Yeoman generator for react-webpack-node.
npm install -g yo
To install generator-react-webpack-node from npm, run:
npm install -g generator-react-webpack-node
Finally, initiate the generator:
yo react-webpack-node
Available generators:
- react-webpack-node:component
- react-webpack-node:container
- react-webpack-node:reducer
- react-webpack-node:constant
Generates a component in app/components with a stylesheet.
yo react-webpack-node:component myComponent
Generates a container in app/containers.
yo react-webpack-node:container myContainer
Generates a reducer in app/reducers.
yo react-webpack-node:reducer myReducer
Remember that you will need to combine this new one with the others already created in the index.js
Creates a constant in the specified constants file located in app/constants.
yo react-webpack-node:constant myConstantsFile MY_NEW_CONST
MIT © Iegor Azuaga