Releases: instead-hub/instead
Releases · instead-hub/instead
- fix: menu font scaling;
- fix: get_bool;
- new: tutorial in stead3 API;
- new: wheel input event (grab_events mode);
- enh: do not scale-down non scalable themes via dpi scale < 1.0;
- enh: be strict while open game via file;
- enh: tiny2 better games compatible;
- enh: WITH_LUAJIT is now on by default (cmake);
- enh: Windows build updated SDL2 libs;
- enh: github workflow for CI/emscripten/windows/appimage builds;
- doc: embedding manual;
- rem: S60, MAEMO, WinCE ports removed;
- rem: SDL1 code removed.
- fix: pxl:fill_triangle cw order normalization;
- fix: build with new SDL_image;
- new: dpi awarness for win;
- new: high dpi ready (scale by dpi/96 when HQ option is on);
- new: -dpi parameter;
- new: instead.screen_dpi();
- new: theme scr.gfx.scale;
- new: theme scr.dpi;
- new: theme scr.scale_aware (1|2) - adaptive themes support;
- new: run game from command line via path to main?.lua file;
- enh: better scene pic scaling;
- enh: SDL 2.0.14 for win build;
- enh: use GetModuleName to detect exe path (win build);
- new: pxl:tosprite (convert pxl to sprite with scaling);
- enh: pxl:fill speedup when alpha is 255;
- new: experimental gtk4.0 support.
Latest 3.3.x release.
Changes are:
- new: scr.col.brd in theme.ini;
- new: rtl support (_USE_HARFBUZZ and new SDL_ttf needed);
- new: instead.tiny flag in tiny;
- enh: emscripten 2.0.12 ready;
- enh: gtk3 build is enabled by default;
- enh: APPIMAGE define;
- enh: new anigif realization (LGPL code removed);
- enh: lua5.4 ready;
- enh: fixes and cleanups in code.
Latest 3.3.x release.
Changes are:
- fix: -lua parameter;
- fix: WM minimized state fix;
- fix: anigif and decorators fix;
- fix: gtk3 build warning;
- new: initial gamepad support;
- new: utf8 tiny library;
- enh: loadstring sandboxed;
- enh: stead3 debugger uses native text input;
- enh: doc fixes;