Know how to add, subtract, and multiply numbers in Ruby:
3 + 3 == 6
3 * 4 == 12
4 - 3 == 1
8 / 2 == 4
Know what a variable is and how to store and recall values.
A variable stores a value for later use. Know how to create and assign to variables.
# create variable, assign it 3
my_favorite_number = 3
# recall my_favorite_number, use it in an expression, save it
# to a variable
my_favorite_square = my_favorite_number * my_favorite_number
Know what a method is, how to define one, how to return a value from a method. Know how to call a method.
# block of code that will take in a number, and return its
# square
def square(num)
# squares num; the last expression in a method gets returned
# implicitly
num * num
square(3) == 9
# search for `target_item` in `items`; return the array index
# where it first occurs
def find_item(items, target_item)
i = 0
while i < items.count
current_item = items[i]
if current_item == target_item
# found item; return its index; stop here and exit the
# method
return i
i += 1
# return nil to mean item not found
Know how to use if/elsif/else.
def how_big(num)
if num < 0
elsif num < 10
"pretty small"
elsif num < 100
"not too big"
elsif num < 1000
"plenty big"
"way too big"
- Know what an array is.
- Know how to create one.
- Know how to access and set an element of the array.
- Know how to add elements to the end of an array.
- Know how to find the number of elements in an array
Arrays are lists of items. You can create an empty array like this
empty_array = []
To create an array with some items, do like so:
some_primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]
To fetch an item in the array, use its position. Positions start at zero.
some_primes[0] == 2 # first prime
some_primes[1] == 3 # second prime
To set the item at a position, do like so:
some_primes[0] = 2 # set the first element of the array to 2
To add an element to the end of an array, use <<
some_primes << 11 # add the next prime to the array
To get the number of primes in an array, use the count
[2, 3, 5, 7].count == 4
- Know what a while loop is and how to use one.
- Know how to use a while loop to loop through the items in an array.
A while loop repeatedly executes a block as long as its "condition" is true:
while true # <<< "true" is the condition
# loop forever
To loop through the items in an array, use an "index variable"
(often named i
) and go one-by-one through the positions in the
i = 0
while i < items.count
current_item = items[i]
# Do something with current_item here...
i += 1
You won't need to know:
- Any special array methods
- Anything about hashes or dictionaries
- Anything about classes or objects.
- Importing files.
- Procs or blocks.