Let's see how to use the wfc4j library to generate a cyclic (first cell is adjacent to last cell) pattern. These are the tiles we have available:
AA | AB | BA | BB |
import java.util.HashSet;
import dev.irzinfante.wfc4j.model.Tile;
Tile<String> AA = new Tile<>("AA"), AB = new Tile<>("AB");
Tile<String> BA = new Tile<>("BA"), BB = new Tile<>("BB")
var tileSet = new HashSet<Tile<String>>();
tileSet.add(AA); tileSet.add(AB);
tileSet.add(BA); tileSet.add(BB);
So, the logical adjacencies between tiles are the following:
Left adjacent tiles | Tile | Right adjacent tiles |
import dev.irzinfante.wfc4j.model.TileMap1D;
import dev.irzinfante.wfc4j.enums.Side1D;
var adjacentAABA = new HashSet<Tile<String>>();
adjacentAABA.add(AA); adjacentAABA.add(BA);
var adjacentAAAB = new HashSet<Tile<String>>();
adjacentAAAB.add(AA); adjacentAAAB.add(AB);
var adjacentBABB = new HashSet<Tile<String>>();
adjacentBABB.add(BA); adjacentBABB.add(BB);
var adjacentABBB = new HashSet<Tile<String>>();
adjacentABBB.add(AB); adjacentABBB.add(BB);
var tileMap = new TileMap1D<>(tileSet);
tileMap.setAdjacents(AA, Side1D.Left, adjacentAABA); tileMap.setAdjacents(AA, Side1D.Right, adjacentAAAB);
tileMap.setAdjacents(AB, Side1D.Left, adjacentAABA); tileMap.setAdjacents(AB, Side1D.Right, adjacentBABB);
tileMap.setAdjacents(BA, Side1D.Left, adjacentABBB); tileMap.setAdjacents(BA, Side1D.Right, adjacentAAAB);
tileMap.setAdjacents(BB, Side1D.Left, adjacentABBB); tileMap.setAdjacents(BB, Side1D.Right, adjacentBABB);
Now we can instantiate the API class with a 5 elements long grid:
import dev.irzinfante.wfc4j.api.ToroidalWFC1D;
var gridSize = 5;
We will run 2 examples:
For the first one we won't impose any restriction:
var WFC_1 = new ToroidalWFC1D<String>(tileMap, gridSize); WFC_1.run();
In the second one we will impose some constraints:
import java.util.Set; import java.util.Arrays; var entropy = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Tile<String>>>(); entropy.put(0, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(AA))); entropy.put(gridSize / 2, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(BB))); entropy.put(gridSize - 1, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(AA))); var WFC_2 = new ToroidalWFC1D<String>(tileMap, gridSize, entropy); WFC_2.run();