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git-consistent Test and Lint "npm" MIT "git-consistent friendly"

Give consistency to your project's git logs.

"node v14" "node v16" "node v17" "node v18" "node v20"



$ npm install -g git-consistent
# or
$ yarn global add git-consistent

Optional settings

# set alias
$ git config --global alias.con "consistent -i"

# setting editor (for text type input) if you use editor other than vim.
$ export EDITOR='code -w'
# or
$ export EDITOR='atom -w'
# or
$ export EDITOR='subl -w'
# or etc.



$ git consistent --init
Use Type? (Y/n): Y
Use Emoji? (y/N): N
Does the subject start with lower case? (Y/n): Y
Does the subject put dot (.) at end? (y/N): Y

Generated '.gitcommit_template' and '.git_consistent'.
You can edit them freely.

Output usage

$ git-consistent --help

  Usage: git-consistent [options]


    --type <type>            commit type
    -m, --subject <subject>  The subject contains succinct description of the change
    --body [body]            The body contains details of the change (default: )
    -V, --version            output the version number
    -h, --help               output usage information

Inline mode

$ git consistent --type="feat" --subject="implement new feature" --body="This is amazing feature."

Interactive mode

$ git consistent -i
Select type: feat
Enter subject: implement new feature
Enter body multiline:
This is amazing feature.

You can use both mode interactive and inline at the same time. In that case, you input value that are not given as option only.

$ git consistent -i --subject="implement new feature"
Select type: feat
Enter body multiline:
This is amazing feature.

--subject have alias of -m. You can commit like you normally do!

$ git config --global alias.con "consistent -i"
$ git con -m "write README"
? Select type: docs
git commit -m "docs: write README"



  type: text
  required: false
  description: 'The scope could be specifying place of the commit change.'
  prefix: '('
  suffix: ')'

format check

  type: string
  required: true
  description: 'The subject contains succinct description of the change'
    firstLetter: lower
    dotAtEnd: false
    ascii: false
$ git consistent --subject="Write documents."
subject must be first letter is lowercase.
subject should not put dot (.) at the end.

$ git consistent --subject="ドキュメントを書いた"
subject must be first letter is lowercase.
subject should only alphabet.


<githubIssueNum> <subject>

  type: string
  required: false
  description: 'github issue number'
  prefix: 'fix #'
  type: string
  required: true
  description: 'The subject contains succinct description of the change'
  type: variable
  origin: githubIssueNum
  description: 'github issue url'
  prefix: ''
  type: text
  default: ''
  required: false
  description: 'The body contains details of the change'
$ git consistent -i --subject="test" --body="This is test."
Enter githubIssueNum: 12

$ git log -n 1
commit a9d6457f3674c8620fbe72c769cee09ba5459f02
Author: isuke <>
Date:   Sat Feb 10 17:40:33 2018 +0900

    fix #12 test
    This is test.



  type: branch
  required: false
  description: 'Github issue link'
  regExp: 'issue([0-9]+)'
  prefix: ''
  suffix: "\n"
$ git branch
* issue123_hoge

$ git consistent -i --subject="test" --body="This is test."

$ git log -n 1
commit a9d6457f3674c8620fbe72c769cee09ba5459f02
Author: isuke <>
Date:   Sat Feb 10 17:40:33 2018 +0900

    This is test.


  type: enum
  required: true
  description: 'commit type'
      name: ':heavy_plus_sign:'
      description: 'when implementing function'
      name: ':sunny:'
      description: 'when fixing a bug'
      name: ':art:'
      description: 'when refactoring'


Run git-duet mode when with -d option.

$ git consistent -d --type="feat" --subject="duet test" --body=""

$ git log -n 1
Author: isuke <>
Date:   Sat Feb 10 15:13:40 2018 +0900

    feat: duet test

    Signed-off-by: foo <foo@example.con>

Type list sample

sample type list

.git_consistent format

  <option key>: <option value>
  <option key>: <option value>
  <option key>: <option value>
  <option key>: <option value>
  <option key>: <option value>
  <option key>: <option value>
  <option key>: <option value>
  <option key>: <option value>
  <option key>: <option value>
key description value
term .gitcommit_template's term string
option key term's options type, required, description, values, prefix, suffix, rules
type term's input type enum, string, text, variable, branch
required required? boolean
description term's description string
values enum's values Array
prefix a decoration to be attached before the input value string
suffix a decoration to be attached after the input value string
regExp (type: branch only) regular expression for extracting values from branch names string
regExpMatchNum (type: branch only) number of values to retrieve from the match specified by regExp string
regExpFlag (type: branch only) regExp's falg i
rules input value format rules Object
rule key rule's type firstLetter, dotAtEnd, nonAscii, numberOnly
firstLetter upper case or lower case about input value's first letter upper, lower
dotAtEnd need dot (.) input value's last boolean
nonAscii Use not ascii symbols boolean
numberOnly number only? boolean
maxLength max length of string integer
minLength min length of string integer

Command options

Option Description
-d, --duet run git-duet mode
-D, --dry-run run dry-run mode
-i, --interactive run interactive mode
-S, --silent don't show commit command
-I, --init generate config files
-V, --version output the version number


git-consistent friendly

  • Markdown
[![git-consistent friendly](](
  • reStructuredText
.. image::   :alt: git-consistent friendly   :target:
  • AsciiDoc
image:["git-consistent friendly",link=""]