VC Intrinsics project contains a set of new intrinsics on top of core LLVM IR instructions that represent SIMD semantics of a program targeting GPU. This set is now used by
- CMC -
- DPC++ -
- ISPC -
frontend compilers and
- IGC VC backend -
VC Intrinsics are distributed under the MIT license.
You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- LLVM Project -
To build libraries:
- CMake - - 3.13.4 or later
- Python - - 2.7 or later
- C++ compiler - anything that can compile LLVM
To build documentation:
- Sphinx - - 1.5 or later
- GNU Make - - 3.79 or later
- Standard Unix utilities (mkdir, rm, sed)
VC Intrinsics can be built in two major modes: in-tree and external. All major LLVM versions starting from LLVM 8 are supported.
LLVM ToT can be used too, but there is no guarantee that it will always work (because of sudden breaking changes in LLVM C++ API). However, maintainers are trying to fix such issues as fast as possible.
For in-tree build VC Intrinsics can be considered as an external LLVM
project. Put VC Intrinsics source directory inside llvm/projects
directory or add -DLLVM_EXTERNAL_PROJECTS="vc-intrinsics" -DLLVM_EXTERNAL_VC_INTRINSICS_SOURCE_DIR=<vc-intrinsics>
to cmake
command arguments when configuring LLVM.
To configure VC Intrinsics with prebuilt LLVM run cmake as follows:
$ cmake -DLLVM_DIR=<llvm install>/lib/cmake/llvm <vc-intrinsics>
VC Intrinsics documentation is inside docs
subdirectory and can be
built using Sphinx. To build html version do the following:
$ cd docs
$ make -f Makefile.sphinx html
This will extract comments from main intrinsics description and
generate readable html output in _build/html
VC Intrinsics repository contains lit tests that are enabled when
is passed to cmake command. Lit tests
use LLVM plugins and currently are supported only with dynamic LLVM
(when LLVM is configured with -DLLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB=ON
). In
external build path to lit
utility should be specified as follows:
. Full example with external build:
$ cmake -DLLVM_DIR=<llvm install>/lib/cmake/llvm -DVC_INTR_ENABLE_LIT_TESTS=ON -DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=<lit> <vc-intrinsics>
Target check-vc-intrinsics
will run lit tests.
Please submit an issue using native interface:
Create a pull request on with your patch. A maintainer will contact you if there are questions or concerns.