We welcome contributions :)
- Make sure to check existing issues and file an issue before starting to work on a feature/bug. This will help prevent duplication of work. Also refer to Collaboration for communication channels.
- Clone the repo and set ADMIRAL_HOME env variable
git clone https://github.com/istio-ecosystem/admiral.git
cd admiral
export ADMIRAL_HOME=$(pwd)
- Run a minikube k8s cluster using existing script (you can use any k8s cluster if one exists already)
- Note: Recommend using k8s version 1.16.8 or above to work with recent istio version
$ADMIRAL_HOME/tests/create_cluster.sh 1.16.8
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
- Install Prerequisites and make sure to install istio control plane in cluster. Alternatively, you can use the script to install istio control plane on the cluster created in previous step:
Mac: $ADMIRAL_HOME/tests/install_istio.sh 1.20.2 osx
Mac (Apple Silicon): $ADMIRAL_HOME/tests/install_istio.sh 1.20.2 osx-arm64
Linux: $ADMIRAL_HOME/tests/install_istio.sh 1.20.2 linux
- Set up necessary permissions and configurations for Admiral
- Run
from your IDE (assumes that the kubeconfig is for the cluster is at~/.kube/config
$ADMIRAL_HOME/admiral/cmd/admiral/main.go --kube_config "<Path_to_Kubeconfig>"
: Adding a second cluster for admiral to monitor (for multi-cluster)
$ADMIRAL_HOME/install/scripts/cluster-secret.sh <Path_to_Kubeconfig_Admiral_Cluster> <Path_to_Kubeconfig_Remote_Cluster> admiral
: Runadmiral
inside the minikube cluster
# point to the admiral primary cluster
export KUBECONFIG=<Path_to_Kubeconfig_Admiral_Cluster>
# build the yaml files
make gen-yaml
# run the install scripts
$ADMIRAL_HOME/install/scripts/install_admiral.sh $ADMIRAL_HOME/out/
# get the http url for admiral api
minikube service admiral-http -n admiral --url
# get the http url for admiral metrics api
minikube service admiral-metrics -n admiral --url
: Install prometheus for metrics.
# build the yaml files
make gen-yaml
# run the install scripts
$ADMIRAL_HOME/install/scripts/install_prometheus.sh $ADMIRAL_HOME/out
# get the http url for prometheus dashboard
minikube service prometheus -n istio-system --url
- Required installations and their versions -
Install protobuf
go install sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools@v0.10.0
go install k8s.io/code-generator v0.24.2
go install google.golang.org/protobuf@v1.28.1
make setup
go generate ./...
make model-gen
- If you've made changes to protobuf model objects and need to re-generate their clientsets, use following steps and checkin the generated files
sh hack/update-codegen.sh
set $GOPATH based on your go setup
chmod +x $GOPATH/pkg/mod/sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools@v0.10.0/.run-in.sh && sh $GOPATH/pkg/mod/sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools@v0.10.0/.run-controller-gen.sh crd paths=./admiral/pkg/apis/admiral/v1/... output:stdout > admiral/crd/out.yaml
Single cluster integration tests can be run locally using minikube. By default if env var IS_LOCAL is not set, minikube use virtual box to spin up minikube, when running in cluster, need to set IS_LOCAL var to false.
make gen-yaml
cd $ADMIRAL_HOME/tests
./run.sh "1.16.8" "1.7.4" "../out"
- Multi-cluster
- Clone repository
- Add unit tests and fmea tests(in case applicable) along with the checked in code.
- Confirm that the unit test coverage did not drop with your change.
- Run regression and make sure it is not failing
- Please update any bdd tests in case applicable
- Create Pull Request from your branch to the master branch.
- Make sure the build succeeds
- Maintainers on Admiral Repository will review the pull request.
- PR will be merged after code is reviewed and all checks are passing
- When merging the PR, ensure that all commits are squashed into a single commit. (This can be done in advance via interactive rebase or through the github UI)
- Once the changes are deployed to qal environment, verify the fix looks good and bdds are successful.