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Install Log

infogulch edited this page Nov 3, 2012 · 1 revision

Walking through the install in IRC. We can use this to improve our guide later

Hey there! hi. Thank you so much for helping me. I don't feel like I've been helpful yet, not until you have it running Good point. Step one. Install Python. That's in the process. So I need help on the "add to path" part yes, that's going to depend on whether you're going for mingw or not which I'm guessing is yes? shrug I guess so. cython has the original docs on how to do this since you are in xp it won't be hard to change the path, you just have to figure out where "environment settings" is in the control panel Ok. Enviroment settings...I'll be looking for that. aha. Okay, so I'm in the "Environment Variables" right, you want to look in the "system" list for the one called PATH it will be crammed full of stuff Okay. I see "Path" exactly like that. so I add the C:\Python27\ there? yes you separate the entries with a semicolon alright ok, whats the status on the python install I've installed Python 2.7.1, Twisted for python 2.7, and the MinGW I'm not sure on how to install the zope.interface egg though he's asking you to use "easy_install" which runs on the command line although I'm not sure you need zope here let's wait on that and get cython Downloaded and extracted cython okay Do I make the .bat/.txt file now? yes does it include the double spade? space umm if so, then what do I title it? where are you seeing double space step 5 there's a double spade **space why do I keep saying that.. do it exactly as it looks okay then. With that said, what do I title the new file? install.bat you should be able to run it now Completed. any errors? when running the file it has "No such file or directory" okay, we did something wrong also saying that it cannot open setup.y where did you put it the .bat On my desktop and I already added python to the "Path" yeah, it won't run there Where must I put it? you need to put it where pyspades is I think...wait a minute there should already be a build.bat in pyspades try that first I already have pyspades, or rather, this yeah that is the old one It's also on my desktop. I mean you can try run.exe just to see but this guide is leaving out a lot of stuff to get the most recent you have to get tortoisehg... so many programs. Alright. I clicked on run.exe and it kept on disconnecting and connecting yeah can you run the vanilla server? what's that? o3o the one ben ships with aos client Oh, you mean the server.exe? yeah ok, if that works you should be fine but we have to get the newest after you get tortoisehg it will ask you to reboot :p I got tortoisehg, but it didn't ask me to reboot. Should I just do it? oh yeah if it didn't say anything now you can go clone the repo which you can do by right-clicking on the desktop and under the tortoisehg tab it will say clone What do I clone? you are entering this info: pyspades you need both the url and "pyspades" Do I put that in source? or destination source you give it a destination desktop is fine Alright. Cloning in process awesome I just hope that my computer doesn't explode. no, it's always like this if you develop software. 1000 dependencies and miscellaneous configuration It's getting pretty late in my timezone, so I may have to leave soon :( ah that's okay Alright. I've gotten a folder saying pyspades now try build.bat in it and see what it says build.bat? yes it will be in that folder it opens, then closes like immediately okay, edit it in notepad and add a new line containing "pause" double space? one is fine alright now when you run it it should show the error I run it and it says no module named Cython.Distultils hmmm sounds like we're getting close (: you're a great helper. oh, try build_mingw.bat alright it gives me the same error Cython.Distultils and you made the distutils.cfg correct? no. ah 5) It is very useful to tell distutils to use mingw. To achieve this, create a file named distutils.cfg (if you already don't have it) in your\PythonXY\Lib\distut ils and add to it the following lines: [build] compiler = mingw32 create a txt file and save as a cfg file? yes PythonXY. I don't think I installed that. it means python27 which you have ah. I've created a cfg file just like that. okay, run build_mingw again same error okay um did you do this step 5. Install Cython Make a new .txt file and enter this: python install build --compiler=mingw32 pause Then save it as a .bat and run it. yes, I did hmm It says that there is no oh hmmmm this doesn't sound good I think it's a problem with the cython install...try this go to start->run and enter cmd.exe yup so that you have a command line mhm and then type easy_install cython It says that it isn't a internal or external command, operable program or batch file get win32-py2.7 and then we can run easy_install done okay, again with easy_install cython same error. :( argh see if appears with "dir \python27\tools\scripts*.py" I just went to python\tools\scripts and I do not see ah, hmm moment, I'll run through the setuptools install myself okay :) got it Awesome "\python27\python \python27\lib\site-packages\ cython" enter that in the command prompt? yes exactly like that? looks odd it's correct cannot find path specified uhh aha without the quotes I'm getting it to work I just entered \python27\lib\site-packages\ cython ah okay it's giving me a ton of warnings.... it's only bad if it errors out well, if you're the dev the warnings are bad but it's mostly because you have something to clean up :p just "warning too many arguements for format" and stuff seems like it is finished if it finished without and error you can try build_mingw again any error* if this doesn't work, I QQ. lol yeah I would too it says command gcc failed blah I have to brb, if I don't come back, it means I left. okay you can just keep telling me steps though go back to the environment properties and make sure you have all three paths included C:\Python27; C:\MinGW\bin; C:\MinGW\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.5.2 if that doesn't work I would uninstall mingw, install msvc 2008, delete \python27\lib\distutils\distutils.cfg and try build.bat (not build_mingw) since that is the strategy I used for myself in the end Still here, just hold on ;P Alright. Ah, back I tried the "Path" method it didn't work okay. do I delete the paths now along with MinGW? no, just leave those they won't harm anything ok link to msvc 2008? they make it hard to directly link to you have to find a specific tab to get 2008 and not 2010 hmm it is the second set of tabs down, third from left, "Visual Studio 2008 Express" visual c++ 2008 express edition yeah I already found it installing right now cool 14/92 mb. It's pretty likely that I Have to go soon yes, this is another long wait will you be here tmr? if so, then what time? I come on kind of late like 1 pm pst 1pm pacific is fine with me I hope mat comes on way early cause he's in denmark iirc pretty cool. yeah I will put this convo into a wiki page for later reference, ok?

Korakoff> Hey there triplefox/ ah back somewhat. just spending what I have left of my spare time Hey Korakoff hi there... Anyways, Triplefox, I did what you said, and the build.bat worked. cool run_server.bat will start it start the server? yes it says that I need the zope.interface I already have the egg file ah darn what do I do with that? you can easy_install it easy_install zope.interface or what? I'm not sure exactly easy_install zope might do it okay easy_install (file name)? it refers to a package name zope.interface-3.6.3-py2.5-win32.egg the filename might work lemme check yeah point it at the file, wherever you put it funny enough, it says that easy install is not a command, blahblahblah use \python27\lib\site-packages\ stupid paths in the cmd? yes if it's on your desktop you have to find the pathname of the .egg in explorer if what is on my desktop? the zope.interface? the .egg file yes ok error.. hmm odd. try \python27\lib\site-packages\ zope.interface I remember mat saying something about this somewhere kay this will get the newest egg ahar Finished processing dependencies okay, maybe run_server will work now kay master connection established woot YEAH! now lemme try to connect, I think it's the first "pyspades server" in the play list ooh saw deuce0 come in? nope lol I can't even get in use localhost connect, see if that works works okay now the question is...does it work on the internet indeed I haven't edited my config.txt yeah just doubleclick it, it should open in notepad I'm looking for it oh it's under feature_server alright I see "Welcome to %(server_name)s! See /help for commands.", do I put my server name in the parentheses? yes that's shown when you connect no there's a different entry down some that one controls both the connect message and the masterlist title "name" : "pyspades server", yeah So I put my desired name there? yeds yes in the quotes? okay then what about "Welcome to %(server_name)s! See /help for commands.", you can leave that for now alrighty next? hmm well restart it, see if we can at least get it showing on masterlist if that doesn't work I think you will need mat's help odd. I see my server, but I can't click on it hmm I'm so tired. I think I'll go forreals this time. okay good night, we made progress :) indeed you are a person I will remember in my life Good night sir! nini

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