mern-asset-management simplest possible MERN application
This application is a simplistic approach to show how the different building blocks of the MERN-Stack (MongoDB, express, React, node.js) work together.
The installation and configuration of the runtime environment is not in the scope of this documentation.
The focus of the documentation is on how the node.js server runtime, the express webserver, the react browser frontend and the MongoDB database work together to build a simple application that supports CRUD features: C:Create some data with the client part of the application and store it in the MongoDB database R:Read the data from the database and show it in the browser U:Update (change) the data and store it again in the database D:Delete some data from the database
To run the application first you need to start the mongo db database:
- open a terminal and run:
- sudo service mongod start
To run the express webserver with the rest api to connect the browser client to the database start express:
- open a new terminal and go into the directory /mern-asset-management/express-mongo-backend
- within this directory run:
- npm install
- nodemon server
To run the webserver for the react client:
- open a new terminal and go into the directory /mern-asset-management/react-frontend
- run: npm install
- within this directroy run: npm start
Now a browser window should open automatically and show the application in the browser. If it doesn't work automatically, then open a browser and enter the URL: localhost:3000
You should see the frontpage with the title of the application and one example asset should already be created, shown and stored in the database.
To understand how the application works, open the file /react-frontend/public/index.html and read through the comments and the code.