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83 lines (67 loc) · 4.63 KB

C language style guide


  • Use spaces instead of tabs.
  • The indentation size is four spaces.
  • Indent case labels.
  • Do not put multiple statements on a single line.
  • Do not put multiple assignments on a single line.
  • Do not leave whitespace at the end of lines.


  • The line limit is 80 characters.
  • Split long strings to meet the character limit.


  • Every brace ({) or brace-semicolon pair (};) should have its own line, except during empty initialization or during array initialization when all array items are placed on a single line.
  • Always use braces with control structures, even when optional.
  • Separate functions and control structures by exactly one blank line.


Defer to the Linux Kernel Coding Style Section 3.1: Spacing for spacing considerations.


  • Use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for global constants, constant macros, and enumeration members.
  • Use PascalCase for struct names, enumeration names, and type definitions.
  • Use lower_snake_case for global functions.
  • Use lowercase for static functions.
  • Use camelCase for local variables, struct fields, and function arguments.

Always use descriptive names. Abbreviated names are forbidden except in the following approved use cases. If a value is arbitrary, use the corresponding abbreviation based on its type. If several values are abitrary, begin with the corresponding type-based abbreviation and continue alphabetically. If doing so is impractical, use numeric suffixes instead.

Letter Appropriate use
a arbitrary object, area
b blue color component, boundary points in Pick's Theorem
cb cube
d divisor
dx change in an arbitrary dimension
e arbitrary edge
ef even Fibonacci number
f Fibonacci number
g green color component, arbitrary graph
h row offset, horizontal offset
hi larger pointer, point above, upper buffer
i abitrary counter, matrix index in an arbitrary dimension, interior points in Pick's Theorem
k term number, arbitrary constant, column offset, vertical offset
l arbitrary line
lo smaller pointer, point below, lower buffer
m matrix size in an arbitrary dimension, arbitrary natural number
max inclusive maximum, exclusive interval upper bound
mid middle pointer, middle buffer
min inclusive minimum, inclusive interval lower bound
n count, arbitrary integer
p arbitrary pointer, arbitrary point, arbitrary prime
q arbitrary rational number
r red color component, arbitrary real number
u arbitrary vertex
x vector in an arbitrary dimension, position in an arbitrary dimension

Type definitions

  • Always use type definitions for enumeration types.
  • Always use type definitions to obscure pointers to structs.


  • Only use macros to define constants.
  • When multiple related integer constants are defined, use an enumeration instead.