This plugin generates a single SAN SSL Certificate with all domains in a WordPress network from CLI using Let's Encrypt.
Network subdomains and domains from WordPress MU Domain Mapping can be optionally included (see Create the certificate).
This plugin does NOT provide a web interface like WP Encrypt does, for many reasons :
- wp-encrypt does that just fine, but :
- giving write access to your SSL certificates from web is NOT recommended
- generating a large SAN (100+ domains) from web may not work (timeout)
- after generating your SAN certificate you need to reload your web server, this can't/shouldn't be done from web
- CLI is required to setup and renew your SSL certificate, so why not using it for generating it ?
WARNING : If you have any existing SSL Let's encrypt certificate on your server, this plugin will remove them ! If you plan to use multiple Let's encrypt certificates on your server, we recommend NOT to use this plugin for now.
- Certbot (Let's Encrypt client)
cd /usr/local/bin/
chmod a+x certbot-auto
certbot-auto register --agree-tos
cd /usr/local/bin/
wget -O wp
chmod a+x wp
- Download wp-cli-letsencrypt to wp-content/plugins
- Enable plugin for network
For Let's Encrypt to deliver your certificate, you need to setup a challenge URL in your web server :
Add the following location block to your nginx vhost (nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yourdomain
) :
server {
# allow let's encrypt acme challenge
location ^~ /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
allow all;
And reload nginx (service nginx reload
The following command has to be executed once after install and each time after creating a new website on your WP network, in order to create or update your SAN SSL certificate :
cd /path/to/website && wp --allow-root letsencrypt && service nginx reload
By default the certificate won't include network subdomains and domains from wp_domain_mapping. Run the help command if you want to list available options :
cd /path/to/website && wp --allow-root help letsencrypt
Add this command line to your crontab (crontab -e
) :
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto renew --post-hook "service nginx reload"
Each day at midnight Certbot will check, renew your certificate and restart nginx ONLY if needed (~ each 3 month).
Add the SSL directives to your nginx vhost (nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yourdomain
) :
server {
listen 80;
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourdomain/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourdomain/privkey.pem;
And reload nginx (service nginx reload
That's it ! Now to switch all your websites to HTTPS, you have to change the blog URL in WordPress and your theme, or just use a plugin like Really Simple SSL that will do the job for you.
You can also follow tutorials to optimize you ssl config.