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A Ruby LeetCode Client to help you download all your accepted leetcode submissions with problem description. Leetcode cookie is used for authentication.




  • Ruby 3.1.1
  • Desire to automate the boring stuff


gem install leetcoder


After installing the gem, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to from any browser

  • Copy the cookie value of a leetcode request using the browser network tab

    leetcode cookie

  • Save your cookie by running leetcoder --cookie from terminal

  • Run leetcoder --download to start downloading.

leetcoder --cookie                    # prompt you to save the leetcode cookie
leetcoder --download all --folder ./  # download all accepted submissions in current folder
> leetcoder --help

Usage: leetcoder [command]

* indicates default value

    -d, --download [TYPE]            Specify number of accepted submission to download per problem (*one, all)
    -c, --cookie                     Input Leetcode Cookie
    -f, --folder FOLDER_PATH         Specify download folder location (* <current_directory>/leetcode)
    -v, --version                    Show version
    -h, --help                       Show available commands

Run through Github Action

This is the most convenient and recommended way to backup your submissions using the app.

  • Create a new repository in github

  • Set your leetcode cookie under Repository Secrets with name LEETCODE_COOKIE<username>/<repo_name>/settings/secrets/actions
  • Download and commit this leetcoder.yml file inside .github/wrokflows/ folder in your repo.

This will automatically download and commit the downloaded submissions every week. You can customize the frequency using the cron syntax inside the yml file.


Run through Docker

If you don't have ruby setup locally, you can run the app through docker.

  • Open terminal and cd to the directory where you want to download the submissions.

  • Run

docker run -it -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` imamrb/leetcoder:latest

This will run the leetcoder docker image and mount your current directory to container working directory. You can now continue using the app from here.

The downloaded submissions will be saved to your current directory.

Caveat: You will need to provide the leetcode cookie every time since the stored configuration will be lost when you exit from the container.

Why this exist

Initially, I built a simple script to backup my submissions as I did not find anything similar written in Ruby. Later decided to release this as a gem since it might be useful for others. Also it was fun to built something for own use with Ruby. <3

If you find this useful, give it a star. Feel free to create an issue if something doesn't work for you.


Imam Hossain