This module has been deprecated in favour of:
- Consolidating examples for libp2p on js-libp2p
- Avoid duplication of code
- Reducing overhead in maintainece. Now the bundles live in js-ipfs itself, see -
- Now all of the tests live in
libp2p build (module) used in js-ipfs when running it on the browser. If you are looking for the version to be used in Node.js, see libp2p-ipfs-nodejs.
This libp2p build has support for:
- WebSockets and WebRTC
- SPDY and mplex stream multiplexing
- secio encrypted channels
- Identify STUN protocol
npm install --save libp2p-ipfs-browser
const Node = require('libp2p-ipfs-browser')
API docs can be found at
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