Sourced from onnx's releases.
ONNX v1.17.0 is now available with exciting new features! We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this release! Please visit to learn more about ONNX and associated projects.
Key Updates
ai.onnx Opset 22
- Update to support bfloat16:
- Acos, Acosh, Asin, Asinh, Atan, Atanh, AveragePool, Bernoulli, Conv, ConvTranspose, Cos, Cosh, DeformConv, Det, Dropout, Elu, EyeLike, GRU, GlobalAveragePool, GlobalLpPool, GlobalMaxPool, GridSample, HardSigmoid, HardSwish, InstanceNormalization, LSTM, LpNormalization, LpPool, MaxPool, MaxRoiPool, MaxUnpool, Mish, Multinomial, NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss, RNN, RandomNormal, RandomNormalLike, RandomUniform, RandomUniformLike, RoiAlign, Round, Selu, Sin, Sinh, Softplus, Softsign, Tan, ThresholdedRelu
Python Changes
- Support for numpy >= 2.0
Bug fixes and infrastructure improvements
- Fix Check URLs errors 5972
- Use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in finding libprotobuf 5975
- Bump main VERSION_NUMBER to 1.17.0 5968
- Fix source and pip tar.gz builds on s390x systems 5984
- Fix unique_name 5992
- Fix SegFault bug in shape inference 5990
- Fix onnx.compose when connecting subgraphs 5991
- Fix conversion from split 11 to split 18 6020
- Update error messages for NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss inference function 6021
- Generalize input/output number check in shape inference 6005
- Replace rank inference with shape inference for Einsum op 6010
- build from source instruction with latest cmake change 6038
- Handle OneHot's depth value during shape inference 5963
- Not to install cmake in pyproject.toml on Windows 6045
- fix a skipped shape infer code 6049
- Include the ".onnxtext" extension in supported serialization format 6051
- Allow ReferenceEvaluator to return intermediate results 6066
- Fix 1 typo in 6041
- Remove benchmarking code 6076
- Prevent crash on import after GCC 8 builds 6048
- Check graph outputs are defined 6083
- Enable additional ruff rules 6032
- Add missing shape inference check for DequantizeLinear 6080
- Add bfloat16 to all relevant ops 6099
- fix(ci): install python dependencies with --only-binary :all: in manylinux 6120
- fix: install google-re2 with --only-binary option 6129
- Specify axis parameter for DequantizeLinear when input rank is 1 6095
- Pin onnxruntime to 1.17.3 for release CIs 6143
- Fix INT4 TensorProto byte size is 5x larger than expected with negative values 6161
- Mitigate tarball directory traversal risks 6164
- Fix reference implementation for ScatterND with 4D tensors 6174
- Addition of group > 1 in test and in backend for ConvTranspose 6175
- Support for bfloat16 for binary, unary operators in reference implementation 6166
- Refactor windows workflow to work on standard windows 6190
- Fix a few crashes while running shape inference 6195
- Update onnx to work with numpy>=2.0 6196
- Use sets to improve performance of dfs search 6213
... (truncated)
Set version 1.17.0 for official release (#6405)6d77b80
[Cherry-Pick] Fix main url checks (#6312) (#6327)174938d
[Cherry-Pick] Fix protobuf pkg 5.28.0 failing on Windows (#6342) (#6347)f18d593
[Cherry-Pick] Remove unused variables (#6303) (#6324)c588905
Set version in rel-1.17.0 to 1.17.0rc1 (#6317)4392c2c
Prepare for rel-1.17.0 (#6281)cb54169
Update ort filter to 1.20.0 to skip tests known to fail with ort 1.19.0
Bump reviewdog/action-misspell from 1.21.0 to 1.23.0 (#6268)1920565
Bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.3.3 to 2.4.0 (#6273)2e8f228
Bump mypy from 1.10.1 to 1.11.1 (#6275)