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Add Pages and Sections

Alex Barbato edited this page Jul 17, 2019 · 5 revisions

Add Pages

Follow this easy three step process:

  1. Find the page template you want in src/page_templates
  2. Copy it into pages
  3. That page now exists at whatever the file name was "colors.js" would be found at {BASE}/colors!

Add Sections

Examples of every section are shown in src/page_templates/page.js and below so please refer to that if you'd like to dive right in!

The base architecture for a page should look like this:

  <Layout title="Test Page"> // Put the title you want to show for the page
     <SEO title="Test Page" keywords={[`styleguide`, `design`, `base`]} /> // Put SEO keywords if SEO is a concern
     <Section title="Colors"> // Every section needs a title for itself and the contextual navigation

          // Section content goes here.
          // This is very specific to every type of section.

          // If you're not comfortable with writing code, please copy paste the sections in page.js as you'll
          // see an example of how to use each there.

          // If you are comfortable with development, we've included prop types in every component so you can go 
          // to the source code and see what is configurable. You'll also see errors in your browser console
          // should anything be used differently than intended


     <Section title="Mo-sections">
          // Add more sections as needed!

Section options:


Intended to wrap really any form of HTML. Lists, text, etc. It's the kitchen sink of components.


Display any static content.

Fifty Fifty

Color Swatch (Primary)

Color Swatch (Secondary)

Font Example

Font Scaling

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Download Button