So, this is an over-engineered website :). Wanted to gather my work from here and there and to maintain a project for experiments. This is a BFF, with Vue.js and Go backend, engineered using Clean Architecture and adhering to SRE principles.
Specifics about the system engineering with API doc with OpenAPI Spec and Architecture.
Keeping (at least) the most important decisions in specific format.
Port repo-operator as submodule, and use ready non-local config, and makefiles.
All workflows are using reproducible and hermetic builds, to support all CI/CD operations, from repo-operator. Few makefile targets with local-*
prefix, are fow specific local dev help.
- Lint with golang-ci, and use GH Workflows caching for quick run
- Lint vue.js TBD
- Unit-testing TBD
- Smoke/Functional TBD
- Scan with Trivy
- Cache Trivy-DB with GH
Multistage builds
Use Distrolles
Layers serialization with diff priority
Cache where possible
Lint with Harodlint:
[{"code":"DL3006","column":1,"file":"-","level":"warning","line":1,"message":"Always tag the version of an image explicitly"},{"code":"DL3015","column":1,"file":"-","level":"info","line":2,"message":"Avoid additional packages by specifying `--no-install-recommends`"},{"code":"DL3009","column":1,"file":"-","level":"info","line":2,"message":"Delete the apt-get lists after installing something"},{"code":"SC2154","column":1,"file":"-","level":"warning","line":2,"message":"node_verion is referenced but not assigned (did you mean 'node_version'?)."},{"code":"DL3045","column":1,"file":"-","level":"warning","line":4,"message":"`COPY` to a relative destination without `WORKDIR` set."},{"code":"DL3003","column":1,"file":"-","level":"warning","line":5,"message":"Use WORKDIR to switch to a directory"},{"code":"DL3016","column":1,"file":"-","level":"warning","line":5,"message":"Pin versions in npm. Instead of `npm install <package>` use `npm install <package>@<version>`"},{"code":"DL3011","column":1,"file":"-","level":"error","line":8,"message":"Valid UNIX ports range from 0 to 65535"}]make: *** [image-lint] Error 1
Use kaniko with caching remote repo
Currently around 1-2m to build and push
Build efficiency check with dive
Image Source: docker:// Fetching image... (this can take a while for large images) Analyzing image... efficiency: 99.9943 % wastedBytes: 1513 bytes (1.5 kB) userWastedPercent: 0.0079 % Inefficient Files: Count Wasted Space File Path 2 900 B /etc/passwd 2 613 B /usr/lib/os-release 2 0 B /tmp 2 0 B /root Results: PASS: highestUserWastedPercent PASS: highestWastedBytes PASS: lowestEfficiency Result:PASS [Total:3] [Passed:3] [Failed:0] [Warn:0] [Skipped:0]
In context of delivery, an ArgoCD ApplicationSet with
generator is monitoring for PRs, with the gh label `preview. -
In the context of deployment, an ArgoCD Application listens to new tags and deploys.
- progressive releasing to be evaluated with kargo
- using tracing and slos, to evaluate canarying with argo rollouts.
- currently:
check latest upstream tag and select the new vX.X.X
bump helm chart appVersion to new tag vX.X.X
after merge, head to master and cut a tag with `git tag vX.X.X
workflows will deliver the new image, argo will deploy it
workflows will publish a new release, with conventional commit spec:
- website: image path for dec-pdc
- deploy: bump chart appversion
- iac: module update with new images
Currently, using slog
, with the toleration, if otel collector is not up, to print structured logs to stdout.
Otherwise, logger provider pushes logs to otel collector.
In terms of logging, better to log only errors or super helpful debug/info paths.
Currently, otelfiber is ready for network related metrics. Only added go performance metrics for now. Check exemplars in the future.
Otelfabric handles tracing, we just use the tracer provider with context.
- Run docker and have
bin - Get available commands from repo-operator, or wrappers for local dev help:
make help
local-dev local-dev, runs bff and backend locally in dev mode
website-lint: website-build, builds vite project
website-build: website-build, builds vite project
local-preview local-preview, runs bff and backend in preview mode (production)
local-docker-lint local-docker-lint, fetching non-local target and linting all project's images
local-docker-build local-docker-build, fetching non-local target and building all project's images
local-docker-push local-docker-push, fetching non-local target and building all project's images
local-docker-run local-docker-run, fetching non-local target docker-run and run all images in the backround
help autogenerated help target
add info to your command inserting before definition:
"## <text>"
environment Prints the current tag,branch and version
gitignore Syncs gitignore configuration
pre-commit-hooks-list Syncs pre-commit-hooks configuration
pre-commit-hooks Syncs pre-commit-hooks configuration
generate-docs: Generate OpenAPI documentation as Markdown
go-mod-update: Update dependencies
go-mod-sync: Runs go mod {tidy, vendor, verify}
go-lint: Runs linter
go-test: Runs tests
go-build: Builds Linux binary for amd64 architecture (for Kubernetes deployment)
image-lint Runs hadolint on Dockerfile
docker-image: Builds image. Call it with VERSION arg to parse Image tag.
e.g. `make docker-image VERSION=feat/packaging_dockerfile`
docker-push Tags and Pushes image to a Registry. Currently to DockerHub
docker-run: Detects the default exposed port from container's image, and run the container with the exposed port
kaniko-docker-image Build Docker image with Kaniko and cache repo
run it with DOCKER_IMAGE_REPO="<registry url>" DOCKER_IMAGE=<image>
it auto detects if running in GH with Identity Pool Service Account
dive-ci Inspect image with dive
run it with DOCKER_IMAGE_REPO="<registry url>" DOCKER_IMAGE=<image>
trivy-scan: Trivy Security Scanner
chart-testing Runs ct linting
otel-ci Runs otel-collector
conventional-commit-lint commit message linting with conventional-commit spec
conventional-changelog changelog generator
conventional-changelog-release changelog generator for specific tag linked to github release notes
simply runs both components in different reported ports.- have fun :beer