typora-copy-images-to |
..\images |
PostgreSQL, tablespace, vacuum
archive_mode = on # enables archiving; off, on, or always
archive_command = 'cp %p /pgccc/archive/d5432/%f' # command to use to archive a logfile segment
#archive_timeout = 0 # force a logfile segment switch after this
archive_cleanup_command = 'pg_archivecleanup -d /pgccc/archive/d5432 %r 2>>archive_cleanup.log' # command to execute at
mydb=# create tablespace myts location '/pgccc/myts';
mydb=# create table t1 (id int, col2 char(2000)) tablespace myts;
mydb=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION random_string( int ) RETURNS TEXT as $$
mydb$# SELECT string_agg(substring('abcdefghijiklmnopqrstuvwxyz', round(random() * 25)::integer, 1), '') FROM generate_series(1, $1); $$ language sql;
mydb=# insert into t1 select n, random_string(1000) from generate_series(1, 10000000) as n;
INSERT 0 10000000
[21:12:58-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ ls -lirt
total 20005636
783370 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 8192 Oct 18 14:33 16393
783369 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Oct 18 14:33 16392
783371 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 5054464 Oct 18 15:25 16389_fsm
783368 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:27 16389
783436 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:27 16389.1
783502 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:28 16389.2
783567 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:28 16389.3
783633 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:29 16389.4
783699 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:29 16389.5
783765 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:30 16389.6
783830 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:30 16389.7
783896 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:31 16389.8
783962 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:31 16389.9
784027 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:32 16389.10
784093 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:32 16389.11
784159 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:33 16389.12
784224 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:33 16389.13
784290 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:34 16389.14
784356 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:35 16389.15
784422 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:35 16389.16
784487 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:36 16389.17
784553 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:41 16389.18
784619 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 78905344 Oct 18 15:44 16389.19
784624 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 630784 Oct 18 15:44 16389_vm
mydb=# select relname, oid from pg_class where oid in (16393, 16392, 16389);
relname | oid
pg_toast_16389 | 16392
pg_toast_16389_index | 16393
t1 | 16389
(3 rows)
[21:13:54-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ mv 16389.2 16389.2_
mydb=# select count(*) from t1;
(1 row)
mydb=# vacuum t1;
ls -lirt 没变化
mydb=# vacuum full verbose t1;
INFO: vacuuming "public.t1"
INFO: "t1": found 0 removable, 1048576 nonremovable row versions in 262144 pages
DETAIL: 0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU: user: 1.52 s, system: 4.60 s, elapsed: 16.30 s.
[21:19:05-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ ls -lirt
total 20000084
783502 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:28 16389.2_
783567 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:28 16389.3
783633 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:29 16389.4
783699 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:29 16389.5
783765 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:30 16389.6
783830 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:30 16389.7
783896 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:31 16389.8
783962 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:31 16389.9
784027 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:32 16389.10
784093 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:32 16389.11
784159 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:33 16389.12
784224 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:33 16389.13
784290 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:34 16389.14
784356 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:35 16389.15
784422 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:35 16389.16
784487 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:36 16389.17
784553 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 15:41 16389.18
784619 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 78905344 Oct 18 15:44 16389.19
784637 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 8192 Oct 18 21:18 16399
784636 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Oct 18 21:18 16398
784635 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 21:18 16395
784681 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 21:19 16395.1
783368 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Oct 18 21:19 16389
783370 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Oct 18 21:19 16393
783369 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Oct 18 21:19 16392
会发现16389.2之前的文件以及toast文件都被删除了. 后边的文件因为断了档,直接保留,需要手动删除. 由此,甚至我们可以总结得到, 如果中间删除了一些,倒不如,把16389.1给删除,然后vacuum full, 最后也相当于保留一些数据,表也还在. 看看下边的,还有100条记录.
其实,drop table, 再checkpoint 落盘,则清理的非常干净. (此处略)
mydb=# select count(*) from t1;
(1 row)
上边是不带index的情况. 如果带上index,是不是同样的结论?
带上primary index再试一下这个场景, 为省点空间,用200万条记录模拟即可。
mydb=# create table t1 (id int primary key using index tablespace myts, col2 char(2000)) tablespace myts;
mydb=# insert into t1 select n, random_string(1000) from generate_series(1, 2000000) as n;
INSERT 0 2000000
[21:35:28-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ ls -lirt
total 4044924
783370 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 8192 Oct 18 21:34 16404
783369 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Oct 18 21:34 16403
784812 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 21:40 16400.1
784879 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 21:43 16400.2
783567 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1024000 Oct 18 21:45 16400_fsm
783502 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 44941312 Oct 18 21:45 16405
785003 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 8192 Oct 18 21:45 16400_vm
784947 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 874774528 Oct 18 21:45 16400.3
783368 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 21:45 16400
mydb=# select relname, oid from pg_class where oid in (16403,16404,16405,16400);
relname | oid
pg_toast_16400 | 16403
pg_toast_16400_index | 16404
t1 | 16400
t1_pkey | 16405
(4 rows)
同样,这次,只移走数据文件的一个seg. 16400.2 -> 16400.2.new,
select count出错
mydb=# select count(*) from t1;
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400.2" (target block 484333): No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 484333 of relation pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
mydb=# vacuum verbose analyze t1;
INFO: vacuuming "public.t1"
INFO: table "t1": found 0 removable, 4 nonremovable row versions in 1 out of 262144 pages
DETAIL: 0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet, oldest xmin: 747
Skipped 0 pages due to buffer pins, 0 frozen pages.
CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s.
INFO: vacuuming "pg_toast.pg_toast_16400"
INFO: table "pg_toast_16400": found 0 removable, 0 nonremovable row versions in 0 out of 0 pages
DETAIL: 0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet, oldest xmin: 747
Skipped 0 pages due to buffer pins, 0 frozen pages.
CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s.
INFO: analyzing "public.t1"
INFO: "t1": scanned 30000 of 262144 pages, containing 120000 live rows and 0 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 1048576 estimated total rows
再次查count: 报同样的错
mydb=# select count(*) from t1;
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400.2" (target block 485312): No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 485312 of relation pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
parallel worker
做一次vacuum full, 失败:
mydb=# vacuum full verbose t1;
WARNING: could not write block 485313 of pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
DETAIL: Multiple failures --- write error might be permanent.
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400.2" (target block 485313): No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 485313 of relation pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
如果移掉index文件: 16405?
[21:51:41-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ mv 16405 16405.new
mydb=# select count(*) from t1;
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400.2" (target block 485314): No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 485314 of relation pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
parallel worker
mydb=# select * from t1 limit 1;
WARNING: could not write block 485315 of pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
DETAIL: Multiple failures --- write error might be permanent.
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400.2" (target block 485315): No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 485315 of relation pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
此时发现drop table也不能了
mydb=# drop table t1;
WARNING: could not write block 485316 of pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
DETAIL: Multiple failures --- write error might be permanent.
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400.2" (target block 485316): No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 485316 of relation pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
因为这个tablespace很干净,直接清除所有文件(也就是t1表的所有文件), 再看下:
[21:52:56-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ rm -f *
mydb=# drop table t1;
WARNING: could not write block 485317 of pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
DETAIL: Multiple failures --- write error might be permanent.
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400.2" (target block 485317): No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 485317 of relation pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16400
mydb=# checkpoint;
ERROR: checkpoint request failed
HINT: Consult recent messages in the server log for details.
直接stop 再 start 看看server log:
2022-10-18 22:00:26.554 UTC [32343] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 14.3 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44), 64-bit
2022-10-18 22:00:26.554 UTC [32343] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2022-10-18 22:00:26.554 UTC [32343] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
2022-10-18 22:00:26.556 UTC [32343] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2022-10-18 22:00:26.559 UTC [32343] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2022-10-18 22:00:26.569 UTC [32345] LOG: database system shutdown was interrupted; last known up at 2022-10-18 22:00:22 UTC
2022-10-18 22:00:26.583 UTC [32345] LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
2022-10-18 22:00:26.586 UTC [32345] LOG: redo starts at 6/45048608
2022-10-18 22:00:34.130 UTC [32345] LOG: redo done at 6/5EFA8880 system usage: CPU: user: 2.43 s, system: 5.08 s, elapsed: 7.54 s
mydb=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | t | table | postgres
public | t1 | table | postgres
(2 rows)
[22:02:38-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ ls -lrt
total 4045032
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 22:00 16400
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 22:00 16400.1
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 22:00 16400.2
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1024000 Oct 18 22:00 16400_fsm
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 44941312 Oct 18 22:00 16405
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 131072 Oct 18 22:00 16400_vm
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 874774528 Oct 18 22:00 16400.3
mydb=# select count(*) from t1;
ERROR: index "t1_pkey" contains unexpected zero page at block 0
HINT: Please REINDEX it.
mydb=# reindex table t1;
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/16403": No such file or directory
mydb=# drop table t1;
mydb=# checkpoint;
mydb=# create table t1 (id int primary key using index tablespace myts, col2 char(2000)) tablespace myts;
mydb=# insert into t1 select n, random_string(1000) from generate_series(1, 2000000) as n;
INSERT 0 2000000
[22:19:53-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ ls -lirt
total 4045044
783370 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Oct 18 22:17 24581
783502 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 8192 Oct 18 22:17 24582
784812 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1024000 Oct 18 22:27 24578_fsm
783369 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 22:29 24578
785068 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 22:29 24578.1
785136 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 22:30 24578.2
785259 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 131072 Oct 18 22:30 24578_vm
785204 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 874774528 Oct 18 22:30 24578.3
783567 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 44941312 Oct 18 22:31 24583
[22:41:55-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ mv 24578.2 24578.2_
mydb=# select count(*) from t1;
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/24578.2" (target block 484234): No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 484234 of relation pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/24578
mydb=# select * from t1 limit 1;
WARNING: could not write block 484262 of pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/24578
DETAIL: Multiple failures --- write error might be permanent.
ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/24578.2" (target block 484262): No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 484262 of relation pg_tblspc/16388/PG_14_202107181/16384/24578
[22:42:59-postgres@sean-rh2.openstack.eu-nl-1.cloud.sap:/pgccc/myts/PG_14_202107181/16384]$ ls -lrt
total 5093624
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Oct 18 22:17 24581
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 8192 Oct 18 22:17 24582
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1024000 Oct 18 22:27 24578_fsm
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 22:30 24578.2_
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 23:22 24578.2
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 44941312 Oct 18 23:22 24583
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 23:22 24578
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Oct 18 23:22 24578.1
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 131072 Oct 18 23:22 24578_vm
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 874774528 Oct 18 23:22 24578.3
mydb=# select count(*) from t1;
(1 row)
归档的功劳? 直接能恢复。后边可以随便弄了。