All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added --update option to fetch the list of new modules and themes from
- Custom modules detection
- Support CVE-2019-6340
- Requests wrapper to handle data and headers overwriting
- Delete legacy CVE checker
- README file update
- Fixing name resolution and catching stack trace when fail
- Fix prompt_toolkit package
- Adding new module path, used by new Drupal version
- Set 20 default threads for efficiency
- SOCKS and HTTP proxy support
- Misspelling
- A minimum version has been set for the prompt_toolkit library. Indeed, the last version seems to be bugged
- Exploit mode allowing to assess for CVEs
- Adding xmlrpc.php in default files enumeration plugin
- Adding the support of the CVE-2018-7602
- added
- Deleting the vulnerability checker plugin. Now, CVEs can be checked using the exploit mode
- Adding colors within the logger engine
- Improving the version fingerprinting engine
- Executable bit added to
- /usr/bin/env added to
- Adding / at the end of the /sites/default/modules resource
- Vulnerability checker plugin
- CVE-2018-7600 support
- Fingerprinting module has been moved to the core engine and run each time Drupwn is launch without the flag --version
- The docker image base switched from debian to alpine for sizing concern