 5u);
+ BinaryReactive q{
+ &m, &n, [](const unsigned int*const left, const unsigned int*const right) {
+ return *left * *right;
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(3u);
+ assert(m.get() == 3u);
+ assert(p.get() == 6u);
+ assert(q.get() == 9u);
+ n.set(4u);
+ assert(n.get() == 4u);
+ assert(p.get() == 7u);
+ assert(q.get() == 12u);
+ BinaryReactive r{
+ &m, &n, [](const unsigned int*const left, const unsigned int*const right) {
+ return static_cast(pow(*left, *right));
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(4u);
+ assert(m.get() == 4u);
+ assert(p.get() == 8u);
+ assert(q.get() == 16u);
+ assert(r.get() == 256u);
+ n.set(5u);
+ assert(n.get() == 5u);
+ assert(p.get() == 9u);
+ assert(q.get() == 20u);
+ assert(r.get() == 625u);
+ BinaryReactive s{
+ &m, nullptr, [](const unsigned int*const left, const unsigned int*const) {
+ return *left;
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(5u);
+ assert(m.get() == 5u);
+ assert(p.get() == 10u);
+ assert(q.get() == 25u);
+ assert(r.get() == 3125u);
+ assert(s.get() == 5u);
+ n.set(6u);
+ assert(n.get() == 6u);
+ assert(p.get() == 11u);
+ assert(q.get() == 30u);
+ assert(r.get() == 7776u);
+ assert(s.get() == 5u);
+ BinaryReactive t{
+ nullptr, &n, [](const unsigned int*const, const unsigned int*const) {
+ return 0u;
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(6u);
+ assert(m.get() == 6u);
+ assert(p.get() == 12u);
+ assert(q.get() == 36u);
+ assert(r.get() == 46656u);
+ assert(s.get() == 6u);
+ assert(t.get() == 0u);
+ n.set(7u);
+ assert(n.get() == 7u);
+ assert(p.get() == 13u);
+ assert(q.get() == 42u);
+ assert(r.get() == 117649u);
+ assert(s.get() == 6u);
+ assert(t.get() == 0u);
+ BinaryReactive u{
+ nullptr, nullptr, [](const unsigned int*const, const unsigned int*const) {
+ return 1u;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ {
+ BinaryReactive m{ 2u };
+ m.set(1u);
+ assert(m.get() == 1u);
+ BinaryReactive n{ 3u };
+ n.set(2u);
+ assert(n.get() == 2u);
+ BinaryReactive p{
+ &m, &n, [](const unsigned int*const left, const unsigned int*const right) {
+ return *left + *right;
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(2u);
+ assert(m.get() == 2u);
+ assert(p.get() == 4u);
+ n.set(3u);
+ assert(n.get() == 3u);
+ assert(p.get() == 5u);
+ BinaryReactive q{
+ &m, &n, [](const unsigned int*const left, const unsigned int*const right) {
+ return *left * *right;
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(3u);
+ assert(m.get() == 3u);
+ assert(p.get() == 6u);
+ assert(q.get() == 9u);
+ n.set(4u);
+ assert(n.get() == 4u);
+ assert(p.get() == 7u);
+ assert(q.get() == 12u);
+ BinaryReactive r{
+ &m, &n, [](const unsigned int*const left, const unsigned int*const right) {
+ return static_cast(pow(*left, *right));
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(4u);
+ assert(m.get() == 4u);
+ assert(p.get() == 8u);
+ assert(q.get() == 16u);
+ assert(r.get() == 256u);
+ n.set(5u);
+ assert(n.get() == 5u);
+ assert(p.get() == 9u);
+ assert(q.get() == 20u);
+ assert(r.get() == 625u);
+ BinaryReactive s{
+ &m, nullptr, [](const unsigned int*const left, const unsigned int*const) {
+ return *left;
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(5u);
+ assert(m.get() == 5u);
+ assert(p.get() == 10u);
+ assert(q.get() == 25u);
+ assert(r.get() == 3125u);
+ assert(s.get() == 5u);
+ n.set(6u);
+ assert(n.get() == 6u);
+ assert(p.get() == 11u);
+ assert(q.get() == 30u);
+ assert(r.get() == 7776u);
+ assert(s.get() == 5u);
+ BinaryReactive t{
+ nullptr, &n, [](const unsigned int*const, const unsigned int*const) {
+ return 0u;
+ }
+ };
+ m.set(6u);
+ assert(m.get() == 6u);
+ assert(p.get() == 12u);
+ assert(q.get() == 36u);
+ assert(r.get() == 46656u);
+ assert(s.get() == 6u);
+ assert(t.get() == 0u);
+ n.set(7u);
+ assert(n.get() == 7u);
+ assert(p.get() == 13u);
+ assert(q.get() == 42u);
+ assert(r.get() == 117649u);
+ assert(s.get() == 6u);
+ assert(t.get() == 0u);
+ BinaryReactive u{
+ nullptr, nullptr, [](const unsigned int* const, const unsigned int* const) {
+ return 1u;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ void testBinaryReactive()
+ {
+ testSet();
+ }
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Reactive/BinaryReactive.test.h b/nitro/src/test/Reactive/BinaryReactive.test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8e2923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Reactive/BinaryReactive.test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ void testBinaryReactive();
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Reactive/UnaryReactive.test.cpp b/nitro/src/test/Reactive/UnaryReactive.test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c257ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Reactive/UnaryReactive.test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#include "UnaryReactive.test.h"
+#include "../../main/Reactive/UnaryReactive.h"
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ static void testSet()
+ {
+ {
+ UnaryReactive n{ 0u };
+ n.set(1u);
+ assert(n.get() == 1u);
+ UnaryReactive nx{ &n, [](const unsigned int*const value) {
+ return *value + *value;
+ } };
+ n.set(2u);
+ assert(n.get() == 2u);
+ assert(nx.get() == 4u);
+ UnaryReactive ny{ &n, [](const unsigned int*const value) {
+ return *value * *value;
+ } };
+ n.set(3u);
+ assert(n.get() == 3u);
+ assert(nx.get() == 6u);
+ assert(ny.get() == 9u);
+ UnaryReactive nz{ &n, [](const unsigned int*const value) {
+ return static_cast(sqrt(*value));
+ } };
+ n.set(4u);
+ assert(n.get() == 4u);
+ assert(nx.get() == 8u);
+ assert(ny.get() == 16u);
+ assert(nz.get() == 2u);
+ UnaryReactive nw{ nullptr, [](const unsigned int*const) {
+ return 0u;
+ } };
+ }
+ {
+ UnaryReactive n{ 2u };
+ n.set(1u);
+ assert(n.get() == 1u);
+ UnaryReactive nx{ &n, [](const unsigned int*const value) {
+ return *value + *value;
+ } };
+ n.set(2u);
+ assert(n.get() == 2u);
+ assert(nx.get() == 4u);
+ UnaryReactive ny{ &n, [](const unsigned int*const value) {
+ return *value * *value;
+ } };
+ n.set(3u);
+ assert(n.get() == 3u);
+ assert(nx.get() == 6u);
+ assert(ny.get() == 9u);
+ UnaryReactive nz{ &n, [](const unsigned int*const value) {
+ return static_cast(sqrt(*value));
+ } };
+ n.set(4u);
+ assert(n.get() == 4u);
+ assert(nx.get() == 8u);
+ assert(ny.get() == 16u);
+ assert(nz.get() == 2u);
+ UnaryReactive nw{ nullptr, [](const unsigned int*const) {
+ return 0u;
+ } };
+ }
+ }
+ void testUnaryReactive()
+ {
+ testSet();
+ }
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Reactive/UnaryReactive.test.h b/nitro/src/test/Reactive/UnaryReactive.test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2721c19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Reactive/UnaryReactive.test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ void testUnaryReactive();
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Struct/Vector.test.cpp b/nitro/src/test/Struct/Vector.test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d296a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Struct/Vector.test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#include "Vector.test.h"
+#include "../../main/Struct/Vector.h"
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ constexpr static void testMultiplication()
+ {
+ static_assert((Vector{ 1u, 2u } * 0u).x == 0u);
+ static_assert((Vector{ 3u, 4u } * 1u).y == 4u);
+ static_assert((Vector{ 5u, 6u } * 2u).x == 10u);
+ static_assert((Vector{ 7u, 8u } * 3u).y == 24u);
+ }
+ void testVector()
+ {
+ testMultiplication();
+ }
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/Struct/Vector.test.h b/nitro/src/test/Struct/Vector.test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18ec28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitro/src/test/Struct/Vector.test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifdef TEST
+#ifndef II887522_NITRO_VECTOR_TEST_H
+#define II887522_NITRO_VECTOR_TEST_H
+namespace ii887522::nitro
+ void testVector();
diff --git a/nitro/src/test/test.cpp b/nitro/src/test/test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1496e06..0000000
--- a/nitro/src/test/test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef TEST
-namespace ii887522::nitro
- static int main()
- {
- return 0;
- }
-int main()
- return ii887522::nitro::main();